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Everything posted by un1eash

  1. Swapping the --++ on the amp wont make any difference, these are normally linked internally and theres 2 just so you can run 2 sets of wires. To get 600w you need to wire the subwoofer to be a 2ohm load. What subwoofer and amp are we talking about? Is the subwoofer dual voice coil?
  2. I would earth it on the chassis somewhere as all the lights tend to share the same earth and you may get some funny results when indicating and braking using the lights earth.
  3. Could be that the headunit only has 2v pre-outs, i never had any issues with my CDA-9886R but then that has 4v pre-outs.
  4. Unless the speakers are £200 save some cash and do it yourself. I did it on mine by cutting up the old speakers and using them as brackets.
  5. K1 has sold pending collection.
  6. I'm kinda the same I set myself targets like I say the z was within 3 years of starting work! Would like to say a GTR by the time I'm 26 but that may be a bit ambitious, and might have to think of actually buying a house at some point! Haha Yeah theres plenty of cars i'd like but are too much money, i've just brought my first house so the 350Z had to go, also sold our Swift Sport so i'm back to using the mk1 mr2 and have brought my fiancee a 2007 1.8i Tigra. There comes a time when a car is just a car and the house comes first.
  7. There were 3 cars on my affordable wish list, a BMW Z4, 350Z GT and Lotus Elise. I got the Z4 at 24, 350Z at 26 and now thats gone i'm hoping to get the Lotus before i turn 30.
  8. I have a proper Richbrook metal one in my mr2 that has the toyota logo and my number plate etched underneath. Use's allen key bolts to secure it but its top quality and has never come off in 4 years. Got it from ebay.
  9. Sorry I really don't want to have to post the exhaust. Gaskets can be had from eBay or believe zmanalex and r35lee stock them.
  10. Hi ive traded in the 350Z so for sale are a few bits ive took of before trading it in. The following i would prefer to do as a job lot as its everything you'd need to install an after market headunit to a facelift 2006+ 350Z with bose and steering wheel controls, i have... ICT 50-306 Fascia ICT 29-674 Loom will throw in the alpine patch lead Aerial Adpator The loom needed one of the phono's fixing and the earth and remote wire have been cut short but still in 100% working and usuable condition. Looking for £30 collected for the lot or £35 posted. Thanks for looking.
  11. +1 stupid blade Its the same with gunmetal grey, knowone cares.
  12. Oh yeah i looked at the complete picture, but at the same time poeple are struggling to sell there cars so to be offered £13k i was shocked, i was hoping £12k tops at a push. Anyway a deal has been done and the 350Z will be going. The trade in price wasnt actually calculated against a car i was buying, they just put it into there system and let the other dealers bid on it, they most prob have a buyer but either way its alot easier then trying to sell it with finance outstanding.
  13. £13k is a good offer then, i wanted £12k and the car we're looking at is only £5600.
  14. Just been ringing around about a car we're intrested in and have been offered £13k part ex for my 350Z
  15. Im still an active member on IMOC, doesnt have the mk1 following it use to and has gone down hill abit. Meets are still top class though. I think the 350Z forum is more mature, i'm very gutted i wont have my 350 much this summer as i'll be missing lots of good events.
  16. You as the buyer would pay the finance company direct, the only money that would go to the seller would be the difference between the sale price and outstanding finance value.
  17. You would sign over the v5 as normal. The buyer would pay the finance company directly which would then mean the finance company has no interest in the car anymore. It's quite common to do this but I can see it does put some ppl off.
  18. My car will be for sale soon, its a September 2006 GT 300 with sat nav. Gunmetal grey and only 13k miles on the clock. Only mod is a K1 exhaust but i have the stock exhaust to go back on. Was looking for £12.5k to basically clear the finance so i can downgrade as i'm buying my first house.
  19. No they will unlock it for you to all networks, they did this for free once the iphone came available on all networks, you could take your O2 iphone and get it unlocked.
  20. The roads have been very greasy recently due to the sudden hot/cold changes, one day on the way home from work i thought something was wrong with the car as the TC kept kicking in, it was fine once i got some heat into the tyres though.
  21. I've had jailbroken iphones replaced under warranty. Cant you just go into the Apple store and they do it for you now?
  22. My new rooms going to take ages to build up as i'll be skint for a while with buying the house, will be ordering one of these though first if i can get it up the stairs, its a double recliner with drinks holder and armrest/storage...
  23. I didn't want to mention that, he may have some Jedi Mind Tricks.... "This is not the forum you are looking for...." Yup , its my Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber Episode IV
  24. Saw them in the sale one day at richersounds and just had to have them, they make my old eltax floor stands look tiny. My subs currently broke but the 10's provide decent low end.
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