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Everything posted by Zummertor

  1. Wow do you build deep and meaningful relationships fast
  2. Not ebay, but good a place as any for it. http://www.trade-it.co.uk/AdRef/YI749B14D/Editions/1U|Bristol|2L,4T,3C,3D/SArea/on/Keywords/350z/Web/FullAdDetails.asp
  3. got to start somewhere I suppose, by the way so have I , and quite an awesome collection of other cars as well.
  4. A few years ago someone I know had a little black ice trouble on a bend on a hill and ended up upside down wedged on a tree in the car hanging from the seat belt. A woman came up and asked the couple of people there where the body was, the "body" was not impressed ! The positives are no damage done except perhaps to underwear
  5. Been mulling this one over a bit. There must be a std list of reasons why people use forums and they may already have been discussed. I didn't know this forum existed until I found it via search engines, so if my experience is common then getting people to hear about it is the first user/consumer problem. I don't know, but have the various "active" members who bought through dealers / importers pushed getting the forum known when others buy a Zed ? Similarly for after market parts and tuners. Works two ways, those who get service from them go back and recommend, most likely in their opinion on the forum etc.. Having got the initial contact the problem is them becoming sticky for them to return. This is where the content and spirit of the forum comes in to play. Having a good and responsive set of experts is fundamental and especially when mixed with a good spirit. Change is generally good, things need to evolve and occasionally something radical needs to be added. I agree somehow it is important to encourage the experts and recognise them, how I don't know, but keeping mgt items simple is usually a good place to start. One thing that is always good to ask in these situation is "how do you know it has been and continues to be successful ?", is it number of posts / visits / amount of advice / greatest number of registered ids? I'm relatively new to this but like coming back to browse / post, I tend to read on items and not post as I have nothing useful / fun to add. I may like to think I'm one in a million but as we know if you said that in China that means there would be over 1300 people just the same , but I doubt I'm alone / special in my 350z-uk forum browsing approach.
  6. Could regret this or something similar to the 3000 shown here, then an MGB Roadster needing a lot of work but it had an MOT.
  7. Use Xlite software and PlusNet at home, usually OK. Work is different but works well from mobiles with WLAN, not yet tried WLAN mobile at home over voip. GoogleTalk were progressing last time I looked at them.
  8. side light bulbs ?? Would they fit in the Boot light then ?
  9. Looks in the snow too must have been worth a
  10. This was completely irresistible, didn't mean to post more than one in a day in Jokes & Babes, but just had to as Christmas and crackers seem over now I think we've moved into PANTOMIME TIME ! A CHARITY PANTOMIME IN AID OF PARANOID, SCHIZOPHRENIC, HOMOSEXUALS DESCENDED INTO CHAOS YESTERDAY WHEN SOMEONE IN THE AUDIENCE SHOUTED "HE'S BEHIND YOU"
  11. You what ? I would like to point out I wasn't his script writer !
  12. It was the light, druid light
  13. Roadster GM I think a bit dark HJ05*** Good natured response
  14. I hope he's good at speeling. and come on these jokes are "crackers"
  15. A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband. Domestic bliss. Suddenly, her husband burst into the kitchen. "Careful," he said, "CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh my GOD! You're cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter. Oh my GOD! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER? They're going to STICK! Careful. CAREFUL! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you're looking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY? Have you LOST your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. USE THE SALT! THE SALT!" The wife stared at him. "What in the world is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?" The husband calmly replied, "I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving."
  16. just off J4a M3 this morning. Private plate ***RFU, GM. Went past me whilst I was in a queue in inside lane.
  17. thinking about setting up a new id. How about "two elephants fell of a cliff, boom boom (to be said in a Basil Brush voice)" ? Does that help ?
  18. To add a "social" comment: What do points make ? I like the mix of technical and social (obviously), I think if there is a fun element to something you get a better atmosphere and more "stickiness". I know I'm not ever going to be a match for most if not all of you on the technical side and that's fine, I appreciate the knowledge others have and what they give. My own area of speciality is of no help in this forum but in workplace I'm always happy to share and help and get personal pleasure from others learning and progressing. My only counsel would be that what ever you decide to implement needs to be easily manageable.
  19. Happy to help do this. Handing off goods will become the main challenge I'd have thought, but hey willing to try it with stuff that fits in.
  20. Front. Don't track it, most miles on longish runs, only minor playing. Not really heavy congestion around this part of world, quite a few twisty single track roads and an awful lot of speed limit signs, designed to make moeny for the contractor who puts them in for the council as the same company is the councils road advisor (or something like that).
  21. £186 ish Dealer wanted £32 to fit wipers, needless to say declined got Bosch ones from Hal$%^$, always found them good, certainly will do for now. Got a comment on the report thing they do, "blue interior lights". Break pads at 50% so, question is what should I be looking for to replace them with when the time comes ? At the moment everything standard UK MY04.
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