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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Shine a light - just did some quick maths !! For me thats 65 each way = 130 miles = £40 per day x 5 = £200 per week!! Current cost per week in Diesel about £81 I think I defo need to get my VW van also and use that a few times a week!!
  2. With my mum I have to do most stuff - I finally introduced her to Debit cards and she is taking an interest in mobile phones (I was going to stick her on my bill so at least she does'nt run out of phone credit but I just know those 30 mins phone calls will wipe me out!) I am even daring to buy her a laptop and introduce her to the web so she can get those QVC bargains quicker than on the telly! Every time I pop round I have yet another 10 jobs to do on the house. No one does Emotional Blackmail like mums do eh! Keeps me off the streets anyway! (Chavved up Corsa eh Martin oh well we have to start somewhere?) GC350z I hear this a lot about brothers in particular (I dont have any) bet your brother is the golden boy who can do now wrong but you have to work at it and do all the jobs for your mum?
  3. As old as that - she still thinks I am 7!!! So you still get your marching orders then in shops etc etc And the ' I cant talk right now as I am busy at work' phone call that takes about 30 minutes anyway! and so it goes on. One day she may not be there so I do let her off once I have cooled off and feel bad for getting annoyed with her - Parents eh - they always have the upper hand!
  4. Took mum for day out in York.... Popped into Concertos bistro - opposite Minster - been going there for years , it was funny seeing the enforced family environment - Ve Vill be happy mit ze Kinder !!! Dont think the blokes said much at all or even looked much at their missus! All the kids got the attention of course! Excuse not to talk to each other - such a shame really! A couple beside us obviously with first born sprogg, talk about pandering to every little thing the damn little Devil wanted - just stop giving the damn thing so much attention and focus on your wife!! Coo blokes eh? Having said that does your mum manage to push your buttons within minutes and get past all your be nice defences mine does - she has a gift! I still manage to lose my temper and it takes a hell of a lot for that to happen!
  5. Dont give up the day job! ha haha very good Martin! Squarehead -I know what you mean Mercs build quality has been p*** poor for years now - geezer at work is always telling me the latest problem with his Dads fancy pants top spec S class - it spends more time at the stealers forecourt than your average Alfa owner does!! While at Westway noted 2 coupe's on '05 plates lot of these appearing now -must be end of lease season - oh and spotted yours I think Digsy - well the 350Z club sticker was in the back window
  6. If only all car parks where like Costco ones - ie they have those extra wide bays with double lines marked out either side - presumably for Vans since its a wholesalers - I see the tight Gits at Chester decided not to though! Bottom line as soon as you walk away there's nowt that can protect you from the scumbags out there who dont give a stuff about other peoples property so you just have to do the best you can with what you have ... Happy Parking......
  7. Ok So I am cheating it was at Westway Nissan Oldham - looks the dogs though.
  8. Trying to get my work to send me out there to our outsourced partners for a team building exercise you know chilling on a beach , sipping a cool glass of something and on occasion maybe even talk shop!
  9. thanks for that info Glen appreciated - it was my first trip camping and driving in france Last summer I had similar attention no ones seen a Pathfinder over there (only 4 in this country ha ha)!! I have not decided where I'm going yet and unless I get my funds sorted soon its not gonna be in a Zed either! Will have to pm you later for further info. Cheers Stan
  10. Oh yes remember that thread - fantastic!! Gee thanks Martin for pointing that one out - have to get a Twilght grey job instead - do you know any stealers with those in?
  11. Bloody Fantastic !! Do they have any more like that! Night Blue is the colour!! Now I have to save twice as fast after seeing this lot!!
  12. Yes more photos - especially if its a nudist beach (No fat bloke pics please!!!)
  13. Does she have a friend who recently got her Zed stuck in some mud?
  14. Have a great time - dont forget to take your camera so we can look with envy!
  15. Yikes waited till I was on home network to erm check this out purely for research purposes you understand! Hmm interesting design concepts indeed - I would like to meet the gal in the middle , again for research purposes and nights in!!
  16. Cool cant wait - bet you cant wait either! Shame they dont let us keep the original Jap plates!
  17. Thanks Mate I forgot to mention Camper vans! But my passengers do think I am weird and get fed up with me messing about - likewise I have also gone back and moved the car when I saw some gormless muppet in a volvo estate try to park next to my 1 week old shiny Rex! Its a cruel world being paranoid!
  18. yes agreed!! So do you lot follow the same Universal Paranoid Car lover rules that I do (sorry Anorak stuff here) In a car park Never park: Next to a 4x4 (ok so thats me but I dont even do it in mine!) Next to a car that has a kiddie seat in it Next to an MPV Next to commercial vehicles especially White Vans Next to a Chav's car - easy to spot - they always have a George Cross sticker on it somewhere they got from The Sun On the corner of a car park Never a spot near the entrance or exit Near Mother and Baby spaces Old Rovers from 1980's Most Vauxhalls pre 1998 Never in a bay that has a car in the other bay slightly overparked in the bay next to you - Mr Austin Maxi will turn up and park right next to your door! Never near the shopping trolly park and uphil from them not downhill Always park next to Expensive cars - astons etc unless in Levenshulme or Salford! Always park well in the bay as best you can Always park away from the main drag its easier to get in and out quickly Phew!! Sorry Nurse says I have to take my pills now!! Parking is not easy thesedays is it!
  19. Hi - found a useful old weblink i had http://www.ukcamera.com/towns/wales.htm Stan
  20. Unfortunately the number of people you see everyday on the motorway texting or speaking on the mobile - this resting the elbow on the windowsill with a cupped hand over the ear does'nt hide anything! You can spot someone texting if your behind them or faffing about with their satnav by the erratic driving style and doing 60 in the outside lane with no idea of whats around them . They should get firm with these sentences - a friend and his wife were badly injured by a girl messing about trying to get a Cd out of her glovebox - leaning over and smacked head on into them on the opposite side of the road - they both had a lot of surgery afterwards and are still suffering today 6 years later! No excuses!! Mobiles Satnavs and worst those bleedin DVD displays (in the front!)
  21. Just killed my session and lost my post - ?? Trouble 'at mill then?
  22. stanski


    Forgot to mention do you know we have steam engines in Bury (oh yes that Black 5 is very interesting.......... ) Actually its part of Bury's modern transport network infrastructure we are always up to the minute here you know - look out 1940's here we come -
  23. stanski


    Doh!! You've sussed me out! I was that funny looking tree that used to move about in the car park!
  24. Thanks for the advice - its a brand new Grundphos pump set to fast speed to replace the brand new pump when installed originally - (- bleedin Electrician did a test before they had put any water in the system and seized it !! ) Hmm what you say may be right - as I think its overheating a bit too often and tripping too often, but I was worried that the thermostat may be a bit too weak ?? Okay phone my local gas bods and get them round. No Not Chesterfield sunny Bury by the sea! Thanks again let you know the outcome. See we are not Anoraks (Enthusiasts is a better term) and we solve World class problems here - just like being in a real pub! Stan
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