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Everything posted by stanski

  1. Already done , dont you remember that documentary in the 80s?
  2. Now if you tie that to hard labour prison camps, pushing heavy weights uphill, at least the inmates can be doing some good. Failing that say its a fitness boot camp, get those overweight kids up there, obviously when they finish with the wheel barrows to China, come on I am not mean! We can have a reality tv show bit like love island but aimed at fitness and your reward for pulling or pushing the most weight uphill that day is a Big Mac. No spray tan or Caterpillar eyebrows required. Sorry Boris me again got this great idea.....
  3. I hope renewables do go the distance and help reduce the reliance we have on the older power stations. But remember where all solar panels are made, yes China!! Hence my earlier suggestion of pushing their or our landmass closer and using wheelbarrows rather than huge poluting diesel trucks. Dear Boris as new PM I have a few suggestions for you..... Chill peeps this is only a bit of fun.
  4. Well excellent but of course that means personality is more important than skill , experience and leadership! (Maybe I am being a bit harsh, he is probably a lovely person and it will all be fine!) Mind you we are in the celebrity age where anything goes, especially common sense out of the window. I blame that orange tanning spray, probably find out in 10 years time it effects us like MSG or Blue Smarties.
  5. Interesting stuff. I know enough vegans my mrs even went vegan for 6 months but for health reasons, she wasn't happy. I am not a big meat eater but humans are designed to be both. What people forget, to recreate a lot of substitute vegetarian foods (I still dont get vegetarians who buy veggie sausages or burgers that look and taste like meat?) manufacturers put in all sorts of artificial crap, so how can that be healthy? My chemistry teacher always said we shouldn't be burning oil its too precious, so many more uses as plastic , well look at the state of the world now but we would be struggling without it.
  6. Haha thats odd I have been saying the very same thing for years. All the rare metals that need to be mined for batteries, not entirely world friendly, then shipped around the globe in diesel powered massive ships. Same for the cars, built from new materials remember (ok some metal recycled but not all), then shipped around the world. I had classic cars for years, its my way of recycling haha. The extensive use of Aluminium, from what I remember you need a lot of energy to produce aluminium sheet. It goes on and on , basically if you pretend this fantastic electric future is powered by fairies we are fine. Plastic bags well for years I have been saying we need to go back to paper bags but infused with cellulose to make them stronger. How do we know these companies are in fact passing on the money from bags to?? Who exactly? Mister and Mrs Swan so they can get a new pond built at some rich MPs grounds next to their Duck house? I fear this thread will go on, I blame this hot weather, its because of climate change on Mars you know. If only we managed to throw an anchor to Mars pull it closer (and the moon for that matter) we would have a better climate I am sure of it? Pretty sure I can hear Elon Musk already planning that one?
  7. Totally agree but personal agendas and profit will always come before any real progress. Manchester wants to bring in a clean air zone ,like London yet the worse polluters are buses, vans and taxis belching crap out the back. Bus companies keep aging buses going since they are expensive to replace, likewise vans and taxis. Make them electric, make the public transport, clean, safe , reliable, electric if you must and cheap or better free. I will use it no problem and help save a few more swans and dolphins. I was always brought up to look after things so they last longer hence you dont need to replace them anytime soon. Plus we never had the money anyway. Some items get a second or third use, for example my daughter's old clothes are used for my diy jobs or on the cars when I do servicing. You know mop ups, cleaning waxing only being chucked when have had it. (Other half thinks I hoard) but complains about all the cardboard we have every week. You mean all the landfill she orders from Amazon every week. Grrr Anyway I dont think everyone is being selfish out of choice but if there is money to be made from the environment you bet someone will spot that opportunity.
  8. Haha thats funny. Nothing against veggies but I do hate this Vegan fashion at the moment and yes its a fad! As soon as people say you can slim eating just plastic carrier bags everyone will do it! I tried quorn for the first time last year and other than a weird taste it was nothing like the lasagne it was supposed to be. I ended up producing lots of unexploded gases later that day!
