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Everything posted by stanski

  1. See - even in Dudley they are common as muck haha
  2. I know they just have that perfect body!
  3. Oh Colin shame on you! Its those 2 actors, erm sorry I mean mechanics! ;-)
  4. As mentioned its about servicing and condition rather than mileage? These are touch cars but mistreated liek any car they can be expensive to repair! Keep surfing and look around that is expensive for the mileage?
  5. What concerns me is this mass 'upgrading' of the motorways to include speed displays like on the M25, hence a nice excuse to put speed cameras on all the motorways ! The theory of slowing traffic in built up areas to avoid stop/starts might be nice on paper however in practice things very rarely go right when you consider the muppet factor. Consider Chester Services on the M56 - Bermuda Triangle of the North, someone drops a wing mirror there every day and they close the motorway!
  6. Either you mean 1985 when the first film came out, or you mean 1989 when BTTF2 came out and we actually saw the hoverboards oi! smarty Marty! I cant remember it was a looong time ago ! All I really remember was his girlfriend which I had a thing for at the time (but I was a wee lad then!) http://backtothefutu...Jennifer-02.jpg Sorry going off topic a little......
  7. Everyone has their own ideas but until they sort out a battery than can hold charge for longer with less weight in a compact space and cheaply easy to mass produce, all electric cars will be doomed to the recharge noose. Hydrogen cell or similar is the way to go but I am still waiting for hoverboards after seeing that documentary in 1986?!
  8. What do you expect from an upmarket Fiat? I would still have one - loved them ever since I first saw one in Edinburgh - we actually see the same sodding one every time we visit! Oh well got to stop dreaming now and back to real life.... btw did you know there is still a recession on? How many of these and new Range Rover sports do you see on the road? Exactly loads!
  9. stanski

    So errr...

    Be sensible but dont forget to post up some pics when you get it - remember rust is your enemy mechanics are rock solid usually!
  10. I know... The second hand prices are dropping now but thats not the problem is it? The service and running cost... Oh well when there is no petrol I will buy one for 50p and run it on Aldi vodka! ;-)
  11. I could not have a 370 so I got the G37s. But I have always wanted one of these.... Sigh Just spotted it in the carpark
  12. Haha yes you have to wonder about the 1970's futuristic stuff was all wedges and triangles! It actually ran though a working concept car - imagine the noise though - if you look at the article there are more photo's and I dont think there is a firewall or anything between the cabin and engine!
  13. Imagine the impact it would have made in 1970? Probably equivalent of Infiniti Essense today for looks anyway?
  14. What a strange turn of events. My other half has a Matchbox Streak-a-round toy from her childhood, which she dug out of the loft for our 4 year old to play with. One of the cars from that was a Matchbox Mazda RX500, a car I have never heard of and yet I do pride myself on being a petrolhead since age 4 ! I had a quick google on it - wow imagine them building that today! What a cool looking machine.Very Space 1999 ish! http://www.autoblog.com/2009/10/22/tokyo-2009-mazda-rx-500-still-awesome-nearly-40-years-later/
  15. Ok I said I would resist posting my Audi winge but my A4 needed a top end rebuild (4 years old just out of warranty of course) Cambelt Tensioner failed on the motorway at 70! My mate towed me to the dealers - who promptly asked me to take it round the back (obviously a broken down Audi does not look good in front of the showroom.) After a lot of letters and calls to Audi Uk, they agreed to pay for the parts and I paid for Labour. To be fair to dealers they were actually very good (well mechanics were). 2 weeks later the accelerator pedal fell off, I replaced myself. Following month the drivers window winder failed (snapped cable) , which I repaired myself. At which point I had enough and went Jap - never looked back and will never buy Audi again. They are great looking cars however if you live in a town full or attractive Blondes you yearn for a brunette really dont you? They are so common on the roads, a victim of their success I suppose but god help you when they go wrong as parts are stupid money, even if you go independent. I always wanted a Mk 1 TT when it came out but the sheer number of issues with them put me off in the end.
  16. Exactly where their market has been past 25 years , everywhere but europe until 2010. I read somwhere they are targetting China, 1 child families ?
  17. I drove 200 miles from the dealer to home in my G37S and not one other but then again they really have sold just 5 of them so....
  18. hi mate welcome - nice zed
  19. mmmmm - maybe I should do mine like that!
  20. sorry to hear that but it should pull out. The Glass and top pressing will be strong and the bit that was pushed in is designed to crumple so should pop out again, Good luck with it and yes bad Karma on the muppet who did it?
  21. I think Amazon are being so clever trying to trip us up and pay more? Example: Today I purchased a CD album (retro I know but thats me) Costs £5 the MP3 version is something like £7.90? Fine ok but when you buy CD's etc on Amazon they give you an mp3 version of it for free anyway? So I downloaded the mp3 immediately whilst my cd turns up next week. I prefer CD's still because if your mp3 gets corrupted etc you still have the CD, plus I still play cd's better quality anyway. So the impatient kids will pay more for instant gratification eh? Mind you they are probably on dodgey websites anyway downloading all this stuff for free? Very odd anyway thought I would mention it?
  22. I think for a price you can have anything you like, the technology is there but it comes at a very very expensive cost. Mind you if you spend £100K on a top end car then £300+ a year after the £1000 kit is probably buttons....
  23. I have looked at trackers recently , as you say its the yearly subscription costs that are the real killer. You can even buy these things on Amazon now for goodness sakes! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tracker-Vehicle-Theft-Protection-System/dp/B009ZCEBOK/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1397195929&sr=8-10&keywords=car+tracker+gps
  24. I think you get them as a surprise toy inside a Kinder Egg in the States - thats what I've heard!
  25. I was deliberately not wanting to mention my fun with Audi UK over my A4 years ago, but as Zeus has stated avoid Audi UK I will never buy Audi again. I hope they have improved both in quality and service but it seems not? Maybe I was unlucky and got a Friday afternoon special but .... I repeat do a proper check and get a warranty with it. Good luck
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