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Everything posted by stanski

  1. No No No No - Rain!! Its not like its another bank holiday on Sunday - do the clouds not know this!!
  2. I know what you mean about Bakewell - its only a version of Manchester Tart anyway (which is better - he he but I am biased!!) No worries squarehead its looking like cookies are the fave snack of Zed owners - but I will get a mix of all anyway just make sure there are more of your faves! Dont worry any veggies these goodies are all veg friendly , environmentally aware have never harmed a fish in their life!!! I know what you mean Zedrush it does sound a bit - ooh can we have a sticky bun with our Early Grey please Vicar! Its just a sugar rush to help with our Sunday Zed rush!
  3. So thats what you really look like in the flesh!
  4. lucky rascal - I'm in work also Cant get out at lunch either cause too much stuff to do boo hoo - - you should have your car sorted by the time you read this - bonus!
  5. Just as well its after the watershed eh! anyway never mind this lot get voting ya rascals! I dunno kids today!
  6. Yeah you an me both - we could borrow one of those dog collars for sick dogs and line it with tin foil to reflect the sun under the chin !
  7. Those damn bugs have no respect for the effort we put in to wash our cars! Just washed mine (again) on Sunday and then a light shower (with that dirty rain) left spots on the top - oh well who cares - I enjoyed the run out. - Panda eyes at dawn Ragtop owners -unless you take your shades off and cant see where your driving! Or just a red forehead and neck?
  8. Did'nt take long to lower the tone eh! Surprised no ones mentioned the spray cream Dont worry Martin I will buy you an ice cream then! Hang on my company also makes ice cream -maybe I can sneak in on sunday and get some !
  9. Ok so I was back at work today and its fab sunshine - no matter - I am finally getting my money's worth out of buying a roadster! Lets hope we have a proper summer this year Roadster owners unite! Happy happy joy joy!
  10. - don't worry I will ensure you have enough cookies
  11. Hi - I did promise to get everyone cakes for the Wales run I know we are having a spot of afternoon tea but there is no law that says you have to wait till then to eat cakes! Just take one for the journey home anyway Can you please give me a rough idea of which you prefer? For practicality reasons I decided to leave out cream based cakes - i,e a hot Zed boot + cream = cheese!! (Of course you could always bring that spray cream?)
  12. Cheeky f**er! Rover P5B - top machine - almost got one when I was in my Classic car phase - which one the Saloon or Coupe?
  13. ha ha ha - I know about such engineering I have a persuader bar in my tool kit just for such events!
  14. Doh! I am jealous! not got anything planned yet just too much going on at the mo - must focus ! Hope you have a nice trip anyway
  15. Yeah pictures please but dont get arrested in the process will you
  16. Hope its sorted soon Martin - just think of the sunshine we are supposed to have this week - that will keep your chops grinning
  17. Very very nice Weird thing I actually like it in swirly wax look - the first shot - you should come to wales with it like that - then we can draw groovy graphics on it!!!!
  18. We exchanged waves - it was a shock to see another softtop
  19. to the site - hey you will have to tell us some of your French holiday tales - I am (still !) planning to go in June/July in my Zed?
  20. Doh!!! Just just quickly reword that!! The height from the ground to the Zed's bumper lowest point is....
  21. Ok I have now confirmed to my neighbours I am a loon!! Well mine is 3.5 inches approx, or 90mm in Euros. Hope that helps?
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