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Everything posted by stanski

  1. I have my eye on 2 dont worry I would never buy new. If I had £46K spare I would be buying a Maserati Gran tourismo or GTR second hand of course!
  2. I know seen it but red - if I turn up at work in a red one , it screams midlife crisis haha!
  3. Haha thanks mate! Stop it you lot I am like a kid frantically surfing to find a suitably priced one!
  4. I cant budget for £26k that is just too much for me? Then you have the usual, tyres, petrol, insurance etc on top. There were a few last year a bit cheaper but seem to have gone? Ironically the convertible versions are better value for money but no boot space with roof down which for us is a non starter? Children have more luggage than adults! I will sleep on it and see? It just brought back that zed feeling again, which as you know is addictive. It really is down to money or lack of! Maybe I need to wait , new registrations only came out so maybe more might come back on the market from pcp schemes etc. Btw Infiniti Stockport treated us very well, very relaxed and low key, makes a change
  5. Haha no pics was too preoccupied trying not to trip over my tongue! £46 k new but about mid-high 20's second hand. The one I drove was for sale at £26k its got 3000 miles on clock and its a 13 plate. Mint condition other than a bit of a wheel curb on the back. Not that I was taking any notice you understand haha. Lucy wants one now too!! The alternative for me is the new Beetle 2.0 ltr Turbo in black which well being a VW fan my whole life (aircooled though) I can live with as a cheaper alternative but you know I cant the expensive bugger put of my mind!
  6. After the recent GT86 drive and subsequent disappointment I foolishly thought lets see an Infiniti G37 coupe once and for all so I can discard them. Well I always liked them but the price is stupid. This morning I drove to Infiniti Stockport and they had one in. I was thinking naa stuff it lets not bother, but Lucy said come on whilst we are here... So after they let me sit in it, put Ania in the child seat in the back , take in the interior and functions etc, we ended up on a test drive. Well flummin blinkin eck although an auto it was bleedin ACE!! Tonnes of room for my daughter in the back, bags of room inside, yet it felt like driving my 350z! I know its a 370z with 4 seats and it feels like. Excellent feel to the controls fully loaded by default. This demo was pearl white and all I could think of was Colins 370z! Like the Zed its a perfect long distance cruiser but with a bite/growl when it needs it. The flappy paddles were good too. £46k brand new!!! Sheesh... Well now I have a dilema, I love to have one and nothing else will do, but the cost to buy (used that is) - still expensive..... I have been trying to figure out loans tonight - nit a good sign.... Watch this space!! Will we be able to join club days out again, in a pretend 370z? ;-)
  7. A jag???!!! Naaa come on mateI am not that old yet?!! But I drove another car today - will post a new thread!
  8. Dont get me wrong I like the way it drove but realistically its not the long distance (pretend family car) I was hoping? My 4 year old would be touching the roof after 2 years and she cant see anything from the back as the windows are teeny. Shame it goes well just not up to the mark for our needs.
  9. Thanks guys. What that sound is fake???!!! Ffs I love the sound of the boxer engine? Oh well search continues. If I was 25 single and wanted a fun car - gt86 is it but its £8-10k overpriced I think? Sods law just as we drive home a black 370 glides past just to rub it in!
  10. After my recent thread about gt86, I had the opportunity to drive one today. What can I say its good to drive but I am a little dissapointed also. Other half did not like it and my daughter only just had room in the back! Shame I really hoped this would be the one? It drove exactly how I remember my MR2 roadster, very precise steering, tells you whati its doing all the time. Brakes and controls are excellent, let down by obvious built to a cost interior though, I doubt the material on the seats will last? The worst bit was the engine noise? Lucy thought it was a hairdrier! There was a horrible noise like water running down the drain from my shower under acceleration, the exhaust manifold is under the drivers footwell and my right ear picked up on this. Sounded aweful if I am honest! Oh well the search continues, maybe a G37 but prices are still stupid and hardly a manual version anywhere?
