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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Best send those battery covers up for painting Dip, I have a choice of reds
  2. If I have finished the contract I`m on by then I`ll definitely head down. I`m planning to finish by 20th but if not I`ll pop it in the post for you mate. I`ll bring a jar of coffee. Hope Chris has plenty of stickers
  3. Oh & what do you guys reckon on the russ swift style parking
  4. Got home from work @ 3 so had a couple of hours to do this: Attacked the rusty bits on the brace & subframe with a wire brush on the drill & some army issue rut inhibitor thanks to my mate dan. then did this to the brace Then cleaned up the compression rods, got the old bushes out & replaced with some superpro`s & thats about it for today, might put it back together tomorrow & try the new ARB`s out
  5. Blooming right there, up until 2years ago the underside was nearly as clean as the rest of the car
  6. If it ends up loud it will mean I have done something catastrophically wrong The underside of the car has not had any attention for over 2years, so started with taking this off & these Then it was way past my bed time, going to try & do a bit more when I finish work
  7. Nice driving, atleast he didn`t hit anyone else
  8. Times ticking Adrian, what are you doing about tuning, are you leaving the injectors & maf out so you can drive it to abbey or are you going to trailer it up there? When are you lookimg to start fitting? Oh I have an already modified fuel pump housing, with return hole & larger nozzle @ the bottom if you wanted to swap it out for your stock one when doing the build?
  9. They would look good on a reliant robin
  10. I haven`t a clue what mine does I just fill it up when it gets low. Besides it all depends how you drive it Perhaps you should sort out a few supporting mods before even thinking about going FI
  11. He`s been in canada for to long .......................................
  12. Darren-B

    Polished Plenum

    Yes PM Wasso, he did this for me a few weeks ago Well I`d show you if my photobucket would work
  13. Did you not inspect them when you received them? I reckon after all this time you probably haven`t a leg to stand on with the seller. He will just say that you or your body shop have dropped it. I always photograph expensive items as I unwrap them incase they are damaged upon delivery. Hope you can get it sorted though
  14. Yes what a great day out, 375miles covered by me today & plenty of fuel even managed to gate crash the midlands meet. It was certainly cold & I was clearly unprepared, (thanks for the hat Colin Did you manage to get a ride Colin?
  15. Thata the problem with alot of the posters here, with the 350 now being sub 10k, 27k is a huge way off alot of peoples budgets. I personally think it`s a reasonably price 2 seater fun driver focused coupe that is likely to do well. As crumbMC said if no-one bought new there wouldn`t be any used cars to buy & the residuals would be much higher like they are in europe. For example my dad bought a L/H spanish registered car in the UK a couple of years back. Took it to his house in spain & nearly 3years on it`s still worth nearly double what he paid for it
  16. Bet your neighbours love you Don`t ever come near my back door with that thing
  17. Love handles for Autophiliac`s, Something your not telling us Adrian
  18. :headbang: Your either getting old or you have bought the wrong pipes
  19. I`m to lazy/busy to trawl through 10pages but are there many people staying @ the local premier/travel Inn the night before?
  20. Ahh you caught me But it now appears I`m at the top of the list Oh & I`ve just PAID
  21. 1. Martinmac 2. Marzman - TRACK 3. The Bounty Bar Kid - TRACK 4. Wizard 5. WINKJ 6. Amyzed 7. Keyser - TRACK 8. Dave-350 - TRACK 9. 350Ad - TRACK - If i still have it 10. smudge - TRACK 11. x20drb - TRACK 12. jamesdean - TRACK 13. Sidewayz350z - TRACK 14. chippychip123 15. Jez - track 16 Andy james. TRACK 17. Darren 18. Kezkez23 19. PGregory 20. OsakaBen 21. ironhide - Track 22. Allan Zada 23. glrnet 24. Madhatter 25. Jam87ie - Track 26. ThriftyFifty 27. choptop 28. Scootg 29. Beb - Track 30. Dannyg 31. Hennerz 32.dErZ - Track 33. Will370z 34. LewisH 35. Fxn 36. DArren-B - TRACK COunt me in for this, would be rude not to stay the night before. So if anyone fancies a few beverages I`ll be at the bar
  22. I kinda like the orange side light bulbs in the front, I may give it a go on mine to see what it looks like
  23. Some good progress adrian, let me know when your going to fit it. Does your wife know yet? if not your doing VERY well
  24. Nice build here, I will be watching with lots of interest
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