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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Nice write up Jordan, a shame it took so long & we didn`t get to get the geo sorted. Atleast we got to play with a few of the tools inc the welding gear & fire Well atleast you have the rest of the week to work out the ride height you want to run.
  2. Darren-B

    276 gains

    As others have said, if you have a limited budget, mechanical grip is by far the the first & best mod for the 350z There's no point in giving it loads of power if you can't turn it or stop it. 4reLeather can vouch for that. I had my car nearly 4years before I even had an uprev
  3. This is going to be awesome & will certainly provide a good topic for conversation. On the Saturday night. Perhaps we can have bandannas with our forum names so that any dirty racers can be identified
  4. A while back I bought a written off mk2 mx5, completely stock, repaired it & built it to a trackday weapon, suspension, brakes, rollcage, bushes, wheels, exhaust, supercharged, water-meth, harnesses the list goes on. Had 20k of fun in it, put it back to stock, sold the car & all the parts separately & turned a £400 profit. now that was some cheap motoring. Unfortunately with the z33 there isn`t really a cheap way of going FI, there arn`t many boosted cars so in term picking up used FI parts is un common. So IMO unless your a real zed head or you have a real burning sensation in your pocket it`s not worth doing it to a 350z
  5. Well I think it would be a little rude to assume that Indy can`t afford a new clutch, as he said he may be parting with the car in 6months. So I can understand why he may not want to spend out un necessary cash, Indy, are you looking to do the work yourself? Is it your everyday drive? If your doing it yourself, this will obviously save you a couple of hundread quid in labour. & if it`s not your daily you could drop the box one weekend, asses the condition of clutch & fly then order parts as required.
  6. Glad you have the engine back, so what was the issue with yours in the end?
  7. I have to disagree with that. Yes if the flywheel is worn or heat damaged by all means change it. The clutch disc is a consumable part like brake pads & the flywheel is a much harder wearing part like your brake discs. You don`t change your discs everytime you change your pads unless they are worn/damaged. Just 2weeks ago I changed the clutch on my van, now the 3rd one. I`m still running the original flywheel, yes it`s a little worn but no where near enough to warrant changing. When I upgraded the clutch in the zed I did change the flywheel only because I was going for a lighter single mass. The condition of the original flywheel surface was good & absolutely fine to be re-used with a new clutch.
  8. http://translate.google.com/#auto/en/%E4%B8%80%E7%94%9F%E6%87%B8%E5%91%BD%E7%A7%81%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%AD%E3%81%A7%E3%81%9D%E3%82%8C%E3%82%92RAM%E3%81%AF%E3%80%81%E3%81%99%E3%81%B9%E3%81%A6%E7%A7%81%E3%81%AE%E3%81%8A%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B1%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%8A%E3%81%AB%E3%80%81%E7%A7%81%E3%81%AE%E9%A1%94%E3%81%A7%E7%88%86%E7%99%BA%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B Is she for hire?
  9. Could you elaborate on the "risky" bit please, are we talking, too much stress on engine, driveline components etc Not so much to much stress but MORE of course. If it`s not tuned properly it`s not likely to last 5 minutes. You also need to factor in other upgrades such as suspension, tyres, brakes. Making a stock 350z pushout 400+ hp is ok but if you actually want to drive it all the previously mentioned parts are a MUST,
  10. Expensive ..... Once you start you will soon lose grip on that slippery slope
  11. You can get a blue print clutch for not a lot of money, why are you changing the flywheel? If it ain't broke don't fix it
  12. Dip with a post like that, no wonder why you get stick on here lol
  13. So after 45 is Chris going to provide a mini bus service to & throw from the country hotel down the road? I'll give my mezzanine room up if the taxi service is available
  14. Until a few weeks ago I was happy with the setup I have but having a go in a 997 gt3 rs although straight line performance is similar the handling & feel is in another league. The feel of the zed is a bit like driving my dads A8 in comparison. I know the zed will never be a beetle on speed but I wouldn't mind it being a little closer. Especially as I don't want to leave this place
  15. Thanks Ian There the 2cons I'm aware of & trying to weigh up. I want the sharper feel & responsiveness but not anymore discomfort in the cabin. The sc & exhaust is tiring on long trips
  16. Come on Bennet, UPDATE!!! I |Want to get on this train now, just need to work out what bushes I will require.
  17. Hey Will Just caught up with this, shocking news & I feel your pain. Had my lotus keyed in a car park along with 7 other identical cars by some mindless low life jealous C###. Unfortunately it`s stayed with me, I hate leaving my car out of my sight & the zed meets worry me the most, hence why I always request a carpark facing room @ the Moreton. I work bloody hard for the nicer things I have in life & I deserve them, no one has the right to take them or deface them but they do Arghhh all uptight now. Hope you can get it sorted without to much aggravation
  18. Me? I was trying to keep the attention away from me Promise to get a little more sleep prior to the weekend this year
  19. I`ll hold your other hand, & feed you with a straw when your legs give way
  20. Wouldn`t want Joe public spoiling our party, What if the 2 remaining rooms were taken by some eco warriors & turned up in Prius`s do you think they would feel intimidated
  21. Thanks for the call earlier Mr G Have placed an add online earlier & have been inundated with e-mails, mostly time wasters offering silly money but I have a couple that seem pretty interested. Theres a reason why I`m a hoarder, I hate the aggro of trying to sell things
  22. Darren-b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMD
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