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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Oh right well I never knew? See that's what's 24 hour news does for you. Damn where is my wiki page now?
  2. Interesting topic on this forum but its always been a club willing to express honest options and unlike other forums staying cool about it. We had a guy who 'changed over' to a woman at my old job. It was handled very well by the company and everyone treated her as before. There was the initial shock factor but that lasted a day or 2 then life carried on as normal. It takes some b@lls to do that and stay in the same company. I would have expected a move to a new job elsewhere as the new person start fresh? Either way people get on with life. I can understand the lbgt community trying to highlight injustice and asking to be treated equally ,well I treat them no differently to anybody else. I expect there will always be the small minded muppets who dont like anything other than what is considered so called normal these days but there always will be. Its when some idiot politicians start ramming stuff down peoples throats , like the school curriculum fuss recently , I start to get annoyed? There is no need live and let live dont make stuff a choice of this or that , you end up making the prejudice. Just remember since the advent of 24 hour news channels we have a tonne of stuff in the press that years ago nobody would care or be bothered about but you need to fill that empty space. Hence the massive fuss over Nike Trainers (off topic slightly) being racist? Really? It was probably some young graphic designer naively thinking hey thats a cool looking Amercan flag would look great on our trainers, didnt even bother checking Wikipedia because that is the Gods honest truth! The world is doomed if we lap all this rubbish up. Anyway happy Friday live well people dont fight each other.
  3. There is no hydraulic mechanism on these , just wires and electric motors from what I remember? . Stuff needs oiling and greasing and cables may have stretched a bit? If you are not far from Stockport maybe give these a call. I know they specialise mx5s but might be able to help if Alex can't? http://www.thesofttopshop.com/
  4. Drone squad? Sounds like a cheesy 1970s tv sitcom! Wonder if all these impending drones will have traffic jams in the air. Amazon keep going on about using them for deliveries. Will they have smart cameras to check if you are in , press the bell and fly off quickly leaving you with a missed delivery note?
  5. stanski

    Drift pics.

    Looks great not sure about those Bolivian Remoulds you fitted!
  6. Its been a while since I drove in London but last time I did , I am pretty sure you cant speed anywhere because of the traffic anyway? I wouldn't read too much into these press releases its more to highlight the fact drones are being used for something new. Of course there is likely to be ban on drones in built up places so how will that work?
  7. Wow!! You have gone to town! Really hope you find the leak? In my old school classics, I used to put paper towels,loo roll in strategic places to see if I could track it? Those seats are electric everything no wonder they weigh so much? Is it worth drilling a small hole, seal it with paint until you find it then plug with a gromit ?
  8. Colin as someone who works with computers my whole life, I would never trust it, too many variables can go wrong not least cheap component parts duff sensors and a situation the developers never thought of. A friend of mine borrowed a Bentley Bentaga (yes the fugly one) for a weekend. He set to cruise control, head up display all very fancy apparently. Its clever, reads the circular road speed limit signs and adjusts the cars speed to match, all nice but you know continental lorries that have 100kmh max road speed signs on their tail gates, well the Bentley read it thought it was a 100mph sign and promptly accelerated at which point my mate paniced had to cancel the cruise and go back to manual! Too much tech , trying to be too clever, asking for trouble.
  9. Hi mate I dont remember seeing that many s550s but 70000 original older ones. I probably saw that 800bhp one, but I was drawn to the pick up trucks and 50s fins! Ironically I had different thoughts, glad I dont have the old ones (my classic days are over) but thinking how I could justify buying that huge Hummer did you see it!! I was stood next to the red Belair chevy and the smell of petrol was huge with the engine off, it must have a drainpipe for a carb haha. Will go next year we need to do a blue stang line up. Did you see the Chargers..... Ir
  10. Yes saw that, there were about 3 together, pictures on my camera not phone. I usually go for the Classic show at Tatton every year but thought I would give this one a go. Only sad thing was the number of trailered cars rather than driving them to the show. Yes they cost a fortune in fuel but they should be driven.
