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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Well it would be nice to have a cart blank policy of shooting these weirdos I have to agree - trouble is some tree hugger somewhere will say - well they wer'nt themselves - they were effected by some event in their life ~Yeah great but what gives them the right to mess up everybody elses life! Tie them all to the tops of wind turbines out at sea and let the sea-gules finish them off!! (sorry my Christian attitude slipped there for a minute)
  2. They look really cool mate - Would'nt mind a set of them myself!
  3. As is often said - true life is always stranger than fiction!! That loon in Austria who kept his daughter underground for 24 years! How can his wife say she did'nt know anything - how come the neighbours did'nt notice anything odd, how come the local police etc did'nt know any sooner? This just beggars belief ................ Is it just me or are these kinds of events happening more often- or is that just the news reporting more these days - and these terrible things have always gone on?
  4. good thinking thats a top military plan - keep em guessing!
  5. Getting Married !!!! Oh crickey - so you mean a fast get away car on tap just in case ? I understand - nuff said! (just kiddin!)
  6. Thats pretty groovy Mike I tried my best but it still does'nt make me look any better! Doh!
  7. We await your report Sir! I'm tempted by to have a Wii myself!
  8. Martin is that why you had those mods fitted to the car - part of the secret flying adjustments - not only a man of sea but now air! Did you buy a flux capacitor from Big Phil ?
  9. You Fat is'nt that the actor out of Croughing Tiger Hidden Dragon? Chow Yun Fat ??
  10. Wow!!! Looks fab mate really really cool what a top machine He has a car like this and is worrying about number plates! Can't wait to see it in the metal in Wales - erm can you drive a bit behind the rest of us please - we don't want you taking all the attention!
  11. I dont beleive this !! Every day I drive down the A5117 (which is the way we will be coming in to St Davids park on the Wales run) and every day I see on average 4 Police cars parked up waiting on the bridges near the Industrial estate ? The North Wales Police seem to be particularly fond of camera vans taking number plate checks - I guess license MOT ,insurance cross checks ? But every day I see 2 or 3 Police cars stopping motorists there - ok if they are driving like muppets fine - if they are driving without tax etc fine - but there seems to be a keeness shall we say - one day I saw 4 cars parked up on the hard shoulder stopped by the Police - am I missing something here? These were'nt chavved up corsa's with bits hanging off they seemed just normal and also the turn off at St.Davids you get yet more patrol vehicles in wait? Is the A5117 a hotspot for international Drug smuggling or terror activies? Sheep russling? who knows maybe it is but its a bit overkill shall we say? I guess Stuey could shed more light as its his neck of the woods but the way things are going in this country you may as well just hand over your license and turn your car into a garden ornament!
  12. Chris dont worry just put Stimpys Sunday name on - Stimpson J Cat on your label - lets be honest who else is going to know who we are? As far as Wales is concerned we can be the Lost tribe of Zed - an old druid order (Blimey these Lemsips are good s**t Man!)
  13. Blimey first time I actually switched the telly on during daylight hours - I know there are other past times than this forum but.... Flicking channels and Home and Away came on ! Yowser when did those chicks appear on that program Wow !! Think I am moving to Aus! Bet they dont have stupid roadtax rules for gas guzzling sports cars over there!
  14. Oh no - really sorry for you mate I would just come out with it and confront her - do you have a patio at the back of the house? I've got a cement mixer if you want to borrow one (I can deliver)- know what I mean - nuff said!
  15. Oh man - your one of those people that gets the rest of the office(if you work in an office??) infected - best stay off for 2 dayes or so and get it sweated out?
  16. Oh dont tell me this mines an 07 313 GT Roadster ex demo - I hav;nt checked Autotrader or nissan used cars for this very reason! Oh well its a long term investment ....
  17. Shame that matey - dont worry there will be other runs out - why dont you come in whatever car you have now to Wales anyway? Yours will turn up before you know it dont worry
  18. Until I was about 24 I never took any pills so for example when I got headaches I used to just lie on my bed until it passed- but then I started to work shifts and that all went to pot - you tried doing a 12 hours night shift with a headache - not fun! I do agree with you though - so its down to lots of fruit and hot drinks to wash it out of my system - working so far but I think my nose is going to fall off soon - if only the Zed could run on mucus!!
  19. Top stuff Martin - so free lunch and also you said we could all stay at your house in the Lakes a while back - this guy is so generous!! You must have an understanding wife and huge bank balance!
  20. Sorry mate I blame the constant rain in Bury and I am getting on a bit you know - he he he Had 2 glasses of wine last night slept like a log, feel a lot better today - stocked up on clementines - drinking lots of hot drinks and basically keep warm. I dont eat rubbish and not a boozer either, but I need to exercise more - joys of a deskjob I'm afriad, anyway think my nose is going to dribble on this keyboard so best go - have a nice day folks
  21. Your right - but I only drink good wine- never had a hangover from it yet - Campo Veijo Reserva - dont forget a glass of water before you go to bed! No just a glass or 2 I think to coat the back ofthe throat and let those tannins do their work! I hate Man flu.......
  22. he he he - I was thinking of the Vitamin C in the red wine - honest! (I admire you not drinking btw )
  23. Get yourself a ragtop Zed - that way you get to really hear that fab engine noise - and then you notice you maybe exceeding the speed limit before you know it!
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