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Everything posted by steveb

  1. I visited my local I.C.E shop today and asked if I removed the BOSE, and fitted a Kenwood 7029 would the birdview sat nav voice still work through the new system. They told me it would not work through any system, which annoyed me because I would like to keep it. They also told me they wouldn't be able to get the Nissan bluetooth to work but might be able to link up with the steering wheel controls. Not sure they know what they are talking about. Anybody know if this is correct? Has anyone here already done this? Thanks Steve
  2. A lot of you guys seem to have the S2000 stubby aerial fitted, is it just a style choice, or are there other benefits over the original one? Also, are the aluminium sill guards worth getting, i like the look of them and i see you can get them delivered from the states for about £50. Are they less likely to scuff than the plastic originals. Thanks Steve
  3. H5, Thanks for the only use water tip, i would probably have used cleaner at some point. Gixxeruk, Thanks for the link, i think i might just need some of them.
  4. Now you mention it, it does look a bit out of place, for some reason the dealers put the tax disc there, it's one of those aluminium 350Z ones and it's well and truly stuck, if i do get it off i'm not sure it will stick again, any suggestions. My poorboys wheel sealant arrived today, so i will give it go over the weekend if it's not raining. steve
  5. Thanks for all the nice welcome messages. I Took some quick pics in the works carpark not sure if they are any good.
  6. Sorry i don't currently have access to a digital camera, i will get some pics up as soon as i can. Thanks i will give that Poorboys Wheel Sealant a go when i get chance to get some.
  7. I would just like to thank everyone at this forum, reading this site helped me make my mind up to buy a 350Z. I collected the car yesterday, its an ex demo 07 plate with 1200 miles in Night Blue, 313 GT with extras - sat nav, reverse sensors and mats, and as far as i can tell it's as new condition. I paid £24999 which i thought was a bargain (but they don't sell many cars at this time of year and were probably glad for any sale). Does anyone have any suggestions for a good product to protect the wheels or should i just wax them? This is my first post on any forum, so i may have made a complete mess of it, if i have i'm sorry.
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