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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Aye your right mate so do i and hopefully will have one next year Stan
  2. Your right mate but there are even more around the day you do buy one!! Oh well enjoy yourselves and all the best for 2008 lets hope fuel prices will drop to 50p per gallon ha ha ha ha!!
  3. MR2 has been around I know for a while, but the Roadster was only 7 years - which I suppose is a long time for Jap cars or any mark these days? It has a 1.8 vvti engine which I used to regularly get 48mpg out of even when thrashed. Cheap servicing and very well made (better than the MX5 I might add). Limited luggage space was a very big minus mark and of course taking on the MX5 has been around since 1872 and held the title for that time so its hard breaking into that market - althought toyota did a very good job. I always thought the old shape MX5 was a bit too toytown for me - the new one looks great inside and from every angle except the front which looks like a bath tub (sorry to any MX5 owners out there). Anyway back to Zed's no I dont think there will be a parts problem but by the time I manage to get enough cash together to buy a roadster I am hoping it wont be discontinued in favour of the next latest toy, which may of course tempt me to buy instead!! I have noticed that Nissan accountants obvisouly encouraged the parts bin to be used extensively - the steering wheel , radio and aircon controls look remarkably the same as my Pathfinder - gonna stick 3 yogurt pots with bluetack on the top ofthe dash so I can pretend they are the dials from the Zed - Stan
  4. Well maybe your right but Toyota for example had a great car in the MR2 roadster (biased I had 2) and decided to ditch it this year as it does'nt fit in with their (supposed green) tree hugging image they want to convey to the world? even though they were still making money on them and orders still comming in? So they would rather build boring but allegedly green friendly cars! Who knows maybe they are turning into the British Leyland of Japan! God help us all!
  5. Blimey! Gunmetal coupe - Cheadle near John Lewis - Saturday afternoon Azure blue rag top - Rochdale today Black coupe - M60 today Also today Azure Blue Coupe for sale Westway Nissan - Rochdale - think a dogs been eating the seats unless the previous driver had a lot of bling on their hands! Salesmen trying to explain difference between this one and the new one - oh they have a bulge in the bonnet really thats it!
  6. I am sure you are right - trouble with jap cars is when they get a really good one they faff about with lights and little bits for about 3-4 years then they just pull the plug ! Oh well I still want one either way, just thinking about future parts etc etc you know the sort of thing. Its really down to money now at the end of the day just gotta keep saving and working that overtime...
  7. Hi Just flicking through the jap car fans website http://www.worldcarfans.com/9071127.009 ... 0-comeback If Nissan are pushing forward with the GTR and skyline and even bring back 240sx maybe - then where does the 350Z fit? Are they likely to ditch it - some accountant somewhere will probably decide they have too many sports models? What does everybody think? I only ask cause I still want to get the roadster but sods law will decide that the week I finally afford one they will soddin replace it Stan
  8. Na afraid not I am still driving my Nissan Pathfinder (even rarer than a Zed in this country!) so would look a bit foolish? Would like a Roadster unfortunately funds and other stuff getting in the way for now - however watch this space in the new year!! Santa may not have got my letter yet - probably lost in the post with all those parcels!
  9. Hot on the heels of my Chester spotting behold a Blue coupe on slip road out of Village hotel Bury as I was just turning off the cobbled bit of the M66 about 6pmish tonight! Reg PJ56 #### Bit durty needs a wash lad! Crickey thats 2 in 2 days I may have to take back what I said earlier! Naaa This is worrying I am on the look out for Zeds now - oh dear time to get a proper job with less stress - losin' moi marbles Stan
  10. Well maybe your's is the only one in the whole of Cheshire to see anyway ? - maybe if you park it by the side of the M56 tonight I can see it on my way home - I will wave Then I can say I have seen 3 of them! Yet when you look on Nissans Website - they have loads for sale and even more on Autotrader so where are all these cars hiding?
