well i started off with having to try and sort my mums new 3 series front bumper after someone decided to do this to it in a car park
just wanna say everything i done was with easily available products and equipment, no fancy detailing gear, i wanted to see how it'd go.
so i clayed the paint to remove any tar and as much of the white paint scuffs as i could. tried using some autoglym paint renovator by hand but to no avail, so used my silverline rotary and some 3m finnesse-it and a soft farecla pad and got all of it out except some scratches which were through the paint, touched them up as best i could, it'll do for now!
so i decided to do a test panel on my azure blue 350z, as the car is MAJORLY swirl marked, the previous owner obviously wasnt the best at looking after it. after megs clay and QD it looked like this. swirl heaven.
so again, using my silverline rotary and 3m finesse-it with a good mist of water on the panel i got it looking like this, but it still had some deeper scratches which i wasn't happy about.
so to try and get most of the deeper scratches out, i broke out the farecla G3 (don't all cringe at once!). plenty of misted water and a little G3, and light pressure as i knew 350z paint is patchy depth wise, and i was left with usual G3 marks, but less scratches.
once again, back over the panel with 3m finesse-it and a soft pad, plenty of misted water, made 2 passes with this and it started to come good.
apart from some very small but deep scratches which i didnt want to attempt to remove, it was swirl free and ten times better than at first!
finally i used autoglym extra gloss protection glaze, then some megs gold class paste wax, pretty pleased with the result.
feel like i'd got the hang of what to do now for the rest of the car, can't wait til i get the time to do it! if anyones got any comments, hints or tips then post away