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Everything posted by jordan3054

  1. Close. Brand new here they are around £75k, but most 350Z's here are grey imports from Japan, making them more affordable. Cars here are generally quite dear. Then theres tax. In Peninsular Malaysia, tax for a 350Z is around £725 lol
  2. Hiya Martin We are in east Malaysia, in a town called Kota Kinabalu. Girlfriend has got a job teaching english and we quite like it out here. I take it you've been? It certainly is HOT out here
  3. HI everyone Thanks for all the replies. Well I moved abroad with the missus last year, and we now live in Malaysia, which is where the pictures were taken. Car is mint and has just been imported from Japan. Having any form of serice history here tho is very rare, so it has no SH, but neither has any car I have viewed here (BMW's, Toyotas, Mercs everything) I do love the car, and most importantly for me, its a manual, as most I see here are tips. Seems to drive really well. If all goes well, hopefully it will be on my drive within the next few weeks
  4. Hi All Just wondering what poeple here think of this Z (looks wise)? Am thinking of getting it. I like it myself which is most important, but am just curious on other peoples opinions too, good or bad. Its got Nismo bodykit, nismo wheels, misno exhaust, nismo suspension etc 18 Inch Forged Wheels Cheers
  5. Yikes what have you done - which bank was it and did you get away cleanly? Stan Lol I wish I had done a bank, but infortunately not. Still as skint as ever, but slightly happoer at the moment, albeit without a car
  6. Martinmac, if you do come out here, stick another Zed in your baggage for me, please
  7. But they are in Malaysia Cheers Cheap beer!!. Plus I am not freezing my t*ts off. I dont have a nice car to drive tho
  8. THanks for the clarification Stan I'm just having a hard time adjusting to these prices after moving out here from the UK, and its not easy lol
  9. Who says everything is more expensive in the UK? Just look at my post (in this thread) about car prices in some other countries. In case you missed it, a 350Z NEW in Malaysia will cost you £ 68,000. Also much lower wages there http://www.nissan.com.my/vehicles/coming/350z.html
  10. With wages as low as they are it doesnt make a difference when you live here. However, a nice 3 bed flat on river valley rd in singapore will cost you around 650,000 (and thats in British Pounds)
  11. As per a previous post I have made on here. A new 350Z in Malaysia will cost you RM465,000, which is over £ 68,000. How much is it in the UK? Around £30k? http://www.nissan.com.my/vehicles/coming/350z.html I just viewed a used Prefacelift E46 M3 convertible, and that was £ 53,000 here, compared to around £20,000 to 23,000 in the UK. A New Merc S500 here would cost around £211,000, vs around £70-80k in the UK. The average wage here is also MUCH lower, a top exec may be on £ 35,000 by the end of their career. Many of my mates are lawyers/doctors/traders on £7,000 10,000 a year. Try buying a new 350Z for £68k on that wage Prices in Singapore, Indonesia are all similar. Prices in Australia are less than here but still much higher than the UK. Places like Sweden, Norway, Denmark etc also same prices. The UK is still much cheaper than many many countries for cars, what makes you think you are mugs
  12. I know lol On the plus side who, its dead laid back here, doing certain things is much simpler, you dont have to be extremely politically correct and watch EVERYTHING you say in fear that someone is going to accuse you of being racist etc when you are not Believe it or not I do miss the cooler weather in the UK tho
  13. Yep thats what its like out here. People normally buy "recond" cars, which is basically a used car (few years old) from Japan/UK etc, which has been reconditioned, and tax normally under declared upon being imported to bring the price down slightly. I spoke to someone who recently bought a 2002 Merc SL 55 AMG here with around 60k miles on the clock, imported from the UK, and it cost him over £120,000 he says Neighbouring countries like SIngapore and Indonesia are very similar
  14. The Government here puts a crazy amount of tax on all imported cars, its to discourage people from buying imported, and instead buy locally made cars. People hardly buy imported cars new, they are always used, from Japan or somewhere. The average wage here is also much much much lower, so makes it even harder. Foods cheap tho Give me good old UK car prices (and wages) anyday
  15. OMG I have just looked at the Nissan Malaysia website http://www.nissan.com.my/vehicles/coming/350z.html and its RM465,000 for a new 350Z, which is around £68,700 Definately be a used one I get here
  16. Well I have just moved out to Malaysia(From NW England) with the missus, still getting used to the heat, and the CAR PRICES Just been car browsing today, a 2002 M3 Convertible is around £50k, used 2003 350Z from Japan is around £25,000, 2002 Merc SL350 around £60,000, Ferrari F430 is around £280,000, and a brand new BMW 645Ci around £120,000 I have decided if I stay out here I want a 350Z as servicing and repairing European cars here is difficult, and I have always loved the look and sound of the 350Z, and after test driving one recently, have now fallen in love with the whole driving experience. Plus the sound was awesome (Huge exhausts, theres no such think as having to pass an MOT here ) Loud but silent enough when just cruising The car I drove had a short shift manual gearbox, which was great. I have aldo decided it has to be a manual after trying the tiptronic as well
  17. THanks. JUst as long as its normal, which by the sound of it, it is. I kind of liked the heavy feel in a way. THe clutch was very heavy tho, but apparently it had been modified. I also test drove a MY07 car, and the clutch was light as a feather in comparison ANd thanks for the warm welcome !!
  18. Hello All This is my first post here after reading through several old posts. I test drove a nice 350Z last week, but noticed the steering was quite heavy. (Heavier than any other car I have driven, and I have been driving for around 11 years now). Considerably heavier than my last car, as E46 Coupe Does this sound normal to people, or does it sound like this car in particular could have a tracking problem, and if so, is it easily rectified? TIA
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