Not a good update:
Thursday I had a run in with some wildlife, a Badger the size of a Boar
Luckily I was not going quickly, (25-30) But it done enough damage to balls up my day
Initially I thought the bumper was a write off but I think I`ve managed to salvage it with a little repair work. There are 5 cracks & some of the underside missing to the laft hand side of the bumper which I`ve spent today fibre glassing, filling & sanding.
Sanded flat
Ready for priming
Just need to get some kuro black paint tomorrow
Other damage caused by this strike was the wheel arch lining popped out & has cracked in a few places, The oil cooler has been bent back so will need to replace it & my Z-speed is a bit bent but I`m sure I can straighten it.