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Everything posted by stanski

  1. you see we have the full spectrum of life on this forum - we have the Mods and now we have the rockers! BTW you should have said you were after a sofa - I spotted this one - would really fit in with your decor?
  2. Yes I know its the only thing I can think of? Oh well got another 2 weeks before it expires so a bit more time to phone round. Maybe I just need to move to Scotland or Wales and live next to a Gas/Chocolate/Bus station facility eh Nixy As long as Costco is nearby I will survive
  3. Yes your right - will phone round - I mean bottomline I am goosed if I lose this key or it breaks! If it was a year older then it would be a boggo key - sods law! thanks.......
  4. Your all probably right but regardless of what we think is morally correct these days or not - imprisoning someone against their will then using them to create your offspring and keeping them all away from daylight and other people - well for goodness sakes.... then going on holiday and leaving them underground - I cant get my head round this - these are like events you may almost think of from past war crimes! Those poor kids..........
  5. Yeah maybe your right about the security aspect but I would bring my V5 doc and my drivers license card with me just in case - the guy on the phone did'nt particularly seem bothered about these things? Something tells me they are just trying to get away with charging an hours labour for nowt! I think I might try one of those online autolocks companies but they will probably fleece me for a call out charge!
  6. Hi - nothing different than the tintop Zed I can think of - only issue I had with my ragtop is drivers window did'nt close fully up when the door was shut hence when it rained it dribbled in a bit (well a lot if I am honest!) But thats sorted. Wow the ranks of us roadster owners are begining to swell - thats at least 5 now!! Hope the car works out ok for you? Lets pray for the other sunny day (on the Wales run!)
  7. Hi Slightly off topic here sorry - its my van - it only came with 1 key and no 3 digit code tag - its from 1998 and has a chip in it for the imobiliser, not a remote control or battery mechanism? Has anyone tried these companies that do auto security ?? I phoned VW and they said they could copy the key but its £18 for the key and £72 labour or so and I have to book the van in for an hour?? Explain that? I guess they take the chip out of the key and copy the code sequence to a laptop (bit like a SIM ?) and then onto the other key?? So why do I need my van to be in the garage? Does anyone know??
  8. 55 Zeds!!! Eek better bring spare cakes just in case of any extra straglers turn up? This is going to set some World record - how many cakes can you fit in a Zed roadsters boot!! I hope you eat them all I'm not taking them home again - my BMI index is not looking good at the mo as it is!
  9. Very nice - I like the carefully placed guitar Very Rock and Roll!
  10. If its not too late please count me in? Drive up Friday after work - stay over Friday/Saturday - back home Sunday late? Maybe visit Friends on Skye if time permits either way cant wait to get back up there and in a top car for a change That Glenmoriston Manse place looks nice actually? £25 /night? Better bring my Jerry can just in case
  11. Hi Managed to finally get a 1.5 litre tin of paint mixed up in Cellulose for the Van - to do some blending in and tidy up work. I have searched around a number of paint places and no one sells Celly or Acrylic - its all 2 pack waterbased s**t! Ok so we have to hug a tree or 3 these days and tell them the world is a better place etc fine but why is some celly available and not all? Excuse the noddy question - been out of the painting game for some time?
