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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. If you want. It's not the only way I can get you! Mwah ha ha ha ha!!!
  2. Yep, it doesn`t just seal, it also protects the threads from corrosion as it reduces the chance of moisture seeping up the threads.
  3. It was me I love PTFE tape, I didn`t have enough to tape up Bennets loud mouth so used it on every thread I could see instead.
  4. Hes not in frame as he was still 150 miles to the right when the picture was taken!!! manufacturing the IC brackets C
  5. Your being a little modest :lol: :lol: I`m still laughing now
  6. I`ll be honest this morning was an effort, super tired & a sore head all I wanted to do was hide under the car & sleep but I had Mr & Mrs Keyser kicking me & hitting me with wrenches
  7. Yes we were waiting for Bennet again, when we got back to the hotel @ gone midnight lastnight after letting Octet loose in the mobile Z Shed we somehow ended up in a few different bars in Bournemouth & next thing I knew it was 4am Somehow I stayed awake for 23-1/2 hours All in all I think we all had a great weekend, lots of fun, blood, sweat & just a smidge of banter. Looking forward to the tuning results tomorrow
  8. Instructions? What are they? Any material made of paper is instantly burnt in the zed shed
  9. Donated to a very special cause. The work that the staff @ The Royal Marsden hospital do is amazing, my dad & Grandfather do the Marsden March every year. Perhaps we can get some of us together & do it in 2014
  10. Yes as Biscuit said, best get do some studying this weekend so you know how to put it back together again
  11. Ridiculous, I can see why he hasn`t bothered painting it
  12. 41psi @ idle with vacuum hose connected & 50psi with hose removed, I thought it was lower than that but it`s obviously right as it definitely works :
  13. & thats just made me think to go check the base fuel pressure, BRB
  14. That was some good progress, will be much slower on Monday with your 4k rpm limit :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe even slower if I balls up your fuel system
  15. Erm mine claims to average 43mpg but I do have much bigger injectors
  16. I`m really sorry that I couldn`t make today to say my farewells to a great guy. I can only voice what others have said. Mark was truely a great guy, honest, down to earth & friendly guy who never complained about anything that may have got in his way. A great roll model for myself & others. I was lucky enough to enjoy a number of drives with Mark including the saturday drive in Wales last year aswell as numerous other static meets where we shared our similar interests in cars. Knowing how much he loved his zed & Wales 2012 it does sadden me that he will not be joining us this year & I think we should dedicate our visit this year in memory of Mark. RIP Mark
  17. Arghh finally the week is over, what a crap week I`ve had. Looking forward to seeing you lot tomorrow & taking apart your car Adrian
  18. If you can't find any closer, go via Bluewater ;-) & wake me up when passing
  19. There will be plenty of clean freaks on hand to wash your Zed, dont worry about that I hope so as I won`t be packing any cleaning gear in mine as I`ll have the mountain bike in the back & I have a few beers waiting for me @ the bar
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