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Everything posted by james852

  1. that sounds like that could be it. but why the cooling fans where spining and the lights where flashing me i dont know.
  2. well the battery is taking a charge and all the electrics in the car come on it just wont start. but if it is just battery then i will be very releaved. going to get it picked up on my mates transporter and taken to the nissan dealer. will see then.
  3. at my local petrol station which by the way I am now on first name bases. as I go there a lot these days. as I was filling the old girl up I noticed my side lights where flashing at me every 5 seconds or so? I did wonder if it was trying to warn me of something with mores code! or it was just the car was about to go nuts and die on me. one or the other. anyway when I got home the cooling fans came on when it was not really hot more like warm. as it was colds and snowing a little.( zed dose not like snow ) which flattened the battery. ow happy days. so the next morning I charged up the battery but now the car wont start or even turn over. its like the immobiliser is stopping the car from turning over. or something anybody got any ideas??????
  4. i dont know what it is. but its bad . have read a lot of people say that there xenons are good but mine are really poor. i mean i ride motor biks as well and there lights a bad but these are the worst i have have ever used. and yes both lights are working.
  5. dose any one els suffer from really bad dip beam head lights. i mean they are really poor and they are xenons too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dose any body know if i can get up gradeds or if the 07 350Z bulbs will fit in my 04 uk spec gt??
  6. Search PAC-ROEM on here, and you should find what you are looking for. There is no harness adapter/connector block due to the way the BOSE setup works, but theres plenty of explainations of what the PAC-ROEM is and how to fit it if you search cheers pal
  7. cheers buddy. I have a 54 reg uk spec gt with xenon's. had the 350z for about 2 months now. got a nismo exhaust system on and currently battling with the rubbish Bose hifi system. cant seem to find a connection block for my car only none Bose system are out there. still love the car. just needs the little things sorted. like head lights. they are really bad for this kind of car. 07 350Z gt are much better. wonder if my mate would nitice if i took his 07 head lights and put mine on instead.
  8. is there any up grades for the dip beam? as the original ones are totally rubbish. my R1 has better head lights.
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