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Toon Chris

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Everything posted by Toon Chris

  1. After a *massive* drop the market has recovered a little. At the moment the losses in less than 3 hours and in the FTSE100 only are only equivalent to 7 years of payments to the EU. So that's ok then. I'm so glad we have taken back control. Ah well, interesting times ahead. At least there seems a chance that people in general may become more engaged in politics over the next few years. That's important to prevent low turnout elections and the feeling that we are powerless against what our government does day-to-day, so we may as well not bother. We need more argument and debate and we will get that.
  2. The UK is no longer the world's 5th largest economy. The £ has fallen so far that France has overtaken us.
  3. That's normal and common on the Z when the top gasket goes (can't remember the name of it - someone will shortly). You can replace them but it depends how bad it is as I ran mine for 150K like that and the amount of oil lost was unnoticeable and there were never any adverse effects.
  4. That's the problem with democracy, it's always a protest vote and rarely a visionary one.
  5. Shamelessly lifted from another Forum. Just ate a frozen apple. Hardcore. Bought a litre of Tipp-Ex yesterday. Huge mistake. I've started a business building yachts in my attic. Sails are going through the roof. I bought a dog from my local blacksmiths. When I got home it made a bolt for the door. Last night I went to a comedy and philosophy show. I laughed more than I thought. Just watched a wildlife documentary on beavers. Best dam show I've seen in a long time.
  6. Its all me!! Except for one (not saying which). Very good!
  7. Taking off the brace would have taken some time and if they didn't ask you first that's a no-no. That's a separate piece of work and nothing to do with the exhaust. Depends how much of an argument you want. Meeting half-way seems like a decent compromise.
  8. Oh God, not blue and white, please. Silver is good,, it suits the Z, but if you have to change the colour go black rather than white. I mean, would you have a white phone?
  9. I've heard of this, anecdotally 'friend-of-a-friend' sort of thing. The alarm spoke and told you that you were too close to the vehicle and to step away. Needless to say kids loved it and mucked about near the car all the time and it's just asking to be keyed. Maybe a beep is less antagonistic. Really though, even silly amateurs know that modern cars can't simply be started with a screwdriver any more so there isn't much point going potty on clamps IMO. Never leave anything on display at all, nothing, keep the wing mirrors in and that's about all you can do I think.
  10. It doesn't mean we wouldn't have, but it does mean we don't have the same pressure to do so. Back in Thatchers day the EU forced Britain to clean up the coastal waters, including by most tourist beaches, which were so full of effluent they were dangerous to human health as well as the effect on sea life. That costs a lot of money and no government wants to saddle themselves or industry with that cost at a difficult time, so we didn't do it. The sea stayed full of sh*t and if you swam in it God help you. It was EU regulation that finally forced Britain to clean up our act. EU regulation forced many Animal welfare changes on Britain too. Oh, and the limit on HGV drivers hours to stop them being exploited and killing themselves (and the rest of us). It's a tiny amount of what the EU has pushed on to us and a lot of people don't like the 'it's for our own good' argument as it is against their idea of national control and democracy, but they are good examples of areas where the government can save money by not implementing regulation, and where they have little incentive to introduce regs of their own. I'm not suggesting the above will be removed by a Leave vote, I'm simply saying that sometimes we do need to be told what to do for the better good and not sulk because we were told to do something rather than decide to do it ourselves.
  11. I have one of these at the moment and I can say they are fab cars. Quite rare and distinctive on the roads too yet many consumable parts are 'borrowed' from the 370Z like brakes etc. Nice to knwo the parts don't have to be that expensive. Any Celtic tuners know how to tune them if you want (just saying!). They are genuinely powerful and can be smooth as silk or switch to sports mode and belt round corners which is saying something for such a large car. It's the only 4x4 I ever found that isn't a wallow-bucket - far from it. Highly recommend anyone to get one of these.
  12. No idea about the brand but it's a big jump to a paddle clutch. Unless you are track racing you may want to have a think about that! You say you want something sturdier but what do you mean by that? Do you mean taught and reliable (better feel), able to take much more power (uprated)? Any new clutch will feel better than your old one and replacing the dual-mass flywheel with a solid one is a nice mod, but you pay your money and take your choice - and risk. In other word, buy cheap and take a risk it's pants quality. If you want to stay cheap, get a known kit from a known pattern parts manufacturer. If you want better then call any of the parts suppliers who advertise here who will know immediately what to recommend. That probably won't be as cheap as an ebay brand but you will get parts that have quality and reliability and benefit from their expertise on what really works on the car.
  13. It's a complete guess but possibly connected to the aircon system? They can wheeze and gasp from time to time. You may be able to simulate it by building up the revs slightly with someone listening under the bonnet?
  14. Probably fitted to the spare wheel well. Which makes 260 miles on a tank about right, so yes it will be in there but usually they are a little larger than the spare wheel so the floor of the boot may be a little higher. Also the owner may not have noticed any power difference but it will certainly be there. LPG has a much lower calorific value than petrol. That said, LPG is great for motorway cruising, it's gentler on the engine (the oil doesn't get full of crud) and its certainly cheaper. Having had experience of LPG it's the constant fill-ups that are the only downside. Once the cost of the install has been removed they are great for higher mileage drivers and you can switch back to petrol at the push of a button when you want it.
  15. I've had two, a 155 and a 156, and both were reliable as any other car. In fact they were exceptional, never let me down except once when a stone went through the rad, which is hardly the cars fault. The 156 was the V6 which wasn't the most powerful, but it sounded great and went well enough. With the Brera the V6 is better but still suffers from low-end grunt loss. They are much better when you wind up the revs a bit.
  16. A recent trip to Tel Aviv and some Israeli water hydrants ...
  17. Or less exciting but great reliability and fun off-road, and in budget. Rav4 ? Mk2 or 3.
  18. Yeah, so I am finding. DBA do list a plain 4000 series disc but I've been told even they don't have stock of it. I've bitten the bullet and gone for the DBA with a few grooves. A very good price form Clark Motorsport sweetened the pill Fingers crossed that smooth braking awaits
  19. Def sure they were fitted correctly. The head Infiniti engineer checked himself. These cars are 2.2 tonnes and known to warp disks. I want to try the best I can afford.
  20. Plain and NOT EBC! I don't want to take that risk again.
  21. Well yeah, so long as they are the size in the original post. But its the quality that matters too.
  22. Thanks. StopTech would be good but they aren't plain. I know it sounds fussy but you pay to have those grooves cut out and having plain means I'm better able to afford to buy a premium brand
  23. Can't find Brembos anywhere. DBA are a good brand but its the DBA42314 I want which are plain, not the slotted, pimpled or otherwise fiddled with ones. Gosh this is hard. But thankfully a trader has stepped in to try an help.
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