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Everything posted by Zummertor

  1. If you wait 5 years the prices will probably be even lower I think you need to get one before this fantastic summer weather goes away !
  2. credit crunch good weather after bad week, everyone outside if not on holiday. I've now got some work to do before tomorrow morning so will be online most of evening although Top Gear needs to be watched tonight. Getting some progress on this garage thing but on way into house when looking at plans realised 3 somethings are missing, so it will have to get corrected tomorrow now
  3. Good spot. Like the brake lights in the background of one of the photos looks as if a near miss was caught on camera.
  4. Reg "KMS nnnn" No need to describe you can see it.
  5. no rain here a little cloudy and breezy helps dry the ground out
  6. Don't remember that but there is the one that tells you if it is insured or not.
  7. I'm sure most have you will have seen the "Beer belly" doing the email rounds but now to add to the product range comes the "Wine Rack" See for more information http://www.thebeerbelly.com/The_Beerbelly_Product_Line_Up_s/1.htm Before After As the site says:: The Winerack every girls best friend! Turn an A cup in to double Ds AND sport your favorite beverage for yourself and your friends! Better than a Boob Job and Cheaper Too! Not to mention the savings on over priced drinks. We developed The Winerack to “Fill Outâ€
  8. Good catch I can just imagine you taking those photographs when others around you are photographing other sites
  9. Oh it so is sorry, you poor hard done by suffering person, you'll have to imagine some them 20 years or 25 years ago that may help, or take noise canceling headphones with your own music. You'll love it.
  10. Well done on the sale Have yet to see a new member introduce him/herself with it, but then they'll be grinning all the long way back. Just thought, what will you do tomorrow ? one empty space ...
  11. Zummertor

    New mod!

    That wet paint looks more interesting
  12. Welcome, welcome ! and Yes certainly a few of you on both sides of the border. if you ask away you'll get answers to most of your questions
  13. A police officer, though scheduled for all-night duty at the station, was relieved of duty early and arrived home four hours ahead of schedule, at 2 in the morning. Not wanting to wake his wife, he undressed in the dark, crept into the bedroom and started to climb into bed. His wife sleepily sat up and said, "Mike, dearest, would you go down to the all-night drug store on the next block and get me some aspirin? I've got a splitting headache." "Certainly, honey," he said, and feeling his way across the dark room, he got dressed and walked over to the drug store. As he arrived, the pharmacist looked up in surprise, "Say," said the druggist, "I know you - aren't you a policeman? Officer xxxxx, right?" "Yeah, so?" said the officer. "Well what the heck are you doing all dressed up like the Fire Chief?"
  14. Zummertor

    New mod!

    I get the suspicion that when pics are posted no one will post a reply
  15. Zummertor

    New mod!

    I get the suspicion that when pics are posted no one will post a reply
  16. Garage footings dug this week, turned into a moat on Tuesday, now one unholy mess but a bit of a base of wall in now Seems to be on / off all day, right now brilliant sunshine here.
  17. yabba dabba doo http://www.waveevents.com/MyFilez/wavs/cartoon/fltyab2.wav
  18. Zummertor

    New mod!

    Quoi ????? I thought I'd come back on here and read some sensible threads after the complicated nonsense of some work stuff and it is even weirder on here Stew - colour pics of CF hair do ?
  19. Welcome, welcome ! You're getting organised quickly
  20. Perfect timing for me, just found a use for "Light travels faster than sound. This is why xyz [name not going to be shared] appears brighter until you hear him speak." Now for the use of the next one.
  21. Good to see Martin getting some top bloke recognition Well done sir ! Thoroughly deserved !
  22. Welcome, welcome ! Happy test driving, for the emotional side of you it is window open and drive along a road with walls either side, of course take you sensible side with you as well. Plenty of choice of wheels not the biggest abundance of second hand non-rays around I've noticed. and enjoy !
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