  11. Thanks for the review mate appreciate it. Unfortunately I cant have a 2 seater car - the 370z is my next car but other half has messed up my plans so I have to get a 4 seater -well 2 seater plus 4 year old child in the back. I agree sitting in the back is useless for an adult but then again so was a Celica. I used to have the revised engine 350z so I know what you mean but as you say its difficult to compare the 2 . I had a later MX5 for a while so I can compare against that but I never warmed to that model it was actually so good to drive it was boring. So lets see what this feels like. I was almost tempted to get back to an RX8 (the last ones) but I cant go back to a car I used to have so my options are very short! Saloon cars dont do it for me - I am just a fussy git really haha Anyway
  12. I had a chance to sit in one today , they even let me put the child seat in the back! Hmm cosy is the word! In the flesh they are better than on photos.I like it more than I expected. I moved the passenger seat to my leg length to see how much space in the back - well for my 4 year old its enough although she needs to come with me next time. Its deffo a serious contender subject to a test drive and part ex ! But please Toyota its 2014 FFS silver plastic instead of real alloy!! come on it cant be that much more expensive to make! http://s1090.photobucket.com/user/stan999/slideshow/GT86
  13. Thanks Tarmac. The prices appear to be holding at the moment so maybe think about a new one - see whats on Toyotas site? I wont ask about fuel on a zed forum .... hahaha
  14. Surely the silver plastic looks better than the faux carbon fibre effect on the 86? The basic stereo does look dodgy, but that's why they have upgradable options the trouble is after seeing inside a 370 the whole interior frankly looks cheap and a parts bin special. My 2001 MR2 Roadster interior is almost the same plastic style and even the cheapo digi clock is identical! I know they want to save costs but even Kia can make a nicer interior! haha
  15. Cheeky git -did you copy that from my facebook page ? lol Hey Stan, They are a drivers car, as standard they perform well, with an aftermarket exhaust and remap even better. If you keep an eye out in Banzai Magazine then there will be some minor modifications on mine that will make it a little bit faster. Personally If I didn't need 4 seats I would have picked the 370z over the 86 as they suit my driving style better Hi mate - I need the 4 seats other half is getting a 2 seater so we still need 1 family car and the camper is not suitable for everything. So I have to compromise. Of course the family car does not need to be boring! How is it on motorways? 99% of my time will be on the motorway? Noisy?
  16. Some days I feel 80 as well could be worse I could buy a volvo like everyone else seems to where I live!
  17. Thanks for the info folks. I have to say its taken me a while to warm to the GT86 (and the 370 for that matter) I cant get Celica out of my brain when I see one as they are roughly the same size? I also am not keen on the boggo wheels which do look a bit small but its not a deal breaker. I know what you mean about the Peugeot, they are a great looking car and with the cool 50's jetsets double bubble glass roof, which is fun however after being let down by shall we say (other countries manufactured cars - not least Germany I might add) I am a confirmed jap fan through and through. The Scooby version hmm well not much in it however if I want a 1990's plastic dash board I would rather it be black plastic than sprayed silver 'effect' metal plastic like on the scoob haha! Plus the radio they seem to have I am pretty sure I purchased once from Halfords in the early 90's! But until I can get a 370z this is looking like the first choice. Anyway I shall await Tarmac's review.
  18. Haha yes I know I know but I loved my MR2 Roadster it was slow but felt fast and was fun (in fact my old Roadster was faster than the Fiat 500 Abarth)! Good grief even my 1974 VW Camper is faster than that haha
  19. Hehe good to see an MR2 again! I had 2 in fact it was my first ever brand new car - black with red leather and hardtop - wish I kept it! Loved it to bits cost peanuts to run and service. Then we got another one the revised shape (Same blue as yours) although did not tramline as much as the first the TonkaToy Radio was a mistake as were the headlight restyle - I loved the first shape, mini Porker ! Seems like you are enjoying yourself - I have considered getting another one and keeping the Ditchfinder but I cant justify yet another car! Good luck with it.
  20. Cool thanks ! Tarmac where are you?
  21. After much deliberation and investigation, I wont be able to have a 370z for a few years until my 4 year old is older enough to sit in the front seat without worry about airbags being switched off etc. Plus my other half will be buying a 2 door car so we both cant have them! Looking around I keep coming back to the GT86? I know the back seats are not for humans with legs but for children, I think we are ok? I just wondered if anyone has one and if so are they good? I cant face the usual suspects BMW .AUDI etc etc they are just not me, its got to be Jap and as much as I would love a GT-R I dont have that sort of cash to spare! So GT86 then? Any views? Thanks
  22. Thanks everyone for your advice? Yes I came across that american article too? My child seat is forward facing as she is 4 now. At the moment its not looking good is it? I worry about fitting a resistor? Does that not modify the car hence impact insurance should anything go wrong? More importantly its my daughter who naturally I care about. The GTR would be the erm sensible option but of course I dont have that sort of cash and I dont want a big bugger like that? Hmm will do more digging and see what I can find? Thank you
  23. Anybody? Ok I will ask at Nissan see what they say
  24. Hi i know this subject was covered in the 350 section but we never had a conclusion to it? The only thing stopping me from buying a 370 now is the ability to switch off the passenger airbag because I want to fit a child seat there once in a while. Please tell me there is a switch off button somewhere or at least a fuse I can pop out thatis just for that.... niave I know?
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