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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Thanks Guys - you dont think its an early change over model and they used up spares in the factory?? Well either way its a bit odd - even if it genuine why fit an early bumper unless it is crash damage and the muppets ordered the wrong (older bumper) Ok - I think I will walk well past this one - but next time I am passing there I will bob in again and find a suitable sales personage and ask the question. Thanks everyone PS After yesterday I am defo getting a ragtop though .....was still umming and aring if I should just get the coupe instead which looks drop dead .... and surprisingly more luggage space than I thought? Stan
  2. An '03?? Really ?? for £27K - are they really taking the p****!!! Maybe that 55 plate is genuine and its an '05 then? There was no sales blurb in it and it looked pretty mint - i,e the wheels were ok and no telltale damage to wings - from washing/ brushing past foliage on country lanes etc etc??? ??????
  3. sorry it should say '06 model with the '07 bonnet? Stan
  4. Hi Folks Spotted this cheeky little Zed with its top off yesterday in Sunny Chorley. Question: Ignoring the cheesy number plate I am guessing its the proper genuine 07 job? Its got the revised interior and the codpiece bonnet - but..... look at the grille in the bumper is'nt that the previous model? Does'nt the 07 one have 2 metal slats instead? Old bumper fitted? Had a bump or is it an '07 model with a new bonnet? No new 07 models to compare against and salesmen were busy with Navara's!! Oh and Twilight Grey looks top!
  5. Do you really think these people have brains ??? a £20-£29K car is still a £20-£29K car - be it sold , exported, complete or stripped for parts, there is huge money in parts dont be fooled. OK you get a £20K car and sell it for £10K - hmm lets think thats £10K profit!! Obviously you need someone to sort out plates id, duplication of another car etc etc but its still £10K for nowt! Bar-stewards they deserve to be put on hold to Nissan UK indefinitely and forced to watch daytime Telly! Anyway just watch yourselves people if someone comes at you with a soddin bat for your keys just give it them for goodness sakes - its a car your more valuable than that !!
  6. I'm afriad that is no protection at all - as we know these cars are stolen to order or for a purpose - my mate had his door kicked in one night and a gang burst in on him and his missus to get the car keys (a Scubby also) they did'nt get away with it as they were interupted by neighbours but its likely it was being stolen for a job - based on other info of things that were happening around that area. Bottom line even scum bags do their research - my mate thinks the house was being watched and they waited for an opportune time. Fortunately they were both ok but shaken by the experience as you can imagine. I have to admit as much as I am saving to get a Zed ragtop - this is a concern for me and may yet decide not to? Zeds are very nice cars and likely stolen to order? Unfortunately we do live in a scumbag society its not right and Police resources are scarce , when did you see a copper walk down your street last? Sorry for the gloom but this is the world we have. Always be aware of your surroundings and keep your eyes peeled- your life is worth more than any car?
  7. Hey Martin In that pic with your jacket you look like a bouncer? Keepin an eye on the owners wheels (man!) Or is it an arty pics where your contemplating the location of the next petrol station???? Just kiddin mate I'm only jealous of your cool motor!
  8. OOoooh yes she does look rather nice indeed !!! BBC 3 I think - they are doing a vegas thing this week - just look at her in the evening wear at the poker table and when she plays the Hotel Inspector !! Bet you take an interest now.... I think she is only 22 or something - never trust a pretty girl eh?
  9. Aha yes your right - however does'nt she have a twin sister? Double Trouble eh!! I prefer that Irish chick off The One show (Bit too vein though) Best still that chickie off The Real Hustle - yowsa yowsa yowsa - especially when she is in erm uniform!!
  10. Ha ha ha funny how this post has had a serious number of replies - hmm we can see where the forum focus is !! Tee hee hee Wonder if she reads this forum to get tips on Zeds!!
