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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Naa its erm well if you've ever been to Entwhistle you will understand why! 1:1 gradient and nowhere to park up and walk over!! I stopped for a sec just at the side of it but would'nt hang around there its on a tight bend - will be bobbing past there again so no worries.
  2. I'm with the obsessive compulsive Zed washing disorder team! Wash every weekend if time and weather permits - wax about every 4 weeks! Give it a proper going over though! Aha! I was thinking about getting one of those also - so you recon its ok? But I thought it weighed a tonne when I picked one up? Do you know if the pad sizes are a standard size - i.e where do you get more once those are used up? (sorry questions questions) Zed is ex demo-dark paint -swirl city! Van needs the side panels buffing (ooer missus) to remove previous owners company name? Anyone done this before ? Elbow is greased out and T- cut is not really working well
  3. stanski

    Fuel shocker

    Top stuff -that sounds like a record indeed I only get around the 400 miles mark per tankful - when I am doing sedate motorway driving to work and back -
  4. Ginger?? Well probably thats why its such a rare colour - mind you Temper Orange sounds better from a marketing perspective than Ginger I suppose?? Dukes of Hazzard in Entwhistle Lancashire - blimey - I would have noticed if Daisy was about - trust me on that one!!
  5. So if this Temper Orange is uber rare how come I've seen 2 in 1 week now? After last weekends Ragtop I decided to take a picture of this one - excuse quality taken in a hurry from the comfort of my van - I did stop and pull over for safety before anyone says anything! You are not going to lose that in a car park are you??
  6. weird this is exactly the problem I was having a few weeks ago - to be fair not tried since - comupters eh !
  7. As a former Rex 8 owners - I still peep at them on the motorway - still think they are a top machine however as I have said in the past - grandmas seem to be driving them now - well how the mighty have fallen! Blue one this morning - with full body kit (bit boy racerish for me) with massive RX8 logo and go faster stripes - crickey the bloke driving it was smoking a pipe and not just any pipe we are talking Basil Rathbone Sherlock stylie!!!!!
  8. Looks fantastic mate - would have loved to see the look on your neighbours when that turned up on your drive !! Enjoy it , keep smiling and check the forum for handy top tips - not arf!
  9. Teh! I dunno kids today! you and your boy racing habits!! Offski to bed - night all !
  10. Thanks guys Gonna log off now while the dust is settling drive home and fire up the laptop - going to be a very long night!!! Think roof will stay on - shame ....
  11. Typical major system problems and who has to stay behind holding the baby - yup me! Its nice and sunny outside - cant wait to get home - roof off if its still daylight - oh well it pays the mortgage - car loan, fuel, road tax etc etc etc did I mention I hate IT!! Stan's Pastry Perfection Cake Emporium business is looking more inviting every day! - now that I have a van! (Ideal for cake deliveries!)
  12. They really are muppets! I'm a former authorisation IT bod - it does'nt matter how many controls you put on an IT system , it falls on its ars* when you hand over the info to a dosey muppet on a memory stick CDR or USB harddrive!! Its really not that hard ..... treat it like your wallet , keep it out of sight , keep it safe and make sure you dont leave it somewhere unsafe - common sense!
  13. Thanks guys cant mention anything as yet -rather wait till things are /may be sorted - lets say I am not a happy bunny - you will understand why!
  14. so far so good - we has some rain last night and its bone dry today so thats good - bigger problems afoot though - will leave for another time !! If its not 1 thing....... Incidentally P1 service £212 in case anyone is watching the prices.
