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Everything posted by Zummertor

  1. A guy witnesses an accident whilst leaving a voice mail, complete classic ! http://www.chumfm.com/MorningShow/bits/march24.swf
  2. That is the lowest price I've heard of or seen. It seems from what I've read that to ensure all things in reasonable balance you should expect to pay nearly 10k and certainly won't get 640 without internal work of a much much higher cost. My thinking / planning is not worth embarking until the 10k is set aside, but very happy for you to prove me wrong.
  3. I was pleased to see some other names on the podium today, even if the weather played its part it at least made for a bit more entertainment. As for Zimmers a very close keyboard call
  4. Good to hear you've found a way forwards in a timely manner, I was worried you might get dragged into a protracted argument that never really is good for anyone. One positive from this is that you may well end up with a deeper paint layer than the standard Nissan usually do assuming the body shop do a good job. I assume the body shop knows you are on the forum it may help them have a bit more incentive as I'm sure you'd post up the good results they will deliver. Watch out you don't sign a waiver for any other faults other than the specific list you are addressing with them. Hope it goes well for you.
  5. Absolutely try it. Coffee shops, tourist shops, etc. quite a few places around here sell photo's not as good as that in frames. Key to frames is ensuring they suit the picture not the house it will go in. Very impressive go for it !
  6. Welcome, welcome ! You will be so excited by the time next weekend comes round ! Enjoy and
  7. For a tent go over to a festival site day after it finishes e.g. Glastonbury. People buy a tent for weekend and just leave them and hundreds of them, a real headache for organisers as few charities want the hassle of collecting them so they are usually quite happy for you to collect a few for local DofE or other events, quality varies from Halfords own to Blacks etc.. Bound to be some festival or other in your area soon.
  8. You are interested ? I got an advert from local Subaru dealer offering to do this for a mere £29.50 so it has to be a common enough problem of bacterial growth build up but oh so much cheaper to get your own can.
  9. Welcome and if this weekend is anything to go from the summer has already gone.
  10. Had this before not on a Zed it turned out to be the wire from the hazard switch.
  11. Congratulations and Jubilations Have an absolutely fantastic time !!!!!
  12. That would be me then It crossed my mind but then I realised I should be very quiet on starting that line of discussion
  13. Given the date and in recognition that some nationalities are very patriotic I thought I'd share this. So the next time you have an opportunity to display you own patriotic nature you might stand somewhere suitable.
  14. Car looks ok in pics, detail always hard to spot as you know. Along with the comments above would suggest you check rear hatch gas struts are ok seems a few of these go after a while. It is exciting going to view a Zed and I know it will be hard but try and keep the emotion and excitement out so that your normal considered self can check the car out thoroughly. enjoy the hunt all the same
  15. Seems to be a bit too typical. Tell the person on customer complaints when you ring that you are recording the call and ask them if they mind, of course you can do this easily with VOIP calls or most mobile phones these days. I rang around for P3 quotes the other day and one dealer started to say "we have a special offer on aircon, oh sorry your 350z wouldn't have that as an option would it" kind of sums it up. Headed paper is a good bit of advice. Hope it works out well and speedily.
  16. I don't think so, but just added a little offering for those in a financial mood.
  17. Given the continual mention of "Le Credit Crunch" I thought some explanation of terms used in would be appropriate CEO -- Chief Embezzlement Officer. CFO -- Corporate Fraud Officer. BULL MARKET -- A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius. BEAR MARKET -- A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry, and the husband gets no sex. VALUE INVESTING -- The art of buying low and selling lower. P/E RATIO -- The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps crashing. BROKER -- What my broker has made me. STANDARD & POOR -- Your life in a nutshell. STOCK ANALYST -- Idiot who just downgraded your stock. STOCK SPLIT -- When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between themselves. FINANCIAL PLANNER -- A guy whose phone has been disconnected. MARKET CORRECTION -- The day after you buy stocks. CASH FLOW-- The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet. YAHOO -- What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share. WINDOWS -- What you jump out of when you're the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $240 per share. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR -- Past year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse. PROFIT -- An archaic word no longer in use.
  18. lucky b"£$%^^ and a lovely day off it was
  19. Go on buy it, you know you want to, go on do it.
  20. enjoy the forum Not sure chewing gum is a step in the right direction Still quite a fun place I think and not far from some stunning places.
  21. Welcome, welcome ! Hope the saving goes well.
  22. It does sound that your son had the best outcome possible, after all that is the main thing. Hope the police aren't too long in releasing the bike, given he was at the back and not injured I'd have thought they'd be a bit more accommodating but who knows what paper work and forms they have to complete with these things.
  23. Sorry to hear you going to sell but we all juggle priorities with money. Shame to see your car go I think it is a great example of one, agree with you not going to take it back to standard but worth perhaps selling a few items as suggested. Would think someone would snap your car up even with std wheels and a bit more std engine bay. Best of luck with the housing punt
  24. Welcome, welcome ! Glad you are enjoying the car but then almost inevitable. My fuel consumption has varied between 2.1 and a tad over 30 but 25-26ish when a mixture of runs. and enjoy the forum.
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