  11. To save on the environment I have recycled my rant in another post last week!! Carbon footprint you've set me off now - Its easy to point fingers at sports cars or 4x4's etc the usual targets - there is so much propaganda around this stuff - for goodness sakes just sort the States India and China - they are still supposed to be the worst offenders how can you compare the emmisions from a small exhaust to a belching chimney from a plant? What about the rescue services? Rescue 4x4's, Police Hecolopters, the emissions from a fully loaded fire tender I recon are not good and probably only 12 mpg! Well fine your house burns down but its ok you will be saving the planet! Joy! Aha but the emissions from your burning house will not be good will they ! Why so many lorries when we should be using trains to shift frieght? Why the hell did Al Gore get a Nobel prize - for what? Making a film? Did he invent enviroment awareness? Until they invent a car that runs on carrot juice I dont want small minded politicians or newspapers telling me how to live my life? Hybrid cars have shed loads of precious metals with delightful evil chemical extraction processes (batteries etc) which probably offset any benefits of travel? Dont get me wrong I am concerned about the environment and have been recycling since I was a kid, well before the media made a big thing out of it, I'm old fashioned I fix stuff thats broken instead of replace, I look after my posessions (especially cars) as they are such a big investment look after them and they will lokk after you - (Still got my second ever car VW beetle after 19 years!), I reuse carrier bags as poo bags for the dog etc etc the list goes on.... Nothing new nothing clever just common sense! Aye up lad Oh dont run your car below 1/4 to fumes as we all know the sh** from the bottom of the tank will clog up yer jets and pipes! Sorry everyone - bad week at work - just ranting! (Its an enviro friendly rant - I recycled the words I used from elsewhere , they were low fat , vegetarian friendly and low in carbon emissions! No animals were injured in the writing of this rant any views expressed were purely my own, remember the value of your rant can go up or down depending on the market at that time) So if you really MUST live-sorry drive in London then why not get one of those Chav special stick on Audi TT stylie chrome fuel filler flaps often found on Corsa's and stick it on the other side of your car at the back - if anyone asks just say its a dual-fuel car - runs on LPG or something? who's gonna check! (Still bad week at work but returned to my normal stupid self again - can you tell!)
  12. F**ker !! Plus the road tax is increasing again is'nt it for Zeds?
  13. Oooooh just munching on breakfast and then looked at your cats nose! Lovely! Pentax man myself -I have saved a fortune when I was buying my kit a while back - I got some excellent Pentax Auto film camera lenses at a fraction of the price of the digi-lenses - just get convertors I expect older Auto Canon lenses will fit striaght on also? I use my 75 - 300 Zoom neat on the camera - I know it works out at 400 sommink in real money but the quality is fab. I can also use ye olde Manual lenses again quality is in my view (no pun intended) better than some of the newer stuff! Also dont exclude places like Argos or Empire direct if your after older stock - they will want to get rid so drop the price. Have fun Stan
  14. wowsers those wheels look good man!! Incidentally why oh why oh why do Nissan stick a red coloured fog light rear lense - it upsets the rear balance!! Why not a clear lense and red bulb behind eh?