  12. This is not fair - reading all these insurance threads recently - the cheapest I have found so far is Adrian Flux - £781!! Oh come on !! I've got 18 years no claims for goodness sakes and access to another vehicle! So you guys who have £300- £400 quotes must live in the stix have 10 foot electric fences and a selection of wild beasts roaming your garden to keep the scroats away?? ...help
  13. Stayed here twice its that good - the service and food are second to non - its my benchmark for such things and so far never beaten. The Hotel itself does'nt look much from outside but inside its nice and the second time we went I was worried it was'nt going to be as good as the first trip - but fortunately I was wrong - just excellent friendly service. They are not cheap but they do deals once in a while - go for the full board option - it actually works out cheaper with the superb cuisine. http://www.cuillinhills-hotel-skye.co.uk/ Located in Portree its easy to find and the views across the bay are top! My second recommendation is the Austwick Traddock - via Lancaster in Yorkshire Dales www.austwicktraddock.co.uk What can I say I celebrated my 40th here - again excellent service , excellent food (smaller portions though) small friendly hotel good location ideal for hiking etc nearby and they just could'nt do enough for us, expensive of course! They will let you take your dog though - which is good as most places wont. If you go hope you enjoy your stay as much as we did
  14. It will be that Fiat metal then? Coo I forgot to mention they also had a Neesmoo exhaust in the pound shop - bargain I thought - looked a bit flimsy - could easily have been a genuine Nissan part then!
  15. Big Polish community in Scotland mate - look in the local ads your bound to find someone who will do it for you? They will also probably turn up on time, get the jobs done properly, quickly and leave the place clean
  16. Big Phil seems to have the keenest prices As far as tyres are concerned I did a price check last night for myself coincidentally - going off this forums section on tyres, I am tempted by Falcons purely for cost reasons its saves me £100 for a full set. Prices from www.camskill.co.uk include free delivery Toyo Proxes T1R Rear £119.40 Front £101.30 Falcon ZE912 Rear £88.10 Front £81.10 Hope this helps?
  17. I will buy them out and flog it on Ebay for £5 each!! Pound shops have their uses (hey I am not proud!) they are good for DIY stuff - paint brushes, paint rollers, stuff you can throw away after you have finished - I stopped buying expensive Harris brushes years ago ! They sell dayglo green safety vests also - stuff you should really have in the boot of the car just in case.
  18. Of all DIY jobs plastering I hate the most - I even rather prefer moving loos - dont ask - to plastering! good luck with it - if your patching - then wicks do a ready mix patching plaster thats really easy to use. Stew think safety first - get a mask for your nose of some sort(or a cowboy handkerchief type thing if you dont have anything else), latex throw away gloves for your hands and a hat for your hair - old shirts as opposed to T-shirts to keep the stuff off your skin, just remember it gets everywhere in the house - so keep the door closed to the room your working on and dont use a Dyson vac afterwards - it kills them! Oh between you and me- dont tell anyone but its ok to sandpaper it - if you need to get a little bit smooth after its dried - Plasterers will be spitting at their screen now!! Good luck mate
  19. All this recent talk about Stubbie aerials - well guess what I spotted in the Pound shop!! Yup 1 whole English pound for this ! Probably the same thing everyone sells on Ebay for more! Its spun aluminium I think and the top bit extends a little - ideal for scroats to break it off! How much did this cost to manufacture then I wonder?
  20. Ouch thats expensive Nixy! So if we all buy a Nissan Micra, stop drinking, smoking, start feeding our families on meatballs and pasta (care of Jamie Oliver) walk to the shops , grew our own veg, ensure we have at least 3 named older drivers on our insurance, and heat the house using wood burning stoves fired by the junk mail and insides of loo rolls, we will have a happy cheap life! Easy! This is the future
  21. tut tut did'nt take long to get onto Adult theme Wii's eh - he he he Sounds your better off washing and waxing the Zed every week then all that getting up and down lark with wash mitts should help keep the old ticker going
  22. Yeah and jags and Bentleys and Rangerovers ! With any luck I will be able to get a cheap Bentley GT continental in the next couple of years - my original plan was forcast as 10 years on - since they are about £55K on an '05 plate now already? The way prices and well fooseballers tastes are going they will be a lot cheaper a lot sooner! Actually Astons will probably be cheap also? You will be able to buy a £60K GT-R for peanuts! Of course no petrol to run them on but hey minor drawback!
  23. No no no no no - I think you might be otherwise engaged(no pun intended!!) Give it at least 2 weeks then you can play with your toy.
  24. Good luck then mate hope it all goes well for you
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