Some stunning pics uve done their adam! I kno exactly where that location is lol! Did you get anyone stopping and having a wee nosey? I love shoots in the rain! I defo wuld have one of these! Again well done adam :teeth:
Its called colloquial slang darling! I know that you are getting on in life and the grey hairs are setting in as well as the memory loss! But nowadays us young "whipper snappers" choose to abbreviate words! It just saves time and effort then click on toys to the nedagotchi
You will then understand the actual numpties that live in the old gorbals!
Do not play this is your work lol as there are a few swear words
hmmm so now i no what it feels like! ALL my teachers lecturers, parents friends everyone always says " Jason u have an answer for everythin" so yeh lol sarnie ya bast*** lol so do you!
Am proud
Stan you cheeky sod i was not exactly going to give a big review on the film as i did not want to give anything away! You better watch yourself when you come back up to scotland lol! Will spike your drink and leave you in the gorbals
Only kidding mate when you back up?