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Posts posted by shire350Z

  1. Thanks for all your info and views guys, got a good deal to stay at the mandaley bay which I know is down one end off the strip but it does look a cracking hotel anyone stayed there? thinking about going on to San fransisco to while were not to far away, Zoe fancies LA to but not to sure about there heard mixed reviews

  2. Budget wise not really put a limit on it with without being silly but travel agent was talking around £1300 for flights and to stay in a 5 star deluxe i.e cosmopolitan, mandarin oriental, aria, bellagio, vdara, wynn, caesars etc etc


    Thinking about going to L.A or San fransico while were over there to

  3. What Tyres are you guys using this time of the year? ATM im running maxxis high rollers super tacky's but going to have to swap them or at least one, as when we hit the roads between singletracks I get left behind, great Tyres off road but need a compromise thinking off leaving the super tacky on the front and putting a 60a high roller on the rear or a minion as I do like the maxxis range, come summer I'll swap to my schwalbe nobby Nic's from last year but Ill keep those for summer

  4. Ventured out into the peak today and bloody hell was it cold, mind that wasnt the issue it was trying to stay on your bike. Ice everywhere and mainly hidden by a inch of snow it had us all off in the end, still a enjoyable run and nice not to be wet through by the end off it, few pics ......


    Pure ice couldn't walk on it never mind ride on it



    Bleak weather







    Hidden ice = 0 grip and slipping Tyres



    Result, bike on the deck and a sore hip to go with it, luckily it wasnt mine



    Not what you want in this weather




  5. This is how the front of yours could look B) nismo skirts (no difference between nismo V1 and V2) the american market ones have a larger buldges down the side (stew has these) nismo V2 front with carbon lip and 19inch nismo's








    THIS is exactly how I want my Z to look!! :thumbs::thumbs::#1:



    Save alot off cost and buy mine ;)

  6. List tided and to date:



    1. Ebized+1.............sat & sun................18/19/20 May (Fri, Sat, Sun)

    2. Wasso+1.............Sat & Sun ...............Fri, Sat, Sun

    3. Maccaman...........(Sat & Sun)..............?

    4. ChrisS+1..............Sat & sun...............staying at own 5* accommodation

    5. Ken....................Sat & Sun...............18/19 May

    6. Chesterfield+2......Sat & Sun...............18/19/20 May

    7. glrnet+1..............sat & sun................18/19/20 May

    8. Bockaaarck+1.......Sat & Sun...............18/19 May

    9. JetSet...........}....Sat & Sun...............No accommodation needed

    10. 350ZCaroline.}....Sat & Sun...............No accommodation and Sunday drive only

    11. Will 350z+1 ........Sat & sun...............18/19/20 May

    12. Blacky+ 1...........Sun.......................19th May

    13. Andyvvc+1.........Sat & Sun...............18,19 and 20th May

    14. Madmarky...........Sat & Sun ..............Fri, Sat, Sun

    15. Lincolnbaggie.......Sat & Sun..............18/19/20 May

    16. octet(+Leti)........Sat, Sun................18/19/20 May

    17. choptop+1..........Sat & Sun...............Booking still to be confirmed

    18. Darren-b.. .........Sat & sun................18/19/20 May

    19. Shire350z........... Sat & Sun ............. 18/19/20 may

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