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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Definitely not Bobs, it hasn`t got spacers
  2. I used vibe stuff because my local car part shop sells it and I get a discount there. I basically stripped all the trim out the back and stuck the stuff down on every surface I could. Its like a sticky putty that's got a fail covering to it. It has defiantly helped but the stuff wasn't cheap Ok thanks, glad to hear that you didn`t used egg cartons & styrene balls
  3. Hi Mark, Paypal or bacs are fine
  4. Would you mind sharing a little more on the sound deadening? What did you use? I`m shocked at how much road noise there is on the 370z compared to the 350z. I`m still running the original bridgestones whilst awaiting the mpss's which I know will help a bit. I`ve also ordered a second boot mat which should help further. But would be interested to hear of your results.
  5. So that would make the FI exhaust worth more then
  6. Darren-B

    Winter Projects

    The black one looks better already now the driver has been removed
  7. So I guess an email to Nissan GB is in order & don't forget to CC the dealer principal at mill hill
  8. I`m sure you have lots of parts piling up for the zeds
  9. Well 2days at the moment. Most of my 350z bits went wilst I was still driving it
  10. Shouldn't have to squeeze the pipe if at running temperature as the system will be pressurised,
  11. Run the car upto temperature then pop the bonnet, there is a black coolant hose that runs into the cabin, next to the brake fluid reservoir, on the pipe is a bleed valve. Use a large phillips screwdriver, loosen the plastic screw a little (don`t remove as you WILL get BURNT) until coolant starts to seep out. then screw back in hand tight only, this should cure your no hot air problem. ( you will need to have you temperature controls set to HOT & blowers on)
  12. Back on track please gent`s, I had a nice evening & more importantly I still have the Fast Intentions Exhaus For Sale
  13. Haha Julia is the lucky lady tonight, so she should know what to expect
  14. Ok thanks Chris, I stand corrected then I have an extra 2inches, thats made my day, I`ll tell my date that tonight
  15. Haha Yes the mid pipe could do with a once over but you don't see them So I gave the car a once over instead
  16. I have his location, PM me! Cheeky foreigner trying to get kudos for your asylum application
  17. I have learnt the hard way with thes crap p-clips a couple of years back buy the decent ones or replace the rubbers with braided fuel line. Trust me it is in no way fun or exciting hurtling towards a 80mph corner @ 125mph with a floppy pedal & poo in your pants
  18. I saw it the other night in your garage
  19. Thats because you drive a laaaaggguuuuaaaarrrr, your just below the merc, bmw & audi drivers
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