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Everything posted by Zummertor

  1. Two other connotations that would have product naming people worried, would avoid it if I were you requires too much specialist knowledge.
  2. I've had the same problem with photobucket, been trying this one last month or so and seems ok http://share.ovi.com/
  3. A cardiologist died and was given an elaborate funeral. A huge heart covered in flowers stood behind the casket during the service. Following the eulogy, the heart opened, and the casket rolled inside. The heart then closed, sealing the doctor in the beautiful heart forever. At that point, one of the mourners burst into laughter. When all eyes stared at him, he said, "I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my own funeral.........I'm a gynecologist." The proctologist fainted
  4. Maybe a few on here might recognise this going on in their lives ? I've heard my parents talking about it. http://www.newsday.com/news/opinion/ny-walt-babyboomers-blurb,0,1036393.blurb
  5. That is some "rising" not going to turn into a revolt
  6. Grow loads of things including Plums Best to grow things for flavour IMO, easy to get tonnes of some things e.g. runner beans / tomatos but anything surplus either gets given away or composted. Not exclusive but to give you an idea: Plums, Greengages, Damsons, Apples, Pears, Red and White currants, Red and White Gooseberries, Rhubarb, various beans, Leeks, carrots, Potatoes, Strawberries, raspberries, Celariac, Garlic,cucumber, courgettes, various salad leaves and of course Dandelions but not yet made coffee out of them or mixed with burdock, could go on but I'm sure this is boring most of you already. Make a demijohn of Sloe Gin as well every few years... If you want to do things in your conservatory suggest you grew a few chillies / peppers and tomatoes(cherry ones) to get you started.
  7. Never done a PCP myself but then we all manage our money in ways that suit us each. I can see the attraction in that it gets you into a new car when you don't have the cash but in my mind you are still funding the money with interest in a different way so if you wish to borrow money there are probably better ways to do it or at least have ready as a bargaining chip with the sales guy as they usually make commission on financing deals as well so should compete. I know a few people that do this with Porsche's which may work well with their lower depreciation and that they do such a low mileage. Will be interesting to hear what they come up with. As for retiring, I think you deserve a present to yourself for whatever you did before
  8. GaToRr ? Exocet ? Cruise ? No names for my cars, plain and simple the Audi is "the Audi", Zed is Zed, Subaru is etc. etc. Helps me remember what they are.
  9. Welcome, welcome, welcome ! You'll be grinning for ages ! Best of luck on the SatNav. Cracking car change
  10. Welcome, welcome,welcome ! that is some waiting time before getting one, hope it lives up to you expectations enjoy
  11. Not sure of what you are after but check this example just in case http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14127
  12. Welcome, welcome ! Sounds like you are really enjoying the car ! Can't help with your error or the fly by pooping.
  13. Wow, she reads this forum as well and gets you to type things in, well in control Come to think of it given my last post on women I should be quiet very quickly.
  14. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome ! You're going to love the car
  15. I wasn't watching it really, honest. Desperate housewives just before the Typhoon hit one GM Roadster parked in the road, not a clue whose house as I don't know any of the characters. Anyone on here ?
  16. Welcome, welcome. How much into the future ? Plenty of help on here and a few for sale
  17. Welcome, welcome ! Great car and plenty of advice / guidance and occasional abuse / fun from the folks on here.
  18. Really nice pics, you have a good eye and a sharper eye mentioned a minor tweak. Very good job ! No wonder you want a Zed !
  19. Price doesnt sound too bad, is it a GT spec, that makes the big difference. The market is pretty good for buyers at the moment, there are a few for sale on here. Also check out the common faults, clicky back axle etc, there arent many but its better to walk into the garage with all the info. again cheers dude...i dont know if its a GT or not im gonna have to give them a bell to find out..also see if the take part ex Stick the details up with a web link when you have them. Also, be aware that many people who sell them dont really know what they are, lots of "special editions" mentioned. http://www.motorpoint.co.uk/(S(iqtlxa551k3soh450iff4a45))/Search/VehicleDetails.aspx?vehicle=173360 Looks like not GT and standard wheels, eyesights not so good now, need more zider...
  20. sorry dude is that better.... lol yes Welcome, welcome, welcome ! Can't imagine it's going to be a lot more than what you have but certainly a bit more. As with all cars the biggest cost is effectively the depreciation. Go take one for a test drive and then you'll have made your decision Get a Zed ! You know you want to
  21. Zummertor


    probably one of the most expensive suppliers for the 350Z. To give an example the item below is £70 on their site, £10 from ESR As said didn't buy anything from them and was shocked by some of the costs. Phil reduce your time spent on email / phone and get that online thing working Good catch by the way
  22. Got asked the other night by my wife after she'd got undressed, 'What turns you on more, my pretty face or my sexy body?' It seems my reply of 'Your sense of humour! was wrong ! Maybe getting divorced again, can't quite get the hang of this marriage thing Apparently: Japanese scientists have created a camera with a shutter speed so fast, they can now photograph a woman with her mouth shut. Wonder where I can get one?
  23. Zummertor


    Seem to recall CTD in Germany had luggage sets and smoked "Lexus" rears whilst looking around for some other bits. http://www.ctd-germany.com/index_e.htm Not bought anything from them so can't comment on customer service / quality etc.
  24. Welcome, welcome, welcome ! Enjoy the hunt and the "Search", check the for Sales on here will have been looked after.
  25. To find out the answer, you have to read about golf, which is good reading (if you like golf and reading ) and makes a lot of sense. In the final picture, it does answer the above question...and you get to see some beautiful landscapes! Lots of Pics
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