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Everything posted by Zummertor

  1. A couple decided to go for a meal and after some deliberation settled for their local Chinese restaurant. They peruse the menu and finally agree to share the chef's special 'Chicken Surprise'. The waiter brings over the meal, served in a lidded cast iron pot. Just as the wife is about to tuck into the meal, the lid of the pot rises by a tiny amount and she briefly see's two beady eyes looking around before the lid slams back down again. 'Good grief, did you see that?' she asks her husband. He hasn't so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two beady little eyes looking around before it firmly slams back down. Rather perturbed he calls the waiter over, explains what is happening, and demands an explanation. 'Well sir', says the waiter, 'What did you order?' 'We both chose the same', he replies, 'the Chicken Surprise' 'Oh I do apologise, this is my fault' says the waiter... I've brought you the Peeking Duck...
  2. Bit of war and peace coming here. Keep going, keep calm and keep your arguments simple, I think you are right, not sure that helps a lot. Penalty charge notices: Under this system, the normal fixed penalty point system does not apply to parking tickets. An offender pays the "Penalty Charge Notice" or PCN (it is no longer called a fine), and there is a 50% discount for paying the PCN within 14 days. However, provided that you send an appropriate letter appealing the PCN to the local council within 14 days of the date of the PCN, you can preserve the 50% discount rate until 14 days after the date of a "Notice of Rejection of Representations" when the local council replies rejecting the reasons for disagreeing with the PCN. Appealing a PCN: Under the legislation, local councils have an overriding duty to act "fairly", and thus a well drafted letter can often get the local council to waive the PCN. So you have nothing to lose (and everything to gain) in writing a letter appealing a PCN for legitimate reasons. You can use our letter to challenge a parking fine to do so. Appealing a PCN is a two stage process. First on receipt of the ticket you can appeal to the local council (this is what this letter does). If the local council refuses to allow your appeal they will serve you with a "Notice of Rejection of Representations". When you receive this, you can choose either to pay the PCN (and provided you pay within 14 days of the Notice of Rejection of Representations" you preserve your 50% discount) or you can appeal to the National Parking Adjudication Service (NPAS) on the Notice of Appeal form that will be sent to you with the Notice of Rejection of Representations. In London appeals are made on the Notice of Appeal form to the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service which provides the independent adjudication service for deciding disputed parking penalties charged by councils and Transport for London (TfL). A Parking Attendant issues a Penalty Charge Notice by fixing it to the vehicle or handing it to the driver. It details the alleged parking contravention in words, and also as a two digit code. To see what these codes mean, see our article on parking contraventions. Schedule 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1991 specifies the possible grounds of appeal of a PCN. These are: * I was not the owner at the time the alleged parking contravention occurred. If you make representations on this ground, you are legally obliged to supply the name and address of the person to whom the vehicle was disposed of (or from whom it was acquired, as the case may be), if that information is in your possession. Remember, it is the owner of a vehicle who is liable to pay a Penalty Charge Notice, not the driver. * When the vehicle was parked it had been taken without my consent. This ground for representation covers stolen vehicles and vehicles used without the owner’s consent but which were not stolen. The latter category could apply, for example, to a vehicle taken by “joy ridersâ€
  3. big people have feelings to that hurt OK OK alright, there there never mind. Right, therapy done ! now grow up
  4. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Chips ? Two choices 1) keep it so dirty you can't see them or 2) weekly chore if you drive a lot Wind noise, not really come across that one before, did you say from the car just joking, maybe an oracle or two on here will have heard of this Mods a move in order, to get a few more welcomes.
  5. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Lots of advice to be had from the bunch on here, search button can find lots of good tips and comments. Check the Member Map that may give you a hint of a few in your area even if they don't own up to your post. Get going and get that Zed you'll enjoy it, good mix of past motors !
  6. Definitely a noticeable irritation with the car, they do not cancel as quickly as other cars and are not the same for each turn. I'd like to turn indicator volume up a bit and reversing beep[uK car] down [had this discussion before] or alter when the trip to cancel is triggered.
  7. Oh dear oh dear. First you open your heart and feelings, tough for a guy to do. Then you pretend it is about your car, and finally to cap it all you claim wrong section for post. I agree with previous comments, get professional help
  8. Blue North bound M3 near J6, couldn't see much more detail as going other way. Then, not a lot later Blue East bound on A303. Maybe they only come out in the better weather.
  9. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I do quite a few miles in Zed some 6000 this year and an enormous amount more in other vehicles, obviously includes a lot of motorway and on average this year I'm on 24.9mpg with average speed of 46mph. I don't always drive as if I'm wearing a hat on Sundays either. Short journeys are horrible for consumption regardless of driving style. I find it practical enough and the noise compared to S2000 much better for daily driving. I have to believe as you are considering these cars a few pounds a week isn't your driving [ha ha] decision. Do the right thing and get something you will enjoy looking at, driving and if at anytime in your daily drive you wish to play a bit you can. Would be a shame in the future to be driving along in something else and keep spotting those Zeds about, wouldn't it.
  10. RE 07 *** GM parked on side of road in what looked quite a nice village. Owner seemed to like what looked like Wurther Originals a lot.
  11. An oldie but wondering if broken wrist may have been caused by a visit to an agricultural fair, maybe not. My wife and I went to the county fair and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said, ' THIS BULL MATED 50 TIMES LAST YEAR' My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs ....Smiled and said, 'He mated 50 times last year.' We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said, ''THIS BULL MATED 150 TIMES LAST YEAR' My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, 'WOW~~That's more than twice a week! ........You could learn a lot from him.' We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said, in capital letters, 'THIS BULL MATED 365 TIMES LAST YEAR' My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said, 'That's once a day ..You could REALLY learn something from this one.' I looked at her and said, 'Go over and ask him if it was with the same old cow.' My condition has been upgraded from critical to stable and I should eventually make a full recovery. Must take those pills.
  12. Three women: one engaged, one married and one a mistress, are chatting about their relationships and decided to amaze their men. That night all three will wear black leather bras, stiletto heels and a mask over their eyes. After a few days they meet up for lunch. The engaged woman: The other night when my boyfriend came over he found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask. He saw me and said, 'You are the woman of my life. I love you.' Then we made love all night long. The mistress: Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather bodice, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. When I opened the raincoat he didn't say a word, but we had wild sex all night. The married woman: I sent the kids to stay at my mother's house for the night. When my husband came home I was wearing the leather bodice, black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes. As soon as he came in the door and saw me he said, 'What's for dinner, Batman?'
  13. M4 west bound following a dirty BMW, looked lovely about 7pm nearly J13
  14. GM, looked good and clean !
  15. Got another one in Parking at LHR, carded of course. Left hand Drive RX04*** Day in Paris and didn't spot one Zed, lots of other things to see in the fine weather between meetings.
  16. Was visiting this morning on edge of Farnborough and found one Roadster in GM LR05*** there already, Carded it, probably another security camera I'm on doing that.
  17. LED edges ? Were you reading my mind this morning ?
  18. Sounds frustrating especially in such dry weather, builds the anticipation though. Curious comment about the RS4, do you want to explain ? How did you do the wrist ?
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