  9. Just to step away from Boris for a minute. As someone who does actually care about the environment, well ignoring the gas guzzling v8 for a moment, I am getting so fed up with this , ' oooh we are having the hottest July on record moment' in the news and straight away the climate police dive in, its because of climate change. I am sure it is a contributing factor but doesn't this happen to the planet every so often anyway? Anytime something happens, they are straight in there! Why are they not going out to farmers fields and sticking bungs up cows bottoms to stop them producing methane? Why are we now using pigs pee (yes they deny its that) Adblue its commercial name, to reduce emissions? More to the point how the hell did anyone think spraying wee on a diesel emitting car would have benefits? Surely every public loo now has a secondary use? They want to collect all that pee? Whilst we are on it what happens to all the hair thats cut at barbers shops? Is it sent to China then converted to that chemical which is used to make pizza dough easier to fold etc? Once again how the hell did someone discover this? Sorry for ranting I blame the heat which of course is climate change created by all this crap everyone is sending to China which they then send back for a different purpose! Why dont we just push China's landmass closer to ours and just wheelbarrow it over? Simplest ideas are the best. Use overweight kids to barrow it, makes them fit, minimal climate impact, team building and no doubt more benefits. I just like to point out no cows, pigs, toilet attendants or wheel barrows were harmed during the writing of this post. The ink on this screen was made from old left over shoe polish. Have a nice hot afternoon.
  10. We pride ourselves on being very serious in the zed club. I am for example still mentally 12 even though for some strange reason I look older? Then again cant be accused of having a mid life crisis , I simply am not old enough yet , Mustang or no Mustang.
  11. How dare you sir, imply a responsible member of parliament would mislead the public and his own people with such tales? Hmm never happen in this country we are far too open and honest plus we have the humanitarian court of social media to guide us. B#####x.....
  12. Wow so they will use that to rejuvenate town centres, update hospitals, create job opportunities for everyone, money for schools, more Police on the streets, the possibilities are endless. ...... oh and a bridge in London with grass and flowers on it.
  13. Facel Vega HK500 ! No reason never seen one in the flesh but look fantastic!
  14. Well they do say the Fool shall inherit the earth, sadly it will be at everybody else's cost!
  15. They have to bring that programme back but sadly all the weird stuff they used to do is actually true these days.
  16. What a clown for PM? Old news the Yanks already have a clown in charge too? Are we really in the Matrix or on a Trueman show film set?
  17. The gt86 looks stock apart from a nice set of alloys. Nothing to worry about. If it had been chavved up lime green fast and furious stylie that would be another story but then again a lot of traffic cops are car buffs too. Enjoy the trip.
  18. Wow that was so long ago! Pretty sure my mate joined the RAF because of that film!
  19. What really? Cool one to watch for us older kids!
  20. I was reading about this guy who has remade the original car by hand with modern bits but looks just like the original. https://www.topgear.com/car-news/retro/rocky-autos-3000gt-best-replica-world Obviously still expensive but surely a car or at least body can be made by a 3d printer such is that technology these days? Apparently he computer scanned his own original and made a wooden buck to panel beat the aluminium panels. Amazing craftsmanship but if they can make 3d printed buildings using a spray on concrete wonder if they can make cars (obviously some plastic type resin) but the detail should be pretty good? Why dont the manufacturers dip into their back catalogue and cherry pick their all time most popular icons? Maybe power them by electric motors ? Obviously Aston Martin do that now hand build a DB5 for stupid money but its not the same is it? Only for the well heeled? Naturally it will be down to market forces and demand? What car would you want remade in this way? 240z of course (no rust!)
  21. This is where I am showing my naivety? I thought there were only 2 types of Trans manual and automatic now you tell me there is something in between? Ffs car tech really is moving on isnt it!
  22. Sorry Alex it was a few years ago my memory is fading but I can still smell the petrol fumes when behind you on that Hoon!
  23. BBC News - Bastille Day: Flyboard takes part in military display https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48979862
  24. Lee contact Zedmanalex he knows this kind of stuff. He has 600/650bhp? Cant remember Alex, basically a bleedin lot!
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