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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. To get a Revvy VQ, SC it & get the lightest flywheel/clutch combo you can find accompanied with a decent throttle map with the UPREV software.
  2. I've not seen the underside of the Nismo exhaust so it would be hard to comment, with the Stillen exhaust there is a fair amount of adjustment available as it has the clamped sleeves, but I would imagine that the Nismo only has the flange fittings like the OEM, so no adjustment. I think it's just luck of the draw as to whether you get a decent set. The ones we tried on Will's car were a mile off hence why he has OEM cats
  3. I've done a couple of clutches without the need of this I will admit that it is easier 'with' the alignment tool but certainly not impossible without
  4. Just get yourself a nice GTM SC kit & be done with it
  5. Fitment varies between brands, From what I've experienced with a;; the tinkering of recent weeks is that The Ark pipes are slightly shorter than the OEM cats, pulling the whole exhaust back & up slightly, Then the Berks are a fraction longer than the OEM cats pushing the exhaust back & down causing issues with W-brace. De-cats definitely make the exhaust sound a fair bit louder, but HFC will just raise the volume a little The above statement may not apply to every set of Berk or Ark pipes, but certainly applies to those in which I have fitted on cars
  6. So this said light, was it the RED one on the dials or on the LCD display? Or nav screen?
  7. Where are you based Biz? I'm always willing to lend a hand or my iFabricate head
  8. Pride? WTF are you on about? If you want to be shallow about it just think would you rather be an uptight a######ole driving like an idiot in a clapped out focus, or the cool calm & collected dude with a smile on his face driving a zed? I know where I'd rather be
  9. I have the dual cameras, 4sets of them infact, 1for each vehicle, I also run the smart power source to enable recording when the car is parked & the larger 32gb memory cards. They are definitely worth investing in. I've already caught someone who drive into my van when parked & left the scene, saving me over £2k of my own insurance claim, so they have paid for themselves already
  10. I don't mean to come across rude but why do you give a dam, there are thousands of these idiots on the road, leave them be, let them get on with their dodgy driving standards, if they are willing to take stupid risks, the best place you can be is as far away from them as possible, to reduce the risk of having your car damaged. I have 4 vehicles that I drive on a regular basis & it's amazing how your treated on the road. -In the zed I get people wanting to race me & few people give way -In my Leon I blend in & get little bother other than from the boy racers in their other vag variants -In my van nobody messes & people generally give way -In my dads Audi I get little bother as people think I'm a generic Audi driver, obviously you get the generic BMW drivers acting like Audi drivers At the end of the day there are so many things in life to get upset/annoyed or worried about, some prat in a focus should be at the bottom of your list.
  11. Imagine putting something like this in a Caterham based platform. fun fun fun
  12. Has your Garage got traders insurance? If so ask them to come & pick it up with you & their trade plates, that way you don't have to tax or insure the vehicle,
  13. The Camaro is awesome, I do actually want one after having a little drive in one. & so does Adrian
  14. what are you talking about I've finished my build. New wipers, gtr start button & door sills, need to do a thread about it all
  15. So are you going to finish this build before you sell up Adrian?
  16. I love the underside of Keyser's car
  17. & What does Octet do mr ioneabee????? Or are you going to wait until your camera is delivered tomorrow?
  18. Booked? I'm roughing it in the tent I bought for LakeZ last year
  19. No point in wrapping them, the film still gets damaged, just get the bumper painted once a year, thats what I normally do, for the sake of a few quid (especially when you know a man in the trade)
  20. I have a request for this year Martin, can we have some lighting on the driveway to the car park? I really struggled to find my way back from the pub in the dark last year No need to be bright just some kind of homing beacons
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