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Everything posted by Zummertor

  1. Zummertor

    New mod!

    This surely has to be the longest post about something that might be done, it can only be an anticlimax and I still think quite amusing if no post replies to whatever it is.
  2. That sounds a huge amount of hassle and pain. Good that the dealer seems to have been helpful, a real shame it has tainted your view of the Zed as a car as the car itself is great the main problem for you appears to have been Nissan's approach to customer service yet your local dealer has worked for you. What Nissan and the dealers need to understand is that it is the total customer package that wins repeat buys and loyalty, they should take a leaf out of Lexus and Skoda's book ! Glad you have the right result but you should not have had to go through that complete hassle to get the right result.
  3. Zummertor

    New mod!

    He didn't say what the pictures were of, could be more Bananarama.
  4. Get a photobucket or Ovi account and then you don't need to attach your pics and you can make them lovely and big or small, your choice. I spent ages getting that darned tar off 2 wheels in between all the other things this weekend, know how you feel Although more time needed for a proper clean, will definitely do so when new garage built.
  5. Looks fun and I bet you knew all the words to the Bananarama hits !
  6. Well done, now all the reading on here will begin to make some sense Not too much to worry about with Zeds that you probably haven't already read. Worth just familiarising yourself with the service frequency, check opinions on the oil and replacement tyres when you get to them. As for fuel a bit of a split on that, will work fine with std maybe down on a little power at very pushed, I couldn't find any difference on fuel consumption over a couple of thousand miles test on each but others have found some difference. Mostly the advice is enjoy it !
  7. Agree but then they did say later in the series for review. Not been to Japan for a couple of years quite a good reminder and playing spot familiar places etc., other than that it would not have been much fun.
  8. Can just imagine it Any excuse and off you go get those phone pics onto PC (USB / bluetooth etc.) and then up to site like Ovi share or photobucket.
  9. Nice how do i do a reset? thanks press lower button when on that display for longer than a second
  10. Had this before but it read 2.1, simple reset when still did the trick.
  11. It isn't what you've got it how you use it. Most of the top end devices/phone/things can attach to WLAN as well as pure mobile so you can do just about anything you can on a PC from your mobile, if you can find a WLAN you keep those pricey costs down. A few can even let you VOIP these days so you can keep your talk costs down as well.
  12. I don't have one of you getting your own back for Top Gear so you will have to make do with this
  13. Zummertor

    Tyre choice

    Welcome, welcome. You are a true lurker, but good you stick around and find things useful. I've gone through the TSB and can't find anything like the problem you are having. Something is wrong and to go through tyres that quickly assuming you aren't using a track to do that mileage on and then I'd suspect a few other problems.
  14. I scanned the thread titles from the last two days and there was nothing It is in stealth mode in a thread
  15. Its cos I've not been around Married life couldn't find the thumb in another orientation
  16. How to load a bobcat / small digger on wheels ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6qJlBHRHzg
  17. Thanks for the reminder and read some of the other posts , doh of course you will
  18. Tomorrow you mean In south Wales very likely Every time I've been over to Swansea this year it has chucked it down or just drizzled all day. Luvley and sunny here today Rain forecast for tomorrow though Sunny over here of course, and with those bridge tolls adding to the fun with those roadworks on the M4 you are clearly working on stopping me coming over Did you know it was the Welsh who named Somerset originally as it always looked sunny when they looked over so they named it after Summer, spelling was never their strongest skill
  19. Would be quite good to genuinely beat the 334 as I think that was really a system glitch of some sort and to have a real record.
  20. Tomorrow you mean In south Wales very likely Every time I've been over to Swansea this year it has chucked it down or just drizzled all day.
  21. Someone has been at the polish/wax etc. A bit bluer than the water, does look good that colour on a bright day.
  22. Well found ! Bet the guy in the 350 couldn't believe his luck or perhaps he was loitering for it.
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