  11. Sorry I am more like Zebadee!! Can you tell I am bored at work - well better log off and do a bit more I suppose all the best for the New year folks Agent Stanski is offski
  12. Yeah your right although its more M56 and M60 (Sub departments - way above Top secret!) Need to know only ..... Comrad
  13. Na mate - they were probably on a job as stated before. (MI6) could'nt acknowledge you for ahem - security reasons Have you seen that documentary on BBC1 called Spooks - although you only see them drive a Lexus. The 350Z is sooo stealth we cant even let it be filmed on camera for a BBC documentary - dont worry when (if ) I ever get one I will be waving and flashing(lights) to all 3 Zed's that I will see in 12 months! Agent Stanski MI6 Lancashire Branch (doh! slipped that out)
  14. Yikes what have you done - which bank was it and did you get away cleanly? Stan
  15. Sarnie I recon your all top secret MI6 agents and that is the car of choice obviously for stealth operations - thats why we dont see them on the road Everybody knows Bond drives an Aston - ha too damn easy to spot by overseas intelligence so go for the quiet understated subtle Nissan - no one will ever guess! Agent Stanski
  16. Jordan - you missed the last bit of my comment . Not everything is more expensive. I understand salaries where you live are not good and cost of cars etc are astrononmical however if you were on that salary would you be worrying about a car costing so much anyway? I would love a Bentley GT Continental but I will never be able to afford one or even run it and I am on a fairly good salary for what I do. Its madness paying for somthing that expensive - I recon in 20 years time when the oil has run out and we have finally heard the last of Lady Di's death I will be able to buy one second hand for a packet of crisps and a bottle of coke The bottom line is we get taxed a lot on everything in UK and then we get taxed on top of that however the funds appear not to go entirely on the purpose they are designed! Take it easy mate Regards Stan
  17. Just popped out foolishy ta' shops on Sealand road (yesterday) Very nice (and shiny) Azure blue coupe - private plate 'A8 'sommink - first Zed I have seen in the flesh since I've joined this forum - blimey I see more Bentley GT continentals (other fave car) than ZED's! Oh tell a lie I did see a gunmetal coupe sneaking off the slip road to Deeside industrial estate the other week - so thats 2 then! Surely they are not that expensive or unreliable to run! Stan
  18. Its not called rip off Brittain for nowt - however as with all things its relative - you can for example buy Clasic cars much cheaper in Sweden and Germany depending on the model of course - but have a read of the web link below: http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/shopping/best-buy-usa Use the power of the £ against the dollar and take advantage. They also mention Hong Kong being effected by the Dollar so (not sure if they are RHD in Hong Kong) but I am sure you can get a new 350Z for a bag of peanuts and a bottle of fizzy pop Stan
  19. Hi Is Mobil 1 also suitable? Only ask because Costco sell it for reasonable price? Thanks Stan
  20. stanski

    100,000 miles

    Yikes!!! Excellent post - but erm erm now I am wondering if I should stick with my Pathfinder after all? £17,000 on petrol alone - ooer I feel a bit dizzy. Costs me about £4.5K on diesel a year which is bad enough I suppose?(34K miles on average - even though I am no 54K next week) Oh stuff it if I can just scrape the cash together and keep it - think its gonna have to be my lst car ever - just sell the house and live in the car! I hope you keep it after all those bills ? Enjoy it......
  21. Thanks for the advice I dont seem to have any trouble with white powder(Mer?) Maybe its the old T-shirts I use to rub it off with afterwards - quality stuff Circa Mid 90's! (They dont make T-shirts like wot they used to !) Merry Christmas Stan
  22. Thanks Squarehead. Merry Christmas to everyone. All the best for 2008 enjoy your Zeds (lucky rascals!) Stan
  23. aha - thanks I see what you mean - radio reception ok? I've got an Ipod fm transmitter doodar thats why I am interested? Nice car btw
  24. Thanks Polarbear I agree - I have always driven my cars everyday - its far too much money to have stored away - oh well if you can aford to do that great - you appreciate the special days out more but the best bit is knowing your driving a cool car everyday! Appologies for the next bit. I used to be into Classic cars - had a 1958 Wolseley 15/50 - and later 1958 Armstrong Siddeley 356 Sapphire (all 16 feet of it). In a previous life I used to work shifts and those cars were used everyday / night as required - sod all heating in them but otherwise great. But anyway there you go - dont keep em in a glass case use em . So far I am doing about 34,000 miles a year- of course I could change jobs but where is the fun in that! This working from home - broadband / laptop lark will never catch on in the business world will it? Looking forward to going to Scotland in the New Year hopefully in a Z ragtop - WesterRoss top scenery up there- just wondering if there is enough space for my waterproofs,hiking boots,jerrycan? I can drive with the roof off and tie the boots to the aerial if need be -there sorted! just open the doors once in a while to let the rain water out.
  25. Very rude of me but forgot to mention - erm Merry Christmas and lets hope Santa brings me a nice shiny 350Z. All the best for 2008 Stan
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