  15. Hi sorry to be hear about your bump , at least your ok - the car comes second place always. From the point of long storage I would hope the dealer had enough brain cells to disconnect the battery if they were assuming your car will be stored up for a fairly long time? Yes you want them to keep the car dry. Better to have it in gear with the handbrake off though? I expect they will charge the battery and check everything over after the work is done? I still find it odd that parts for Jap cars appear to take so long to source? As far as I know most Jap manufacturers have huge European parts depo's located in places like Belgium/France/Holland etc - due to their central location and good motorway communication links? I know Toyota do for sure. I appreciate that niche cars like Zeds will have unique parts but from what I have read on this forum and my own Nissan experience they really do like to use the parts bin - I expect the part you want must surely be shared with the rest of the Nissan range? I know they are pretty dire (my own experience) but worth phoning Nissan UK or even another Nissan dealer to see if they have this part? Try to find out the part number if possible and do a search online? I know the dealers should be chasing all this for you but remember its your car and you care about it - they dont its just another car to them so you have to do all the running around? Sorry cant be much more help than that? Good luck? Stan
  16. stanski

    Sun's shining

    Lucky ......so and so.... enjoy - reet time to get away from this puter and outdoors
  17. stanski

    Sun's shining

    You lucky rascals - boy do I wish I still had my ragtop!!! Only rain and snow used to stop me from taking the roof off my old roadster. Hope the heater is good in a Zed Ragtop? Used to see a bloke in a Morgan every day in Manchester rain or shine in his plus fours - dear stalker pipe with the roof off just a full cover over his seats - what a hero
  18. Carbon footprint you've set me off now - Its easy to point fingers at sports cars or 4x4's etc the usual targets - there is so much propaganda around this stuff - for goodness sakes just sort the States India and China - they are still supposed to be the worst offenders how can you compare the emmisions from a small exhaust to a belching chimney from a plant? Linkster if your job requires you to travel around to other countries what are you gonna do - get a sail boat? What about the rescue services? Rescue 4x4's, Police Hecolopters, the emissions from a fully loaded fire tender I recon are not good and probably only 12 mpg! Well fine your house burns down but its ok you will be saving the planet! Joy! Aha but the emissions from your burning house will not be good will they ! Why so many lorries when we should be using trains to shift frieght? Why the hell did Al Gore get a Nobel prize - for what? Making a film? Did he invent enviroment awareness? Until they invent a car that runs on carrot juice I dont want small minded politicians or newspapers telling me how to live my life? Hybrid cars have shed loads of precious metals with delightful evil chemical extraction processes (batteries etc) which probably offset any benefits of travel? Dont get me wrong I am concerned about the environment and have been recycling since I was a kid, well before the media made a big thing out of it, I'm old fashioned I fix stuff thats broken instead of replace, I look after my posessions (especially cars) as they are such a big investment look after them and they will lokk after you - (Still got my second ever car VW beetle after 19 years!), I reuse carrier bags as poo bags for the dog etc etc the list goes on.... Nothing new nothing clever just common sense! Aye up lad Oh dont run your car below 1/4 to fumes as we all know the sh** from the bottom of the tank will clog up yer jets and pipes! Sorry everyone - bad week at work - just ranting! (Its an enviro friendly rant - I recycled the words I used from elsewhere , they were low fat , vegetarian friendly and low in carbon emissions! No animals were injured in the writing of this rant any views expressed were purely my own, remember the value of your rant can go up or down depending on the market at that time)
  19. Top down weather driving road that - as are a number of roads up there - love it. All I need is my ragtop Zed now - (still saving!)
  20. 1971 1200cc VW Beetle Marina Blue (£400 which my dad lent me) - I loved it to bits - until some knob wrote it off in his Sierra! Incidentally second car was a 1971 1300cc Deluxe VW Beetle Pastel white and 19 years later I still have that car - needs a resto but this is the year!
  21. Mine was 1971 1200cc VW Beetle Marina Blue (£400 which my dad lent me) - I loved it to bits - until some knob wrote it off in his Sierra! Incidentally second car was a 1971 1300cc Deluxe VW Beetle Pastel white and 19 years later I still have that car - needs a resto but this is the year!
  22. Cool - just up the road from Helensburgh - like I said Nuclear Subs - keeping thing toasty for you! Stan
  23. I've used Autoaid now for a couple of years - its a bit different - where you pay the garage etc yourself and claim the money back from Autoaid afterwards - but you contact them first in the event of a breakdown like anybody else of course. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insura ... e-recovery http://www.autoaidbreakdown.co.uk/ £36 fully comp for 12 months. Beat that! This covers you and your spouse - however if your living in sin then your other half has to pay for their own policy - weird stuff its 2008 for goodness sakes!!!! Hope this helps? Stan
  24. Cool where abouts if you dont mind me asking - we go oop North west coast quite a few times in the last couple of years and pop across to Skye. Anyway no snow on that side because of all the heat from the Radioactiove Subs sailing around there - sure I can see a periscope behind your car ?
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