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Everything posted by un1eash

  1. I thought the 350Z was cheap to insure coming from a 2.0i Z4 which cost more for me at 25.
  2. Its just the same as vauxhalls glass's guide. I pretty much robbed the dealers i traded my 350Z in to. They were offering me £13k for my 350Z before they had even seen it or i told them what we wanted to buy. There making a big loss on my old car which is now up for £12,995.
  3. Sorry the pre 2006 cars require a different fascia.
  4. Alot of people here and even on the Z4 forum rate the 452's but they are still a budget tyre and i'd prefer to spend abit more and go for some RE050's, 452's are great on my sisters TDi Octavia estate though
  5. If your going to upgrade the fronts you'll want a component setup for the best quality. The SXE-1725S is a coaxial speaker but if using the existing speaker to mount them then yes they would fit ok. I personnally wouldnt fit a more powerfull subwoofer behind the drivers seat, it gets annoying having all the bass kicking you in the back.
  6. This was my Alpine 9886R fitted using the sexton fascia(2006+, which is for sale) The bose amp for the speakers is in the boot under the carpet and foam and theres another next to the sub, they dont have any controls. I take it you have the GT spec Bose system?
  7. They agreeded a trade in price before i even picked the car we wanted to buy as there were a couple we were looking at. Sold our 2009 Swift Sport and the 350Z went due us buying our first house, i'm using my MR2 and i got the financee a 2007 1.8 Exclusiv Tigra which worked out quite cheap as i only owed £12k on the 350Z.
  8. My 350Z i traded in back in April is still up for sale, it start at £14,495 and is now at £12,995. I got £13k trade in plus £290 back on my tax and £150 for the K1, looks like they'll be making a loss on this one, maybe i could buy it back and get them to service it and fit some new tyres for less then the asking price. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... 386593415/
  9. I use to find it very hard to get the TC to kick in in the dry with RE040's on the 350Z, it also made the car very stable in the wet and gave confidence to push it a little. I found it would allow you to play abit before it saved you. My previous Z4 would kill all power very easily in all conditions which left you sitting there until you lifted right of the loud peddle, it also wasnt as stable in the wet. If you turned in too quick and tried to floor it it just wouldnt do anything, atleast the 350 would let you play abit even with TC on. I've had my mk1 mr2 for 6 years now and got caught out the other day, in the wet i still drive like a granny on the way to church on a sunday. Hoping to get an Elise next and will be looking into some advanced driver training or beginner track days before i go mad in the Elise.
  10. There seems to be more 1 series on the road around here then Focus/Astra. If i had to have one it'd have to be a 123d 3 door or coupe M Sport. What about an SLK? Alfa GT's on my financee's wish list but there expensive to insure and the diesel isnt the best for mpg.
  11. Unless the clip is broken its removed as in the guide, you can remove all the 10m bolts first if you like but you will need to still rotate that clip 90 degrees to release it.
  12. Dont go by what insurance databases say, my car wasnt even on the system and they get it wrong all the time. I believe all coupes had radio controls due to the phone kit but roadsters it was an optional extra? Ps. Brembos dont make it a GT.
  13. Looking at images you've posted before, sorry but looks like your car isnt a GT Spec.
  14. My old car is still for sale at a dealership, it was up for £14500, its now at £13500. They gave me £13000 part ex a couple months and i took the tax disk and K1 off which got me another £500. My mates being trying to sell his high milage Rx8 for nearly a year now.
  15. Check out this link also... viewtopic.php?f=17&t=45649 I fitted the same system to my fiancee's 2007 Tigra and they work really well. My 350Z had dealer fit sensors (holes in bumper style) and one sensor stopped working so i replaced them with a cheap £17 set of ebay that worked just aswell and were near identical in design.
  16. Will take £30 posted.
  17. Not true, All uk cars have Brembos and Rays were only standard on facelift GT's.
  18. Screen burn is a thing of the past, it shouldnt happen on a modern plasma, the most you'll get is abit of image retention that will go after a few seconds. I had my panasonic 1080p plasma for 3.5 years and still love the picture quality. I recommend plasma to everyone as its a more realistic image, its how films should look, not all sharp and bright like LCD/LED. My mate just brought a 46" 3D Samsung, think its a 750 model and cost him just under £700. The picture is too bright for me and already he's reporting pixilation on fast moving action. I'll be getting a cheap panasonic C3 plasma for the living room when i move house and my 50" 1080p Plasma will be going in the cinema room along with hopefully a 110" projector.
  19. Thats correct if its non bose? The bose loom is ICT 29-674. Also i wouldnt bother with the line driver just yet as it may not be needed.
  20. Its more hassle then its worth to try and keep the bose headunit in place. Is your 350 a facelift or not?
  21. Yes you can use the steering wheel controls on after market headunits with the right loom but you cant make phone calls from the steering wheel controls which Wafudude is after.
  22. On facelift 350Z's with OEM Nav i think it looks odd having a double din screen. Its good to have a fancy touch screen but if it means sacrificing quality then i'd pick a single din all the time.
  23. Assuming the loom is like below minus the steering control unit (I and F).... There will be a black wire H that needs to go to an earth and the blue wire G that needs to go to the remote output from the headunit. I just connect it to the existing blue wire in the loom using a scotch lock.
  24. Yes they are 4v and yes you have everything you will need to install the headunit.
  25. I've only done GT's with steering controls so assuming the loom is the same minus the steering wheel control unit it is a straight plug and play job although you will need to still run an earth wire and connect the blue wire to the headunits remote out.
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