  15. Just had my P1 service and although I have a few things to sort out - cant discuss here at the moment - just looking at the service checklist and under Technicians remarks he wrote - nice car I suppose when your working on a staple diet of Micras , Navarras and Notes a Zed must be the sexy blonde with just cant take your eyes off! Cheered me up anyway
  16. If you recall I have had a soggy roadster! Well i eventually discovered the problem - the drivers side window was about 2mm short of where it should have been when the door is closed and it lifts up? I found this by using the tried and tested technique of pouring water on the roof with a watering can and seeing what happened to it? As you can see from the pic (sorry only had Paint to edit the pic on works pc!) the yellow down arrows show where it flows but the 2 points marked A is where the water gets between the glass and rubber seal - hence down the inside of the glass on top of the window switches seat base edge and down into the floor at lowest point! After a steady rain shower overnight the bottom foot well is quite wet - I have had strategically placed kitech paper towels to confirm my theory and yes unfortunately I was right. So in for its first service at the dealers today and they have adjusted the glass now so it rises up a fraction higher - looks a much tigher seal now lets hope it stays dry! Well done Doctor MartinMac you were right in your initial diagnosys. So anyone else with a leaky Ragtop worth checking!! Bear in mind this car is 8 months old!! Nissan quality eh!
  17. Damn should have stopped to take a piccie then doh!!!
  18. Was he a lardar*e by any chance - probably just wanted a cuppa and a strawberry pancake every 2 miles!! Na seriously I've started taking a bottle of water in the car these days and something to munch on if I am going any distance? Martin!!! Just go and wash your mouth out please - a Northern Lad too - Please do not imply us Northern folk are worse drivers than our London Village (that small town) counterparts! You do know some have managed to escape the M25 entrapment barrier and run free onto the M6 and M1 - these are probably the ones in Beemers causing us bovver ! Your right about Glasgow - the only place I have driven through where everyone is friendly on the roads and they stick to the limit! I do know why!! The coppers don't take any sh** from you - so best not to take any chances !! Took a wrong turning once and drove through a select part of the Clyde - it was like being back in the 70's zoiks - I have not felt so scared - at traffic lights praying they would change to green
  19. Hi I know this is'nt zed related but my recent van purchase came with heavy duty Steel racking which I dont need so if your interested ? Mint condition - fits whole side of a VW transporter T4 SWB type or similar sized van - see pic, adjustable shelves etc Dismantled it for easy transportation £25 buyer collects (North Manchester) PM me if your interested? Thanks Stan
  20. Stew love to go - cant keep me away from wee Scottie Land, ideally Sept and maybe as others have suggested Friday up there stay over somewhere reasonable and back on Sunday night sort of thing??? Stan
  21. Fab pics Stew - glad you had a great time- Feeling a little sad knowing I cant be there right now - Gairloch Skye spent a lot time around there - will be great to do that run in the Zed not a 4x4! Looks like I'm going to have to plonk my name down for the run up there - time to skip posts (Ps I was looking at the Panasonic Lumix - great name! Straight out of Ren and Stimpy - as a handy camera to have with me, when I dont want to carry my SLR) Great quality indeed.
  22. Did'nt you know the outside lane is the new inside lane? Like brown is the new black ? Staying in the middle is the safe bet - cause you cant be ar** moving -= lazy gits. Inside lane is normally empty these days? Hey your not a secret BMW driver are you ??
  23. Yes I think it was temper orange?? But is that the old colour? Not even listed on Nissan's website for the new roadster as an option? I did'nt think to look for the codpiece bonnet? Maybe it was late registered? Looked good though I must say thats the thing about the zed its shape lends itself to most colours - its all those curves - bit like an old Beetle!
  24. I honestly think your right guys - there must be a national shortage of indicator relays or in fact the indicator bulbs ?? This is already very well progressed in France as always we are late in the day in the UK - but we are getting there - I wonder if Gordon Brown has already levied a tax on indicator units and thats why people are trying to preserve the ones they have by not using them?? I must have missed that Breaking News on Sky!!
  25. Actually looks really good (surprised!!) I would like to say its most likely one of the Foos ballers - but I doubt Bury could afford that! Probably a loan car for the whole team Anyway so thats another roadster they shipped over - our numbers are swelling! The meek shall inherit the motorways!
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