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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Nice video Chris, that black one sounded nice an audio track for Tarmac Sportz On talks of Wales 2013, we need to get a few of us together soon to start organising. I`ll hopefully be putting together some PM`s for those who are likely to be called upon ( you know who you are )
  2. Nice results Chris, looks like I could have a busy winter ahead of me
  3. It`s the same one, it`s had a very hard life, new screens every other week, new speakers, rear cases, mic`s, but now it`s finally given up, won`t charge for more than 15mins at a time, only holds signal for about 3minutes, & won`t sync with Itunes. It`s going in the clay trap tomorrow night for a final farewell I`ll try & get a video
  4. Quick update: With 2sets of knackered tyres I have decided to take the Nismo`s off & go back to the Rays. In my opinion the car handles & drives far better on the 18" wheels so I had the worn tyres removed from them last week & spent a fair few hours on them in the evenings stripping the original paint off, rubbing out a few imperfections & re-painting. Finally got the top coat on tonight & there now on a low bake, hoping to get the new tyres on for the weekend providing the lacquer has hardened enough. Pics to follow as I have a camera in for repair & No i-phone after a little accident
  5. £65 for a pair (from Hong kong) MWtech sell 4 for £90 & they are already in the UK
  6. Is that not just one of the dowel pins to help with alignment when re-fitting?
  7. PM replied Always have my head in something
  8. Sorry, I didn`t realise, probably one I read whilst @ work & forgot to reply to, was it an email or PM?
  9. Don`t worry the R888`s are pretty good in the wet so long as there is no standing water I will have to check my works diary in the morning before booking. Anyone heard from Hayden? If he is already paid up & going I may pop along for a nosey, could even have a mini meet up there & find some B-roads
  10. I have a better idea, buy a vortech, get down to either the Zed shed or my garage, & we will have it fitted in a day, then tuned the next What about: 12 Oct 2012 Castle Combe open pit
  11. Short staffed 27th sept - 8th Oct, couldn`t take a day off even if I broke my legs
  12. Or even Blyton Park, but thats still a long way out for me
  13. I might run to Anglesey http://www.javelintrackdays.co.uk/trackday/index.php A bit far for me really, trouble is I`ve just bought 4new tyres for the event & just primed the wheels ready for painting tomorrow night & lacquer on Saturday
  14. Well I`m off to Silverstone on 1st Dec for a GP trackday with my mate rob & his Z4M coupe I know it`s a long way off & will probably be wet
  15. haha just text you, I`m glad I havn`t left you as a lone ranger, has Hayden paid up ? I have work booked in on the 21st that I can`t get out of
  16. Just had a call from the trackday host & it`s fully booked so I`m out Not happy
  17. I shall see how I get on. If it`s no good I may have to change it for something a little less aggressive With the setup I have I would imagine the cover plate would need to be changed aswell as the clutch plate due to the overall thickness of the plate being thinner than a conventional clutch?
  18. You can phone me & listen in on my bluetooth that works On a serious note, hope all goes well & it`s nothing serious. Also if there are any pretty nurses we want photographic evidence
  19. I`m all booked up & paid for Just need to get some new front pads fitted, think I have a spare set in the garage somewhere. & some new proper tyres ordered today, tyres are off the old ones, paint ordered for the wheel refurb before fitting the new tyres 1. Keyser 2. HaydnH (car + driver + extra driver) 3.Darren-b (car + driver+ 4. 5
  20. Well I`ve just been for a proper drive this evening, & wow what a difference the clutch & flywheel combo make. For anyone who likes a spirited drive this is certainly a mod worth seriously considering, even if your running NA. the pick up & the way the engine climbs through the rev range is phenomenal. But with this there are side affects, pulling out of junctions is a bit of task without kangarooing or spinning the wheels & when reversing up the slope on my drive slowly the clutch plate gets hot & makes a horrid grinding noise I also need some new front pads before Keevil
  21. Time to revive my old thread. There have been a number of mods & changes to the car over the last couple of months. Including some heat wrapping of the intake pipes to try & reduce a little heat soak. A new Cosworth Plenum, some knackered Berks, a remap & yesterday, in & out in a day a new clutch & single mass flywheel viewtopic.php?f=25&t=65740
  22. Yes, I know. It`s been recently added onto my to do list
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