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Everything posted by stanski

  1. I have been thinking leccie also for some time but only waiting for the batteries and conversation kits to drop in price so I can convert my 71 Beetle and 73 Bay camper to leccie! Instead I buy a gas guzzling V8 just as they are on the way out!
  2. welcome mate. Fab cars good luck with. The mods will no doubt point you in the right direction for meets etc. Stan
  3. Yup has a G37S it was my zed compromise as I have a daughter, but by the time she was 6 she was getting too tall for the back, the rear window is very low. Loved it to bits however lost a lot of money trading in as nobody would have it not even Infiniti themselves. Be careful if you are going to buy one as Infiniti is pulling out of Europe and Uk, plus parts are extortionate!
  4. Nothing new under the sun really. Remember this from last year? https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/10/22/super_micro_chinese_spy_chip_sec/
  5. Welcome you will love it, they are fab cars !
  6. Haha you seem to be well read! It looks a bit wolf like but I recon its a softie underneath all of that!
  7. You have to thank the stupid tax rules dreamt up by the government! From 2017 if your car is an evil gas guzzling baby swan killing one such as this, its £2000 first year road tax by the first owner, then £145 + £310(i think?) For 5 years if your car was over £40k new! The Shadow edition is a run out model prior to the restyled one (which I dont like) and it was just under £40k new so I only pay £145! Mad isnt it? Of course my petrol bills will offset any savings .
  8. Thanks for the kind words guys. It wasn't really that quick I have been looking /agonising for at least 6 months , the 370 even longer! I actually sat in one the week they came out in this very colour! Love it and very easy to find in a car park. In the end I cant help my retro roots I suppose, nice contrast inside a nod to the 60s with all the modern tech etc. This one just came up at the right time, price spec and wasn't too far away. I think the previous owner also fitted the Moshimoto intake kit, which was in the boot. But returned to standard that's the way I like to keep it, so thats going on fleabay I think, its £300+ new usually! Need to reclaim some of that cash. The biggest problem is deciding on a name for it? It should be a dog as it barks at me when I get out with the engine running to remind me! Clever these American dogs! I think the 370 would run rings around it but I am happy so far. So a Stang meet at Krispy Kremes in Manchester is it haha.
  9. Hi everyone, after Marzman's Mustang thread I ended up buying one this weekend! I am more surprised than anybody! 2018 Shadow Edition in Grabber Blue (pants name)! Hardly run in 1 owner and my road tax is a mere £145! Immaculate car with all the toys already put 300 miles on it. Its bleeding loud! Not until I got it home did I realise it had Moshimoto performance back box on it! Never heard of them before? Not going to impress the neighbours but hey life is short. So far its outperformed my expectations! Love all of it absolutely superb car and my favourite colour. Easy to find in a car park. Every trip is an event not least that I have to apply for a PSV license to steer it around corners less than 80 feet wide! Really really pleased with it. Did I say that already? I think a 350z-Stang club meet sometime haha! I am already on first name terms with my local petrol station. Its good to keep the local economy going! Stan
  10. Chris!! I wish I had not read that now! After owning Japanese cars with sod all issues this is putting me off. Well lets see on Saturday eh? Thanks again
  11. Ideally £9k but it needs some fettling at the moment so I would let it go for £8200 as is. Its a solid car restored inside and out but just needs a couple of weekends to fine tune etc. You are welcome to pop over and take a look regardless if you want to buy or not. You cant beat that classic car leather/wood aroma can you.
  12. Off to test drive one Saturday morning, was going to ask is there anything I need to look out for? Other than tyre tread on the rears haha!
  13. Haha typical British Leyland build quality eh! I am both impressed and annoyed at the same time with the P5. Its amazingly well and over engineered but at the same time you have to oil something and everything leaks oil no matter how well you seal it. Just impressed how years ahead they were. Looking forward to the article.
