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Everything posted by Ozz

  1. How is it fraud? I might have wanted a minibus? Just as dubious as an insurance company keeping money for a service you haven't got becuase they are not flexible in their terms. I didn't lose any sleep over it anyway!
  2. Shouldn't be too difficult to get out of this - just put them in breach of contract. Find something they won't insure and ask them to insure you on it. They then are in breach of contract for not insuring you and you are entitled to full pro-rata refund. This isn't internet myth, I got out of my insurance with direct line (i think it was them, maybe tesco). I found a minibus off ebay, got the reg number, rang for insurance telling them it was for a sideline as part of my business and they apologised and said they couldnt insure me. I then asked for full pro-rata refund and they obliged. I think I was around 6 months in. Can't remember what it did to my no-claims, was a few years ago.
  3. Love family guy, I've only got into it in the last few months but watch it daily. Favourite episode...prob when Peter discovers his house isn't part of America.
  4. Ozz


    Short article in this months FHM.
  5. Spooky I was going to post up a similar thread about fobs yesterday. Anyone know if this would work on a JDM? If I get the ebay key, can I get it cut at a normal locksmith?
  6. Ozz

    Bits for sale

    Cheers Gus, payment sent!
  7. Ozz

    Bits for sale

    My carpet has nasty oil stain on it - this would sit on top yeh? No stains? If so, £25
  8. Mine is JDM 05 and has these sizes (245 rear).
  9. Stunning motor, love the M3 and have been very tempted to swap the zed for one. Keep meaning to ask - who is the bird in your avatar? If thats your missus I hate you even more...
  10. Wasn't expecting replies so quick - thanks! How much colour coded, delivered to Llanelli (South/west wales) for one CS?
  11. Oh, right. I didnt follow the links... Anyway, Rota's rule! What are the wheels in your sig? How much and where from (PM me if you like). They look stunning and I'm thinking of going black on my sunset.
  12. ebay link 350Z NSM CARBON FIBER REAR BOOT SPOILER, I really like this design - anyone do a better deal or a deal that includes colour coding to a sunset? If not, I'm probably going to bid on a nismo V1 colour coded ready (second hand) for around £100 but I'm still not sure I like it, certainly not as much as the other one.
  13. Brembo 2 available RRP £120 reduced to £50 What is that exactly? brake lines?
  14. hmm, i was going to bid on this, is it likely to be a piece of crap then lol?
  15. Ozz

    Wheel squeeling

    Woohoo straight through MOT! Should do with only 14k but nice feeling. He said brakes were fine, could be dust and there was a bit of rust as its not used much. I'll try removing the calliper and cleaning it up before I replace pads. Actually, if its nothing serious and pads are fine then no point in changing until needed I guess. Rear tyres very low so need to go shopping for new alloys/tyres now! Cheers guys.
  16. I can't believe I've had my Zed for a year today! Going for MOT shortly so fingers crossed! Anyway I've been thinking of selling but as I can't think of a better car to get (until the 370...) I'm gonna stick with her. I should sort a couple of small issues out, mainly a squeeling noise so... The squeeling noise sounds like its coming from the drivers wheel, I can only hear it at speeds under say 40mph. It goes immediatly if you touch the brakes even lightly but its been doing it for a few months now. I'm going to take the wheel off later to see if I can see anything obvious - any ideas anyone? Its a 05 JDM with standard alloys and brembo brakes. I don't think its wheel bearing, sounds more like brakes.
  17. I'm thinking of white wheels on my sunset. There is a chinese drift video on youtube (I posted it on here somewhere) featuring a sunset with white wheels - looks the DB IMO. linky
  18. Fitted, won't know if the performance is any better until tomorrow but the radio works! Couldn't get a decent radio1 reception and nothing for Real Radio - both working really strong now!
  19. Not been on here in ages, been working away. Got the cables though and have nice weather so I'm going to fit today! Thanks Beavis.
  20. Sweet ride! I wonder if he would take my zed in part x! He must have spent so much time, energy and halfords coupons doing that up, methinks he should have spent that time repeatadly t**ting himself round the head with a baseball bat.
  21. Ozz

    350z drifting

    Cool vid hopefully not a repost. Would love the wheels and spoiler off this car - anyone recognise them? The doors suck tho.
  22. No they were not actually Ozz no pronlem, a cheque will be ok Fitting instructions here http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Groundin ... stallation Sweet! I'm happy to cover paypal fees if you want paypal. I can send a cheque though if you prefer - PM your name/address.
  23. Ozz

    Mama Mia

    +1 Or stick my head in a vat full of boiling chip fat........ I can still see the scene in ep 2 series 1 (IIRC) of Spooks when the smart blonde got her face shoved in chip fat. Not nice. Anyway, I quite fancy seeing the musical version of this. I went to see We Will Rock You last week, didn't know what to expect having not been to a musical before but it was brilliant.
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