  11. Mustang fest, not so many new ones though. Nope I like as is. I might get a different exhaust (quieter once those accoustic cameras turn up) but no. I do like the pick ups especially the chevy ones but sod all use in this country with the amount of rain we get haha.
  12. Yes yes its American and not japanese but the first car I see is a white 370 Nismo , turned to Ania(my daughter) if I hadn't got the Stang thats what we would be in. Anyway though I would share a couple of pics. Ok I have a fin fettish!! Good show very hot and sunny nice vibe.
  13. to the club. Zed looks good, not seen many red ones. Nice
  14. Haha its too nice they have really fab ice cream and food. We love it of course we would stop at your nature reserve instead if you opened a nice cafe.
  15. You want to get funding and open a nature reserve Alex. Then a nice cafe and ice cream parlour you will clean up and give that Stewarts Ice Cream farm a run for its money .
  16. Congratulations. My missus has the m2 version (previous to this) and she loves it. She wanted something fun, fast yet practical 4 seats and a decent size boot. So handy for family life but still fun. We do trips to Cornwall in it and its fine. Although no rubber between rear suspension and body and you can tell!
  17. Haha thats funny! Well she is 9 now! Btw if you find an old black ipod (retro I know) maybe under drivers seat its mine. When I part exd even though I cleared everything out I lost the damn thing, I can only think it fell out on the floor or the carpark ah well. Shame about the leak? Maybe a drain hole blocked in the boot area? Hope you get it sorted. Btw check the space saver wheel its the best one I have ever seen! If you are ever up north Manchester send me a pm be good to see the old machine. The rear led lights are my fave and the ambient purple lights. There is a post I did about it on here when I got it.
  18. Haha what a strange coincidence! Well I hope its ok for you? I traded it in at Vw vans Liverpool for a T5. Didnt want to but family requirements. I loved it and that colour paint was always my favourite. Used to get lots of people stopping me asking what it was etc. I waxed and treated it to the max! Good luck with it hope it continues to serve you well.
  19. Deffo my argument you cant keep a classic van and beetle unless it drips oil everywhere and that noise is part of its appeal. Plus its the only engine I litterally know inside out and can fix at the side of the road. I would only do a conversation once I had drunk up all the petrol with the Mustang and you have no choice but use PP3 batteries.
  20. Oh I dont know about that one but I am a lifelong aircooled vw fan so its easier because you drop the motor fit the electric one in its place (motor fitted to mounting plate to match original engine location (4 bolts)) , fit battery in place of the petrol tank. These guys charge a fortune!! https://www.electricclassiccars.co.uk/
  21. Oh sorry mate didn't see the thread. Lets see what happens but like all these cars if they want mass uptake, battery range and cost. Electric cars are stupid expensive. Its going to be a 2 tier job where only the well off can afford them? What about everyone else? I just want a nice cheap retro fit kit to stick in my beetle and camper and they are between £4k and £7k for basically a washing machine motor and a couple of lead acid milk float batteries
  22. https://www.topgear.com/car-reviews/e-prototype/first-drive Well its actually real now. Has lost some of its Mk1 Golf 70s look that wowed everyone but lets see how it looks in the flesh when they are on the road? Still better looking than all the other drab weird looking leccie cars around.
  23. Woooohoooo! Congratulations ! Good luck to all of you. Time to ditch the 2 seater sports car, erm well no hide it under a rock until baby is about 3 then its back to fun motoring.
  24. Blimey this thread got a bit heated. Bottom line we have just offered our opinions to give you food for thought. I dont think anybody is deliberately trying to scam anyone, but the industry seems set very much against the normal person trying to get a home to live in bring up a family, children, pets, 350 zeds whatever. Either way take legal advice from someone you trust. Moving house is particularly stressful at the best of times, but as mentioned you situation is better than most you have continued employment. Did your partner receive any redundancy payments? Can you use that to fill the gap worse case? Either way dont think of every possible worse case scenario. Good luck and let us know how things turned out.
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