A quick update from the weekend,
Had to work on Saturday so no car fun, so spent a couple of hours tinkering & wasting time on Sunday as I`m still waiting for the important bits to arrive.
I`ve been thinking of re-locating the air filter before I`ve even run the car
I had one of these lying around
So stripped it to this as it was to big
I then got some of these
& did this
This should help with reducing intake temps. But I have removed it for the tune just incase it causes any complications.
Also in the cardboard box was this
which is going to be fitted to the rocker breather like so
The hose will be trimmed to suit once the plenum is re-fitted
I then added some bling to the oil cooler hoses
Well I didn`t add the braiding for bling, just to protect the pipes from chaffing, no0one likes chaffing
Finally I added an extra bracket to support the intercooler ducting a little better
I finally removed the Drivers seat to allow more access for the fitting of the FRS on Thursday (fingers crossed) & also removed the ECU which is going to Mark @ Abbey for a base map on Thursday too.
Today has not been a wonderful day, I`ve been waiting for my PLX DM100 OBDII, AFR, BOOST,2xTEMP Sensor modules for 3weeks now, been in touch with the supplier today & he has changed his delivery date from 20-april to end of May - Beginning of June Those of you who know me will probably know what my reply was
On the plus side it`s given me plenty of beer tokens for the weekend