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Everything posted by MartinGT

  1. just always been like that! you get so used to whatever wheels you're replacing then new ones always look odd, kinda like a new hairstyle! hopefully get new tyres on them tomorrow if they're in, the continentals on the rear with the rays are nearly worn out already, only put on 2 months ago, oops
  2. yeah the drive and garage are handy i'm not 100% keen on them just now but i never am with new wheels! lowerering should help it alot, its just the rear tyres are huge, even though they're the same diameter as standard! ps. i cant say i really noticed the rays being light or the antera's being really heavy, ok they are heavier, but its not like night and day.
  3. started prepping the car for detail so i decided while it was outside to stick the 20s on one side (hence it being a bit lopsided) to see how they looked, defo needs lowered i think.
  4. no bud i only did that panel as a test hopefully do the full car at the weekend
  5. if its done right, it makes it alot easier to keep clean and the finish should last a long time, worth it imo. but then again sunset wouldnt have the best effect.
  6. you have to remember the paint is 3 years old now, its pretty hard, and it's only done very lightly and carefully, just the weight of the rotary doing the work.
  7. yeah i can't wait bud i haven't got into all the poorboys and chem guys stuff etc yet, this is stuff i used when painting so i decided to use the products as best i could, it turned out well on the swirl removal side of it anyway.
  8. yeah i've seen that before, good work i knew the 350z paint depths was dodgy so i was just very gentle and light, done the job don't you think
  9. she said not to bother cos it'll be manky by next week she just wanted to see if the marks would come out as its a lease car from work and wanted to know whether she'd have to send it away to be fixed. its got a crease in the bumper but its not really noticeable so she's happy.
  10. indeed gixxer, but the pro's use rotarys, and with plenty of water and slow speed, it won't damage it if you're careful. plus the rotary i have was something like £50 new, a porter cable is what, £200? seen people using them, they seem like hard work!
  11. well i started off with having to try and sort my mums new 3 series front bumper after someone decided to do this to it in a car park just wanna say everything i done was with easily available products and equipment, no fancy detailing gear, i wanted to see how it'd go. so i clayed the paint to remove any tar and as much of the white paint scuffs as i could. tried using some autoglym paint renovator by hand but to no avail, so used my silverline rotary and some 3m finnesse-it and a soft farecla pad and got all of it out except some scratches which were through the paint, touched them up as best i could, it'll do for now! so i decided to do a test panel on my azure blue 350z, as the car is MAJORLY swirl marked, the previous owner obviously wasnt the best at looking after it. after megs clay and QD it looked like this. swirl heaven. so again, using my silverline rotary and 3m finesse-it with a good mist of water on the panel i got it looking like this, but it still had some deeper scratches which i wasn't happy about. so to try and get most of the deeper scratches out, i broke out the farecla G3 (don't all cringe at once!). plenty of misted water and a little G3, and light pressure as i knew 350z paint is patchy depth wise, and i was left with usual G3 marks, but less scratches. once again, back over the panel with 3m finesse-it and a soft pad, plenty of misted water, made 2 passes with this and it started to come good. apart from some very small but deep scratches which i didnt want to attempt to remove, it was swirl free and ten times better than at first! finally i used autoglym extra gloss protection glaze, then some megs gold class paste wax, pretty pleased with the result. feel like i'd got the hang of what to do now for the rest of the car, can't wait til i get the time to do it! if anyones got any comments, hints or tips then post away
  12. MartinGT

    rear skirt

    very nice, reminds of me of the tt v6. what do you mean by the quality? is it fibreglass?
  13. it'll be a bit dear just to fill the cubby hole! plus as i said it wouldnt be til later in the year when i get round to the vortech kit i'll post it up on here for sale before ebay though, cos i'll more than likely need the normal cubby hole in exchange.
  14. is it just the instruction manual you're after?
  15. i'd take the wheel off and give it a good check, i wouldnt fancy a blowout at 70mph due to a nail.
  16. to be honest i wouldn't be selling it til later in the year, hopefully when i order the vortech kit, help pay for it and give me space for some lovely gauges
  17. MartinGT


    the auction still has about 6 days to go yeah was on that site last night, £285 plus shipping and tax from japan, so probably £500+
  18. bugger off yeah the post code thing is a pain but putting in addresses isnt too hard.
  19. i remember a new one for sale on ebay, think there was something missing, for a 350z, was something like 1k suppose stick it on ebay would be the best idea.
  20. its getting less and less about cars and more and more about them. to be honest i'd prefer if tiff needell was doing it, far better presenter with the cars and a far better driver than the 3 of them put together.
  21. it does mate, leepu and the bald cocker knee geeeezer but it isnt http://www.dcdesign.co.in/ at least their paintwork looks better than shithole lane's efforts what an overly complicated website takes forever to load. didnt realise they were indian too, must run in the blood.
  22. righty ho, my 05 350z has the nissan birdview sat nav fitted, as i really don't use it much, and i'd like to fit some hidden gauges in the cubby hole, how much would i get roughly for it if i was to sell? thats the in dash display, fittings, remote + holder, dvd unit and disc? i assume it'll be perfect for jdm's and models without sat nav?
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