  14. I had a bad experience with Audi years ago, Audi UK to be exact, engine top end blew up at 70 (not something you ever forget) other than the fact they make cam belt tensioners from plastic but then totally didn't give a stuff about you, long story. So yes nice as they may look I vowed never to have one. Bottom line everyone likes different stuff and why not, I am just odd. I love oddball , I had a chocolate brown Nissan Cube once with the Brown velour interior, loved it but couldn't pull skin off custard. Anyway get your Audi and enjoy it mate lifes too short. All these cars will be worthless in the next decade when society shuns them as being evil gas guzzlers. The 370 is the end of the line , next one will be some 4 pot with a turbo, but I like my V6s non turbo.
  15. Hey! Thanks for those! A Rover household then . Very nice. Which was your favourite? Just been faffing with mine tonight think the fuel pump is playing up! Thats the weekend taken up then.
  16. Cant find the story but remember last year an old dear put her campervan on autocruise then went in the back to make a brew!! She crashed into a tree, thankfully nobody hurt but thought it was like an autopilot on a plane! It begins .....the human race is doomed!
  17. I have to agree there is a certain clientele seen driving a Stang! I would like to confirm I am not that, neither do I like the usual suspect German stuff, no doubt superb but too common for me. I am just wierd? Inside I am still 12 flicking through my Hot Rod and Custom Magazine haha. Anyway its most likely be a 370z the sensible choice but I have to try a Mustang too.
  18. Hi think we did the same research. I love them to look at and no doubt they are great to drive but Maserati has stopped making them. Their parts tend to be bespoke made and not generally available elsewhere, so its going to be a total money pit long term especially tyres and brakes not least fuel. Maserati and Alfa are circling the financial rim with Fiat/Chrysler looking to potentially sell? Shame really but sometimes that beautiful Italian is just too high maintenance! Anyway going to check out a Mustang hopefully this weekend, see how that goes?
  19. No interesting cars have cheap servicing costs. My 350z used to cost £300+ at the dealers everytime. In my head I justified the costs of running a Maser including an indie to service it ,but eventually my common sense kicked in. They are huge cars, eat tyres, brakes and suspension springs, non of which are cheap, plus they stopped making them this year and shut the factory to tool up for the new Alfieri replacement. Nuff said. So its still zed and Mustang. I do drive up and down the country a lot, Scottish Highlands being one of my fave places with the best roads. I know the zed will probably win hands down on those roads but I still want to try the Mustang. Since my works commute is now reduced to 80 miles per week tops I dont worry too much about petrol and tyres. I used to do a 700 mile per week before when I had my 350 that was painful. I was never going to buy brand new probably 12-18 months old Mustang or Zed and 10 year old Maser they are about £20-35 at that age. Anyway thanks for the advice and suggestions.
  20. Thanks for the information its really valuable. I was going for the GT 370 originally but sometimes the revised Nismo makes it look a bit dated , having said that I still love the shape but has to be Storm white (I blame Colin for that)! Ironically its long distances I go to Scotland quite a bit and Cornwall too that is one of my criteria. I heard the Nismo could have a fair bit of tyre noise from your post it seems to be a lot? Maybe the GT is the preferred option then for zed? The Mustang is tugging at my heart I have to say, but then the Zed was also for years. I have to get that Rover sorted and up for sale sharpish then test drive them. The zed feels at home for me, sat in them before but never driven yet the Mustang just has that B@lls out nature. Little worried about the 6k miles tyre change Marzman commented on. Then again P zeros are normally made from cheese anyway. My daily commute is short these days and I dont usually drive like a spanner so maybe I can squeeze a few more miles that 6k on the tyres. Thanks again for the info its all good stuff to know.
  21. Oh thats great thanks for the information about the Maserati. I had justified in my mind how I could get away owning one but in the same way a lot of these expensive cars like Range Rovers , Astons or Continentals, heavy depreciation but shoddy unreliable junk outside of warranty. I loved my 350 it was bullet proof and the 370 has been calling me as the logical next step but then seeing Mustang prices drop a teeny bit now they have been on sale for a while is causing me to hesitate. I need to just drive them both and see which fits with my requirements? Thanks for the advice , masser is off the list.
  22. Haha only a million? I kept an eye on my old zed last year it was up for sale but then vanished, probably a washing machine now.
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