21 days?!? i need a better lawyer. they originally charged me with dangerous driving @ 105mph then dropped it to careless, 3month ban.
i had a friend who was caught doing 126mph on a 30mph 1 way section in town, think it was a 3 year ban and a huge fine. the judge thought it would be unfair to send such a young lad to jail. was in his 400bhp+ fiesta
Nope! Very rarely get snow where I am, west coast, about 2 miles from the sea, if we do get snow its maybe for a day at most. Not seen heavy snow since i was ickle.
gonna be here in 5-6 weeks. which is good timing, as i get my license back in 5 weeks, so the garage will be empty, giving me lots of room to prep and paint it, superb