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Everything posted by Zummertor

  1. What a complete pain !!! Agree with check house insurance, may be some help there.
  2. terrible ordeal, at least he sounds ok, so most important item is alright. I suspect that between us all we have most of the country covered so we could always help in future if needed. Although you're in the wrong part of the country for me to be of assistance. Sounds a financial pain though. re: phone do as suggested they are fairly well built in the main so should be alright tomorrow. Hopefully you've had your three things now and all will become better. Really hope it turns out as well as possible, maybe a close enough escape to curb his biking enthusiasm for a bit.
  3. Out of curiosity I asked this price on last service and was quoted £70 for the Zed from Main dealer, independents a bit cheaper as you'd expect, always worth a haggle if having it done with a service.
  4. You are all very sharp today ! must be the sunshine
  5. I don't think I have an electronic copy but will have a search. The paper one shows this re-order info if you wanted to see how much that route would be. "Snow Business Forms Limited (023) 8077 7711 Re-order Ref. NMGB SSC5 Rev 06/03" Mine is a MY04. Happy to type you something if it is a quick question, no luck yet with the search I'm afraid.
  6. Welcome, welcome! btw just noticed your number of posts, seems you are a browser / lurker usually.
  7. Clicking rear axle nearly for sure. More likely in 1st gear than 2nd but still very much a clink metal sound. Try in a multistorey car park where youve got rid of the gravel and bits in your tyres and windows down and drive off with revs down, probably going to get one sharp click / clink then a gap then another. The real experts will be along in a bit to comment I'm sure.
  8. Shouldn't that be "tribbling".............I'll get my coat.... did you mean to say that ? - crikey of course if derived from tribe then very sharp but if the slang then ... well no it wasn't what I meant
  9. Good ones again !! Such a colour variation you've found this time Some clean looking cars there guys !
  10. What a s£$%^ position to be in, feel for you. You are right your phone call was reading a script, but I guess the guy tried to be "human" but his companies legal advisors have clearly got to the letter and what happens. My opinion in these types of matters is that it is unlikely that a win really exists for the customer as the item is "used" and was bought as such, usually as you've found the small print is extensive in who it protects (not the customer). At some point I fear you are unfortunately going to have to negotiate a deal with them for full and complete settlement. The question I think you'll have is what is fair to you and what this dealer will accept. They must know that the forums reach a sizeable percentage of buyers and service buyers but not enough to put them off, that said in other areas determiend customers have had success in using forums and other sites to gain some bargaining ground with a seller / company, a very awkward route to go down. Not sure what I'd do in your shoes but knowing you like the car it seems one alternative is to swap it for something else they have in their group that is similar, the only way is to talk with someone really senior who has all the say, that way they keep your money and you get a Zed you are happy with, I suspect they'll have you sign some form of waiver to complete this. They will of course be able to shift the Zed on elsewhere when they have rectified the points they feel are needed to do so. Another alternative is to hold on and be tough but the guy is probably right sadly in saying it is unlikely you'll win and the "value" of swap/ trade slips overtime and plus you have the hassle / stress in the meantime. As said, feel terrible for you but am trying to be a realist to help you get a speedy and as close to fair settlement that you can. All this is IMO and suspect others may not agree but please take the comments as intended in good faith. Best of luck !!!!
  11. sounds like it went well ! Now where are those pics ? or is the "tidy up" just a bit more than Adam said ?
  12. You are already anticipated being beaten ? or was that part of the deal ?
  13. Did you buy it for the plate ? was that the deal clincher ? Should run mostly without problems for a courtesy car and give people that little extra feeling of being cared for, clever idea.
  14. Welcome, welcome ! Sounds like you are into a few big changes to your Zed. I've seen a few Zeds on my trips to Germany, mostly black. Enjoy the forum, if you can decipher the English language used on here sometimes then you'll be doing better than most of us
  15. Cracking write-up with photos too
  16. Why though? The pipes look thinner than stock - but they may not be. On what basis would you shovel your hard-earned into this pile of po* Your stock exhaust is actually quite good Many FI kits perform very well indeed with the stock item at up to 150 BHp extra. Many things on the car are actually exceptional .. fuel system, driveshafts, propshaft are all well over-engineered. Thanks, you've just answered a question I've been wondering about if I went down a very stealth route
  17. Any chance you could get a Stealer would right a letter on headed paper confirming it ?
  18. More than a few places in Budapest he shouldn't own up to knowing about. I went into the art museum there once and found a piece of road tarmac on the wall, if only I'd thought of it first could have made a couple hundred HUFs. Have a great day !
  19. How about the car of the calendar each month ? some form of rotation sounds a good idea.
  20. off to find a bottle with something suitable in it, expectations on this are right down the bottom now
  21. Read this thread a couple of times and it is very troubling all round, you guys are nuts, but thank you as I feel totally normal now
  22. Fast spot ! and and it can't just disappear
  23. Welcome, welcome ! Hope you're enjoying your new car even before the modding begins.
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