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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Hi Sorry to talk about boilers here - imagine its a GT-R if that helps? Got a 3 year old Baxi Solo 3 central heating boiler , recently its been cutting out a lot - the overheat light comes on - I do the reset via the thermo switch and it runs for a while then cuts out again? Pump is working I have bled the rads but cant think of anything else to check? So do you recon its a duff thermostat or pcb?? Damn thing is only 3 years old? Any advice greatly received? Thanks Stan
  2. Ooooohhhhh driddle - thats the colour I want for my ragtop - but I have never seen it anywhere in the flesh - other than pics the guys here have shown me - is it a very dark (Midnight Blue old school colour)?? It will show swirl marks like any dark colour I guess. I used to have an Audi(yes yes sorry never again) in that kinda colour - it looked like an iceskating championships had been held on it ! But a decent deep wax helps deflect the relections so to speak! Did you take any pics of it???
  3. Think we are about 2-3 years too late now for properties - everyone is doing it - when I should have done it I dithered too long and now its too late! Had my eye on a fab French property a few years ago for peanuts with shed loads of land but...missed the boat (no pun intended Martin)... Its funny how they bang on about Spain yet I understand that market is already dead - just the greedy sales reps trying to keep the momentum going! You might have to sell your Zeds for peanuts then I can finally afford one!
  4. East bound flew past me and then onto M6 turn off about 17:10ish - other than being in shock that it was a real Ragtop and not the usual coupe .......the erm.....Ladee driving it was erm how can I put it ......... Rather gorgeous! Not that I was looking or anything erm erm - we better be careful about this Zed spottin lark -its borderline stalking!! Oh and yes - Azure Coupe and Grey coupe a few mins earlier - West bound - M56 is the place all of a sudden??
  5. Aye your right matey - lets remember what they signed up to do again?? Hmm let me think - oh yes Medicine thats it!! However I did notice that was a Daily Mail article - hmm maybe a teeny weeny bit exagerated - not that the DailyMail would ever do that !!
  6. You wer'nt near Levenshulme were you?
  7. This is what the Zed forum should do to get Roadtax down to a reasonable level and get rid of congestion charging while they are at it? What do we recon folks?? Seems p*** easy to get in to our most famous landmarks without any hassle - and if you take your camcorder with you we can go live on Sky all frikkin day!!
  8. Keeps the VAT man off your heels eh Martin Nuff said
  9. stanski


    Sire you are correct in your assumptions - unfortunately when Enthusiasts are interviewed on the telly they always appear to be wearing bobble hats look like they still live with their Mothers and have bad facial hair - bang on about Steam engines..... Nothing like typecasting people!
  10. Hey we Northern Lads are tough - if this happend anywhere near London then it would be deemed a major disaster and the News networks would cover the same bleedin story all day long every day for weeks - some poncy poof from the counties would be on the telly complaining that his goldfish have got post traumatic stress and the Government should do something about it!! Ha ha ha ha (Not generalising in anyway what so ever!!) Instead we have Chavs on the news networks complaining! (Not generalising in anyway what so ever!!)
  11. Ha I thought you were going to say you woke to the sound of the wardrobe doors shaking and a gorgeous woman fell out!!
  12. Yup we had it North Manchester also - at 01:00 - bed was shaking like mad! Just as well it happend I realised I'd gone to bed with my contacts in - .....every cloud!
  13. I knew someone would say that - ok lets stop wishing our life away or worrying how much a GT-R will cost in 2009?
  14. Surely these are standard metric items - there has to be someone making those in the world - even in the country dare I say it? I suppose you need to know the diameter thread size etc etc.. ??
  15. If you cant get a GT-R then dont worry there is always Lexa Doig to look at - deep breath .....hold......release and relax! http://www.icelebz.com/celebs/lexa_doig/photo10.html happy happy joy joy! If she introduced 5th gear I would watch every week!
  16. On the way back - In the Wirral - Red 53 import and Orange 53 plate!! Most I have seen any ever!!
  17. Ok keep strong - its now Tuesday night already - tomorrow is Wednesday which means we are over half way and before you know it Friday and yeah das veekend! Forum power it works - there is always some poor sod worse off than yourself (thank goodness I gave up shift work!) You see being Anorak's has its plus points - (self help)
  18. Well well so this is where you are all hiding - had to go to a different company site today so no need to get up at my normal time! Soooo in the space of 10 minutes - East bound M56 from Wales : 2 x Azure Blue coupes 1 x Orange coupe 1 x Silver coupe all around 08:15ish? You must be tucked up in your bobos till late morning you lazy rascals!
  19. Like some of the other guys have said for that money there is a lot of other metal around - I mean you can get a 200mph Bently Continental GT on an 05 plate for that money - I mean its really a no brainer unless you really must have the GT - R? Looked cool last night though but even at £30K I would still rather a Zed ! They could have done a bit more detail about the car though? Shame.. Incidentally (slightly off topic) the VW Camper Type 2 Brazillian model they showed thats like the original Bay window model - aviod - build quality from Brazil is pants !! Sorry still an aircooled fan!
  20. Hi Mate - your gonna have to just surf around and look at some of the digital camera forums - someone will take your hand off with that gear especially the Nikon stuff. Look at www.jessops.co.uk for prices on stuff you dont know about - but dont flog it on Ebay you will get peanuts - try a larger camera shop they will also be interested soem will put them in their shop window and you pay them a little bit for selling space so to speak - try Chester . Good luck with it.
  21. stanski


    +1 Whats worse is some of us dont even have one yet!!! Oh just got a static discharge from my waterproof ...damn look at the dandruff thats collected in my hood!
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