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Toon Chris

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Everything posted by Toon Chris

  1. Cheers, sorry, rushing around too much as usual
  2. RS Tuning is in Leeds, they do up-rev tuning, although as everyone will tell you, get the mods on first then tune after. This is what they did for my DE, although it's not really about the power it's more the throttle response and drive-ability that improves. Watch it though: when the throttle limitations in 1st and 2nd are lowered or removed you can snap the rear end out much more easily if you aren't careful,
  3. Used MAF. It's been cleaned with carb cleaner and works fine. I originally changed it for a new one when I was having some problems (later found to be caused by a plenum spacer air leak). Could be useful if you suspect your has gone squiffy or if you are tight-arse who has a broken one Clearing the cupboard so free to good home at £1.10 to cover postage only.
  4. An eclectic mix: 1x Standard 350z pedal. Bit of wear. Could be good for putting nismo heel-and toe pedal back to standard. Or knock yourself out fitting it to your Corsa/Micra/Leaf Azure Blue genuine Nissan touch-up kit. Used once and it's a little out of date but I checked and it's still good. Genuine paint, top-coat lacquer, applicators and even some instructions. Surplus to requirements so free to a good home if you cover the post via paypal which is £2.80. Oh, and it's a package so you want one you get both, unless you are very persuasive, as i want to clear the cupboard out
  5. The engine does have dual drive by wire throttle bodies but they are used only for brake booster vacuum control and quick acting modulation for traction control. Otherwise the throttles are wide open most of the time. By lifting the valves only the amount needed for the load demand placed on them, a lot of mileage robbing friction can be reduced at part throttle. Fascinating.
  6. Sorry, only one 'Like' per thread, it's a personal rule
  7. I'm going to 'Like' this because its a perfect answer and needs a pat on the back as bang-on assistance
  8. +1 this. Its the Practice Manager you want to talk to. Phone them first and see what they say. Tell them you will be down on Monday (not today) as next working day is more reasonable. Remaining polite will get you further .
  9. Really?? 5 years of medical school - 20:1 competition ratio, minimal AAB at A levels to even apply - Most applicants have AAA grades. £9K per year of tuition fees for 5-6 years - £35k if you go private. 2 years of foundation training been paid £22k basic salary. 3-5 years of GP training. Than work another 1-2 years before you can think about been a GP partner....I know the NHS can be slow, but 12 years So you are saying 50/50 then?
  10. Now there is a good use for a 'dislike' button. Imagine the jolly japes to be had 'dislike'-ing someones baby photo. No, no arguments will be caused by that at all!
  11. Haha, yes classic enough that we all know exactly what film that is from
  12. I have a Y pipe, think its a Scorpian(??), but both flexi's are blowing. Flexis are about £15 each and all you need is someone to weld them in for you. Technically you can clamp them on if you prefer although that would lose you a cm of ground clearance. You can have it for £20 which covers the shipping if you are interested? Its a little more effort but a lot cheaper. Cheers Chris
  13. Just as a bit of fun, what comedy one-liner still makes you laugh every time you remember it? I'll start of with one that's a little obscure: Kath and Kim (aussie sitcom). Kath Day's fiancee Kel Knight proposes to her with the classically unromantic line of 'Let me turn your Day into Knight'. Still makes me chuckle now
  14. No problem, PM replied to. Out of interest which one is the most interesting for you?
  15. ** Dibs accepted, You have to be quick round here! ** Some books form my ancient past. fascinating stuff and the Haynes manual has genuine grubby thumbprints on the fuelling chapter I can't bear to see them in the bin so free to a good home if you paypal me the postage (which is £2.80 either individually or for the lot)
  16. The Indian pimp my ride. Never complain about the UK or USA programs again. It's truly awful and not easy to see if its a p*ss-take or for real. Nicely topped by the look on the guys face at the end when he gets his extremely unimpressive car back. Bwahahahaha
  17. the whistle might get louder if the bearing is getting noisy. Something you can ignore for some time with relative safety. Its when it gets constantly loud and to grinding that you have to change things
  18. That title and 'Nan' don't fit together well Or is it just my mind that needs a scrubbing.
  19. Um, a little off-topic but I looked at some of the comments. I'm not on facebook so excuse my ignorance but are those sort of comments normal? It's a stream of foul-mouthed utter inanity only slightly more offensive than the poor Z itself.I mean what a waste of time to be part of facebook if that's all it gives you?
  20. I'd say no. Keep it positive. Negatives just cause fights.
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