Just thought I would put my opinion in..... lol. I am against Scotland going independent as there are far too many uncertainties such as the currency, what passport would we fall under, how do they plan on keeping Scotland and please dont say tourism and Oil will see us through........ it bloody well wont.
However what I do find interesting is people are saying No to independence due to it being the SNP party but also its leaders. This is wrong as you are voting for Scotland breaking free..... think of the long term and not the short. YES the man and the other thing that calls itself a woman are imo are not suited to run a country.but this can all be changed once Scotland is independent i.e. Labour running it etc etc. Who knows....
What scares me, which I think neil picked up on is the fact that they are giving 16 year olds the vote!!!! What experience do they have in life.......... and how can they make a rational and educated decision. All the SNP has to do is feed them alot of propaganda about more jobs.... uni / college placements etc etc and show braveheart the night before the vote!