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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Yet another bitch fight on here I see Generally with TVR`s they break down before you can unleash the power & in the unlikely event they don`t this happens Must have been running mixed tyres
  2. With a first hand experience with both the Z4m roadster & coupe, these are two completely different cars. If your a `driver` skip the roadster & buy a coupe. They have a far bettter Chassis
  3. I`m glad yourlooking at it in a fairlt positive way & just getting on with whats happened. Now as you said you can move on & get a newer shinier drier model
  4. Just watch out for the flash floods in Durham
  5. I`ll come along for a giggle, I remember the last one with Jerry thinking his car was going to go BANG
  6. I am very interested but I have the orange interior Would you be interested in swapping steering wheel, handrake & gear knob with your black ones? All in excellent condition
  7. Me first The start line is always a good place for the F1`s especially when they spin around at the bottom
  8. Sounds like its likely to be the release bearing thats making the noise, (not really worth doing unless the clutch is shot) Also have a look at the slave cylinder, they are fairly common to fail, but first of all get some fresh fluid bled through to eliminate the cheapest possible cause first.
  9. Well yet another fantastic day @ Goodwood today with Ebized, Coldel & Will350z Although it was sold out we still managed to get trackside for most of the day, again plenty of famous faces inc the legend Stirling Moss & amazing machinery. On a realistic level the Lotus Evora GTC (GT4) was the car of the show, a truly amazing machine. Sorry we didn`t see much of you Will
  10. Anyone else up for meeting bright & early?
  11. I'm happy to meet at halfrauds @ 6:30 I believe the address is correct.
  12. Today has been absolutely awesome, left my house at 5:15 & just got in, a little burnt though Was great to catch up with Colin & June. Those who haven`t been, you will NOT be disappointed, but beware the venue is completely sold out on Sunday so expect alot of people there. Gates open at 7am so I would recommend getting there early. Car parks on the South side are flat & fine for Zeds, I had a lovely black zed parked next to my pearl white McLaren So anyone up for a convoy from Horsham or Petworth early Sunday morning?
  13. Darren-B

    Caterham 7

    I had an 155 superlight for a short while a few years back 1word FUN But you will want a 4x4 & a trailer if you want to really enjoy it. On the road there a pain, the roof breaks the windscreen when you put it up & you sweat your doodars off driving it on the road
  14. I`ll be there on Friday & Sunday: If dry in the SC V6, If Wet in the Turbo V6 Anyone up for meeting up on the Friday or Sunday?
  15. Might cost you 3k to repair the gk54 if it`s an early sign of rings going
  16. Well actually I havn`t been on the juice much of late
  17. Any updates today Chris? Sorry I couldn`t make it down today, had a much later than expected night last night
  18. You meant kerb crawling of course I implied neither of these
  19. Yes it was, rumbling through Northfleet high street under the command of SpursMadDave Looking lovely & clean as always Dave
  20. +1 I always use the rule. If you can`t afford to repair or replace the car DON`T TRACK IT!!
  21. Hey Steve, sorry to see that you have had an accident, I don`t want to rub salt into the wound but even though the tyres/ wheels may have been mismatched, you still run the morning session on the tarmac. After watching the video my opinion is that the accident was mainly down to driver error. When the back got a bit lose you kept your foot in it (Greekman styleee) with not enough opposite lock to compensate, then before you knew it you had run out of road & Game Over. At the end of the day it`s only a car, it`s replaceable & no-one was hurt. Hope you can get it sorted
  22. Bennet said he had a new game to play, "smell my finger" Won`t be playing that game again
  23. Glad I wasn't behind him, I already suffer from tinnitus as it is
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