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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Will you beat me to it. I was going to suggest that you ask Nissan for him as you seem to have the gift of the gab so to speak. What haven`t you had out of Nissan???
  2. You never cease to amaze me Chris, now to make it remote controlled
  3. Some will say replace it but IMO if it ain't broke don't fix it unless your looking to upgrade.
  4. If I remember right you will need a torque bit to remove & refit the fly, if your going to change it of course.
  5. Right then Ian & Adrian I have looked into getting a BBK numerous times over the years. Good Points: They look awesome They are perfect for track use They will stop the car from silly speeds & give the occupants whiplash Bad points They are super expensive to buy They are super expensive to replace pads & discs The initial bite when cold & @ low speed isn`t great I have tried numerous setups with the stock brembos, Both types of DBA`s - with ferodo 2500`s & yellowstuffs (better than stock but still experienced runout with the discs & fading when using 2500`s PF discs & pads, not as bad as the DBA`s but still not great Genuine EBC turbo grooved with yellowstuffs (on par with the DBA`s but no fade even on track) Rip off EBC`s aka Kinetix discs with yellowstuffs ( Straighter discs than all of the above, a little noisy & have a high wear rate but no fade on track & take all I throw at them sub 120mph. So unless I decide to turn the car into a track toy I`m going to stick to this setup, I can put new discs & pads on the front, fill the car up from empty & go for a pint with enough change for a packet of peanuts (or condoms if I think I might be getting lucky ) for what it would cost to replace a set of Ferodo DS2500 pads on a K-sport setup
  6. That'll be the ones, IMO used with the yellow stuffs are far better than the 2sets of dba split rotor series & ser of performance frictions I had previously. The dbas were shockingly bad in terms of runout
  7. Well spotted Mitz No there not genuine, hence why I said cheapo ebc's, there a rip off of the turbo groove discs but with fewer dimples, I've had the real deal before & wasn't overly impressed, never had a straight disc from EBC. These ones I'm using are pretty good for the money, the last set were fairly straight & have only been an issue in the last month since the pads had got right down
  8. Finished work @ a reasonable time today so I changed the sc oil & done the front brakes
  9. Haha it was the high spots on the discs causing premature locking that made me change, but on the plus side I got a set of discs, yellow stuff pads, a tank of fuel & a pint of peroni for the same price as your front pads
  10. Wow haven't we all been busy, I changed the sc oil on mine tonight, & done the front brakes
  11. Guaranteed to be a good weekend, I got your pre-modded fuel pump housing down from the spare zed I have above my garage today
  12. Haha I thought we were leaving plenty of time for Beer & BBQ`s
  13. No problem at all, Other than installing injectors & maf I done mine in a day & 1/2 pretty much on my own
  14. I eat Red Bull supporters for desert
  15. So are you keeping them? whats the point? the only one of any use is the oil pressure. Battery gauge is rubbish as you know when you have a flat battery & the digital one will be pretty much useless once you change the injectors & move the temp sensor
  16. How about only 6th of January 2013 I have emails dating back to 2012 regarding "project supercharging" So are you looking to get everything done by Wales or just the SC part?
  17. Sorry I missed this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Colin
  18. Just stating a fact, It`s been going on since March 2012 Needs to stop messing with all these shiny bits & get it done
  19. So whats going on Adrian???? any updates???? I think your hanging all this out a bit
  20. So are we going to be receiving the tickets in the post? when are they likely to be sent out? Sorry if this has already been answered on a previous page
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