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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. I could lead my group with the Leon but suspect the zeds will get lost as it's such a FAST road car
  2. Range Rovers & Jags are just support/Media vehicles (if they don't break down)
  3. I have heard rumours of a diesel barge keeping up with Zeds in Wales later this year..... Sent from the golf club... What's up with this Wales thing, I keep hearing about it... 350z & 370z's ONLY, R35's have been turned away in the past
  4. Good point Mace Do the pipes pressurise as the temp goes up. If the system doesn't hold pressure 1.1bar I think the standard cap is, then this will affect the efficiency of the cooling system. But if the pump & thermo stat are good & all the hoses reconnected (in the right places) I'd be looking at an airlock. The 350z can be a right bugger to fill without getting an airlock.
  5. Water pump? Temp sensor? is the ecu reading water temp? whats the gauge showing? Are the fans working?
  6. I need to start a new thread Diesel Seat Leon & Fiat Punto made mince meat of a convoy of 350z's @ the LakeZ meet last year it was decided that there was going to be a drive out on the Saturday. This was un-planned so I turned up @ the meet in the Leon to save the 700mile round trip on the 350z. The drive out was led by mr AK350z in his fiat & when it got a bit twisty we were GONE! So this must mean that the Italian Punto & Spanish(German) Leon are far superior & much faster than a 350z
  7. Bring the car to me & Octet @ the real zed shed & we will fix it for you
  8. I hope that doesn't mean you've been out racing vauxhalls all day! No he's been out trying to keep up with some new Datsun down some twisty wet country lanes
  9. Ahh excellent sounds like you need to get Melissa in toe You are dead you lightweight!!! Don't let me catch you!!!! Oh s### I meant Valerie sorry Father
  10. If you set an upper limit as to what Octet said so long as you have the supporting mods, a good tune & a healthy engine to start with it will be fine & if it does blow a decent replacement is going to cost you around £1500 o that way you can blow 4-5 engines & still be even on doing a full build that could essentially blow during it's first tune. (ask Keyser about that :lol: :lol: :lol: ) & if your planning to use the car on the road & light track work 400-450 whp is an ample amount of power
  11. I must be getting old, but I think it sounds crap. All noise & no real go
  12. I think Steve-350z sells them, otherwise a Nissan dealer (GTR Start Button) I can get you the product code if you like as I done mine last week. Or the states if your willing to wait longer to save about 30%
  13. It wasn't the wrong road, it just wasn't dark enough to see his interior light flashing My headlights were flashing but I still had a spare seat
  14. Do it Spatt, I only used 2/3rds of a tank each day & that was with the SC'd 350z, an NA car won't use more than half a tank unless your names OCTET
  15. Nice work I'm hoping Octet is going to fit mine for me whilst I SC his car next month
  16. For those who may be a little late coming, if the Moreton gets fully booked there is always the option of the Lion quays just down the road. http://www.lionquays.co.uk I'm sure SMD will chauffeur in his limo or Ken could get his Black cab out
  17. Something your not telling us Ian? Are we likely to have a wedding @ a forthcoming Wales weekender?
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