zedrush dnt be all pi**ed off! No need to be jealous either because i can do things on my own and not have to go into mummy's purse and pay people to do things for me
LOL i bet you can sell ice to eskimos hahaa! Yeh you are right buddy it is cheaper! Was hoping that someone would have one kicking around in their shed or something
Sarnie stop puttin pics of ur lambo up! It makes me want one soooooo bad lol! You can pick up a bargain on them aswell! Dammit wish i wasnt a student haha
I dnt kno what to do with the brake fluid and the battery covers! Should i paint them red or black need your help guys or just leave normal lol
thanks jay
Prep didnt take long at all! Cleaned it, sanded it down, gave about 6 layers of primer then keyed it ever so slightly then 7 layers of black gloss! Easy