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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Where did the other sticker go? the one about rims? I did feel for Dave as Netti drove the car away, her looked a little sad
  2. Liking the red Dave, wasn`t sure when you said about it the other day but it definitely works Were the mirrors on the leon originally silver? I keep seeing ones with silver mirrors :confused:
  3. Dave, you a right wheeler dealer this month, the mazda looked good in the flesh & I'm sure you will both enjoy it. I've already had an mx but let me know when your jags up for sale
  4. Darren-B


    Not much point in contacting Sly then, he`s in the SOutheast of ENGLAND
  5. Darren-B


    Where are you based Bems?
  6. Darren is checking when he gets home re what work he has for the weekend of this.. If all is well, the skydiving would be a go if weather is OK. ChrisS Liam Wasso Darren You never know with Lord Mac, if there are enough of us he might get a discount or mates rates for us. ( 230 quid but the weight limit is 15 stone Ian, can you make that ? :p ) Checked my personal diary & I`m FREE Now have to check the works schedule, fingers crossed & Skydiving Yes please, do you reckon SMD will lend me his Batman outfit?
  7. Darren-B


    Yes Sly is really good & has a super duper balancing machine that hides the weights behind your spokes I recently had MSS`s 245/40/19 front & 275/35/19 (100 side wall rating) rears for less than £1k, I do know that the prices vary as I was quoted by someone else nearly £1400 last year
  8. Some great pictures girls & boys, what a fantastic event, just gets better & better, longer & longer. I`ve just got home, after having an extra day to go biking with Liam (Chris`s son) I only managed to take a couple of pics, Make of this what you will: Me & Chris @ our favourite cafe this morning before my scenic drive home & a quick toilet break & cool down at the end of the Elan valley.
  9. Just about to leave Chris's I didn't take many pics over the weekend but I'll see if I can get a few when I pass the élan valley in a couple of hours
  10. Hey Graham We were just discussing this afternoon how much goes into making the Wales weekend work, I'm totally knackered & I only did a fraction of the helping out. Yet another successful & great weekend. Can't wait for the next one, but before I go home tomorrow I may have to do another lap or two of the big T
  11. come on you two, stop bickering & get down to breakfast where you can settle it like men
  12. Chris Where did you find the scenery, it's beautiful, I've been to Wales 8-9times & only ever seen the big lake afron Tryweyn
  13. & to everyones astonishment Bennet is here on a Friday way before anyone had anticipated
  14. That looks like the car park oppersite to the Waterloo hotel Hope you had fun
  15. I should invite him to Wales, he would love it. I hope to have my new oil thermostat, cooler & pipes delivered & fitted before Wales after the failure yesterday. But it`s going to be a big ask
  16. Bob`s on his ass http://126589.prodarkroom.com/showimage.php?iid=3153707&fromsearch=
  17. haha being chased by the bogey man http://126589.prodarkroom.com/showimage.php?iid=3153708&fromsearch=
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