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Everything posted by stanski

  1. I'll probably be the sad sod who drives into work at St Davids on the way home from Bala to post it on this forum!!
  2. stanski

    Bumper Dent

    Just crossed wires - young Dicky not young Stan! Well I hope I hav'nt got a bump in my bumper????
  3. GM coupe - H*** private plate Azure coupe - GT***** plate - squarehead??? GM coupe - did'nt catch the plate all within 10 mins - and today I am white van man - in my Transporter for a change! Its great being white van man - you can drive like a donkey and no one winges - they just let you out and expect it - he he he Oh damn tailbacks again on the new bit of M56 Costco - Aaaaaagh - what is the point of having a major road revamp then just move the traffic lights up the road a bit further! I know its only temp but its adding 10 mins onto my journey already. Hopefully get that bit finished soon?
  4. Love the Zed - but dont like the way scratches are appearing on it at the works car park!! See ya in hopefully sunny Bala! Double Spot Stanski - thats me! Stan
  5. stanski

    Bumper Dent

    £182?? I guess its a Nissan dealer?? Dont !!! They wont do it themselves - they will get a dent repair touch up company as mentioned to do it themselves - so your really better off going to them direct - look in the phone book for your local dentmaster type company and get a quote - it will save you some cash - trust me on that one., Good luck Stan
  6. Thank you Sir - I shall use them wisely! I will keep a supply of damp Weetabix in the car , and a cross bow - that way I can stick the card to the bow with the weetabix and whizz it across the motorway to unsuspecting fools who have not yet discovered the path to enlightenment care of the 350Zed forum! Plus there's that Ginger ....sorry Temper Orange one up the road to sort.
  7. stanski

    Bumper Dent

    Ouch! I suppose a lot depends how big the dint is and where it is - from my limited time with the Zed - I have noticed that the bumper plastic is very thin - this may or may not be a good thing in your case? I would hope you can (as you say) heat it up with a hairdrier from the underside (if you can get to it) then maybe try to push it back out - if not too big, but the paint will probably break off anyway so its a fill and paint job ? I think you could do with going to a body shop and asking them for a quote and whats involved if its a bad one? Trouble with filler is its likely to drop out with the bumper being so thin and flexible? Even that so called flexible filler??? Sorry mate hopefully someone with plastic repair experoence on the fourm maybe able to answer better?
  8. Cool ! Well next time tell him to keep an eye out for a night blue ragtop going the other way and dont forget to wave and flash!
  9. I only spotted it in the corner of my eye as it flew past - but about 07:10 am and 16:20 tonight? Could'nt see the plate - damn central reservation , low slung sports car doodar!!
  10. No way hate the smell of it... never tried it never will........ Funny all the guys in my team - when an attractive laydee walks past the office,- naturally we have to observe for research purposes - if we see she smokes - no matter how attractive she is everyone turns back round and carries on working - thats how much we all hate smoking I guess?
  11. The number of cameras on the motorways is already increasing - they are everywhere! Funny how people can get attacked in a town centre have their valuables robbed or worse - with all that CCTV everywhere and yet so many scroats get off or are never even found - why do they think a camera will be better than a copper on the street or a patrol on the roads? So in the Bala run then - if we see a line of horse boxes by the side of the road we will know that either the price of diesel has shot up so much the owners have left their horses or there are lots of SAFETY cameras for yours and mine protection on the roads
  12. West bound this morning - just past Chester Services East bound tonight erm past Chester Services What the F** have they done with the new bit of the M56 slip road near Costco!
  13. Nixy - a few get out of it options: 1. Buy some heavy duty super strong perfume like Poison or Coco - deadly in confined car space!! 2. Put red lipstick dots on your face, get in and start to scratch yourself every now and again - that should do the trick 3. As a lady I know you would'nt - but release unexploded gasses on a regular basis 4. Ask to listen to Radio 1 on a regular basis - alternatively say you want to listen to the shipping forcast 6. Buy a broadsheet and stretch it out across the screen as much as you can (i.e pretend you are on the tube!) 7. Use your mobile constantly - even though there is no one on the other end 8. Play an annoying game on your mobile - sound should be as loud as possible How long is your trip to work?? Hopefully these should work but as a last ditch attempt (I am assuming driver is female) give her a kiss one morning and tell her she looks really sexy! Nuff said! Let us know how you get on....... Stan
  14. North Wales has its own climate - where I work one side of the building will be sunny - you look to the other side of the building and its raining - its weird ! All I know it mostly rains in Bury!! Wales will be hot and sunny and all you coupe tintops will be jealous of us rooster owners!
  15. Indeed so I can make some blackmail money out of them later on - to pay for the Zeds roadtax and fuel bills !! I'm not as stupid as I look!! With any luck Zed girls will join in! te he he he
  16. Oh no for f*** sake - I thought Toyota wore the crown for this issue - so I have this to look forward to then - joy!
  17. eek!! Best buy a roadster then and a tube of silicon - seal the doors up with silicon and use it as a boat as required! You could tow it on the back of your Tug then Martin - best of both worlds! work and play
  18. Why don't we have our very own version of Muscle Beach at Bala on the Wales run!! Lets see how many sheep each person can lift!! I will just stand there and take pictures while munching on a choccie bar Failing that we could have a polish and wax Stan's Van competition -thats got to be worth burning some lard off! Wax on...wax off...
  19. Everything happens for a reason mate - thank your lucky stars you were out of harms way
  20. Oh No - at least your okay thats the main thing! You see junk food really is bad for you (and your wallet) I hope you get something else soon - get a VW Transporter van like me - think how much wax you could fit in that for your Zed!
  21. Just heard the radio news this morning - it said that forecourts have to provide 2 % of their fuel from renewable resources?? So thats a little different to last nights report??? So the problem I think they were saying is quality control of the biofuels? There are no standards enforced in UK I beleive? Figures......
  22. Just watching Channel 4 news - whats all this about fuel in the UK having a compulsary amount of biofuel in it?? Wheres the warranty disclaimer on this one - you just know whats going to happen dont you?
  23. Thanks for the info - think I will get one -I know what you mean about the halfords one - Woolies sell probably the same one for £17!! You just know they are made in the same Chinese factory! I will test it on the van I think first - there is acres of white panel to sort I spent 30 mins doing just one with T cut and a rag - and hardly any better so I think I will be spending £13 tomorrow! Cheers
  24. I was just in the outside lane pulled over to middle lane -waved as you drove past - eyes striaght deep in thought - both hands very firmly on the wheel - yikes you must have been running on fumes then, worrying about your next petrol stop? !! Got off at junct 10 GM coupe West bound also a few mins before
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