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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Darren-B


    My neighbour has an 2002 matiz with a whole 2k on the clock, He`s a brave man driving 2000miles in that thing. It offends me everytime I see it
  2. Isn`t that the Ronseal catch phrase I`m going to see how hard it really is tomorrow afternoon. Max mayer eat some lead
  3. Isn`t the turtle wax Colour magic just a black crayon? with a similar polish/compound to the black hole?
  4. Thanks Neil for the donation http://www.justgiving.com/Darren-Bell
  5. So I got the base coat done on Wednesday night, flatted it last night & it appears all my hard prep work has paid off apart from checking that I put the lid on the Hardener last time I used it So I now have a 5litre drum with what looks like it has a huge Ice cube in it. So much for taking the car out over the weekend
  6. Hi, my mate runs a local body shop and he has gon with two different grades on his D.A Polisher and now the sun is out we are going to go one more grade and see how it looks, i think i will get some black hole to fill it in, does Tim at Envy sell it? on the little sh*t front he came out of hospital on tuesday after checks. not proud but the red mist took over, So is he going to take legal action against you then? No, Dave went 'round with a balaclava and introduced the mong to the heavy grade DA and now everyone is friends again 80grit should have done the trick
  7. You won`t remove the scratches, you can only level with them or fill them
  8. Well done, now thats justice. The chances of getting the guy to actually pay are slim. Have the scratches gone through the lacquer? If so a temp fix/cover up could be some black crayon or some poor boys black hole
  9. First time I have ever seen that expresion used about a car. I'm confused with this colour malarky. But lots of V power going in 3 colours at the moment.(ok one's not a car) Silver at 27 mpg Dark Blue at 35 mpg and Venum Red at 2 gall per hour And I used to drive Orange 50 and Silver 4x4 and all of these this year. What ski do you have Chris, looks like a seadoo Rxp???? I recently had an 07 rxp & a 10 rxp, beyond awesome machines!! Have you modified yours?(assuming it`s an rxp)
  10. Just had 2no. 245/45/18 @£200 each & 225/45/18 @£195 each Michelin pilot super sports fitted, valves, balanced & old tyres disposed of. Would imagine the stones are slightly cheaper too
  11. Where abouts are you? I know a couple of places in North kent that should be able to match that, or get very close
  12. Looks like it`s just the undertray, easy fix, about 10 10mm bolts
  13. It`s high enough for me So is anyone else going to come forward & sponsor me for this event? http://www.justgiving.com/Darren-Bell
  14. cockmonger Sausage jockey Is this the informative content Brotherly love
  15. What about the rest of your car? Are you making up for something? My first car was black & I vowed never to buy another due to the pain of keeping it clean, now I`m on the fifth Black one & sometimes I like to have 2 at a time. What does that say about me? I love cleaning cars? Once you go black you never go back?
  16. I do that already, it would just be on a bigger scale
  17. Ah man, I`m @ Silverstone that day, for only a couple of quid more too
  18. +1 good luck to him, If I won a big sum, I would make sure me & my family were more than comfortable & probably blow the rest on Flash cars & buy a race track May even help Wasso out with his SC- LS conversion, so I`d have someone to play with
  19. One day Darren, start playing the National Lottery! I`ve been playing it for years. It`s got to be my turn soon.
  20. Just to clear things up, It wasn`t in a ditch, I spotted it out the back of the showroom when looking it a jaw dropping aventador lp700 @ £308100
  21. Spotted @ Lamborghini garage in Sevenoaks yesterday, The Guv (ernor) I saw this while window shopping for when my numbers come up
  22. Thats the plan It was out cold, I would have finished it off Bear Grills style if it was still breathing How do you know what I was upto anyhow The stone chips took longer to fill & sand than repairing the cracks, just ordered my paint so should be with me this afternoon
  23. No gore pics, I was to busy spitting my dummy out when it happened. Fibreglass took well, I scored the inner surface with a wire wheel, then cleaned with cellulose thinners, then the resin & layered up the glass. Not sure where I got it from, had it ages as I repaired my jet ski with it a few years back. Probably worth a fleabay search
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