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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Well thats one way of getting your car to stand out Paint it ginger
  2. Welcome to the forum mate I bet its going to be a llloooooooooongggggg week for you lol. Great choice of car tho, you wil love it
  3. Jay

    Fuel shocker

    WOW that is impessive I need to start listening to you music because when i have my beats pumping out well lol lets just say i dont get very much mpgs
  4. Jay

    banzai mag @ crail

    I was almost coming up 2 crail aswell if i knew you where there i would have defo popped up! Check ebay on tuesday nite for wheels
  5. Jay

    banzai mag @ crail

    Looks like not a bad day mate! Did you take your car round for a wee drifting sesh?
  6. That is a Lovely Zed mate! I really wanna put the kit on my car! I am sure someone will snap that up quickly. All the best for selling it mate
  7. HAHAHAH i know dont you just love us However i cant go to the Wales meet cause i have exams in MAY
  8. I wash my car twice a week then wax it twice a month
  9. Really nice Zed you got there buddy
  10. Sweet would love to start training back up again but just dont have time because of uni and rugby just now! But atleast i know not 2 mess with you at any of the meets lol
  11. I used to like shadow but then he got done for roids lol! Jay wat type of martial arts is it that you specialise in?
  12. And they have banned cubans
  13. Welcome to the forum buddy! Get some pics up when you can
  14. I try only know a few things! But better have some knowledge than none
  15. Jay

    Ace 201 alloys

    WOW theyre stunning! I take it you like them then jay lol
  16. wouldnt mind inferno slamming me into the mat either something sells me my fall would be cushioned well the first one looks like her name is helga from germany I wouldnt mind even if she put me in kamura As for the other one she is defo not from Scotland lol makes me feel ashamed. To be honest i think she culd beat me up lol but she couldnt catch me
  17. They are lovely wheels at a bargain price someone has to snap them up surely
  18. I have to agree with you Jay, i wouldnt mind a bit of enigma! She is HOTTIE! However she is a little on the tall side tho
  19. Yeh i agree mate. I wouldnt mind a set but all depends on the dollar
  20. Sarnie i just knew you where going to comment on that
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